Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby banana » Fri May 13, 2011 12:48 am

[Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread]:

This thread is for quick referencing for any of the players participating in the Planet of the Rapes role-play. I have made all these posts for you under your user-name so that after I make the thread public you guys can edit them as need be. However Banana says once the role play starts characters will be locked and at that point this thread will be locked upon which no further editing can be done.

That is all, enjoy your role-playing and remember to have fun.

PS: Forgive any bold/underline/color over-use, emphasis is mine for the mean time until the people I am posting as can come and change it as they please.

Game Status

Character vitals:
- TBA, to track the changing Health, Resistance, and Energy of each character

Ship's Resources:
Water :: 0L
Food :: 350
Proteins :: 50
Hydrocarbons :: 10
Wood :: 0
Metal :: 100
Crystal :: 30

Ship's systems:
- Main power generator :: ON FIRE!
- Backup power generator :: ON FIRE!
- Main computer :: Status unknown
- Long-range scanner :: Status unknown
- Main cannon :: Status unknown
- Anti-grav landing pads :: Probably wrecked
- Manoeuvring thrusters :: Totalled

Other tasks worth considering:
- Put out fire in engine room
- Assess ship's security against intrusion
- Assess hull damage
- Create a security perimeter
- Patch hull breeches
- Tilt the ship upright
- Rebuild the jeep
- Repair Lola
- Forage for food
- Collect water
- Chop down a tree
- Scavenge for metal
- Analyze food properties
- Analyze water safety
- Analyze samples of indigenous life
- Analyze environmental patterns
- Sterilize contaminated water
- Prepare food
- Compost organic material
- Refine hydrocarbons
- Produce drugs
- Build weapons
- Build tools
- Weapon maintenance
- Perimeter patrol
- Guard duty
- Exploration

Important Info

Posting Conventions:

1. I prefer that you all use present tense in your posts. Eg:
(Dirk aims down the barrel of his blaster rifle and squeezes out a shot directly at the tentacle monster's central eye.)
(Krystal falls to her knees with a short gasp and wraps her hands awkwardly around the Sharpclaw warrior's bumpy pink cock.)
Past tense should only be used when describing things that have already happened, such as when I cover the passage of time, and you relate the things you did while the time passed.

2. When interacting with other PCs, try to include a description of your character's facial expression, tone of voice, and what you're doing with your hands. These are all things that will help the other players react to you most appropriately.

3. Try to avoid posting what your character is thinking. If you must, in order to properly explain what's going on, then please put such thoughts into italics, so it's clear to other players that this text is not something they're supposed to know.

4. If yelling/shouting/screaming/calling to someone, please put that speech in bold, so players can see at a glance the volume of the speech.

5. When many characters are gathered in one spot, try to avoid posting more than once before everyone has posted. It will probably mean you have to wait until the next day before you can post again, if people are offline, but it's necessary to make sure everyone has a chance to react to what you do in your first post.

6. If you're doing a little one-on-one roleplay in an enclosed room, don't allow more than an hour of game time to pass before my next post, as things happening outside the room could suddenly interrupt at any time.

Resources Descriptions:
Water :: Each crew member needs 2L per day or faces a cumulative -30 penalty on max Energy each day (-15 per litre not imbibed). This being a jungle, water shouldn't be too hard to find, though it may take some treatment before being safe to drink, depending on where it's found.

Food :: Each crew member needs 2 units of food per day or faces a cumulative -10 penalty on max Energy each day, and a cumulative -1 penalty to Fitness per week. One food unit amounts to a small meal. Examples: two pieces of fruit; one root vegetable; half of a fish or small animal; a small fraction of a larger animal.

Proteins :: Basic proteins are fed into the ship's neural net computer as raw material to enable it to repair its own connections. They can be extracted by processing the flesh of any animal into some special equipment in the engineering area, or by chemically pulling it apart in the medical bay or science labs.

Hydrocarbons :: Fossil fuels. Some devices on the ship (usually backup equipment) have internal combustion engines. It's dirty and inefficient, but easy to find fuel for. Engineering has a miniaturized refinery for turning crude oil into a more efficient and thinner fuel that can work inside an engine, and they also a device that rapidly decomposes organic matter into crude.

Wood :: Get it from trees. Not much on the ship needs wood, but it's great as a plentiful material for making temporary solutions and crafting makeshift weapons and tools. It's also good for making campfires in the absence of electricity.

Metal :: Scrap metal for making repairs to other things that are made of metal. Metal on this planet that didn't fall off your ship on entry is going to be very hard to find, so your best bet is to get it by recycling things you don't need.

Crystal :: The ship's main engines use a synthetic crystal to power them, and so do certain other devices, such as energy weapons. Being synthetic, it's not expected to be available on this planet, but if similar naturally occurring crystalline materials were found, it might be possible to synthesize new engine crystals from the base material.

Planet of the Rapes: The Plot


I'm new here, but I enjoy roleplaying and wouldn't mind running one to help this part of your community get started. Seeing as this is a furry community with a love for game-over-rape games, my proposal is as follows:

Enter the galaxy of StarFox: banana Edition, where humans and various furry races (and scaly/slimy races, too) peacefully co-exist in an interstellar community of planets much like the EU. En route between systems, the private science vessel "Marion", carrying classified cargo, stopped for supplies at the Fenoxo star system - a minimal hub between two more populated regions of space. A small military outpost station orbited Nerim, the only fertile planet in the system, which was protected by interstellar law as a nature reserve for evolving life forms under the Responsible Colonization Act of ISC 53362 (the 53,361st "Inter Stellar Cycle" since the first contact between two space-faring civilizations). When the Marion docked at the station, she was ambushed by space pirates who had recently overwhelmed and captured the outpost. The Marion flew closer to Nerim, hoping to use its gravity and some of its atmosphere to her advantage. In the course of the battle, her manoeuvring thrusters were disabled by pirate weapons fire, and she became locked in an entry orbit that would send her hurtling down towards the planet's surface. Thanks to some brilliant improvisation by the ship's engineers, the crew of the Marion were able to correct its course to narrowly reach the stable window of atmospheric entry to avoid burning up. Its surfaces damaged in the battle, the anti-gravity landing pads were seared by the heat of atmospheric entry, and failed to activate. Emergency chutes deployed, and the Marion impacted the ground roughly in the midst of a large jungle, skidding and leaving a mile-long gash of obliterated foliage and displaced soil.

The damage report came in: All crew had survived. The ship's main and backup reactors were both damaged and offline, so the ship had no power, but fortunately there were no signs of a breach. Circuitry was fried and severed on a number of ship's systems, including sickbay, long-range scanners, anti-grav control, and weapons control. Even if the ship had power, those systems would all need repair before they would work again. There were also two large holes in the hull of the ship, torn open when it impacted the ground, and several other weak spots that might easily break open if put under stress. The hangar contains a four-wheeled recon vehicle similar to a jeep that seats four, except that it was undergoing maintenance at the time of the crash, and is currently in pieces. There was also a remote scouter drone - a small airfoil that can fly around and observe the terrain - except that we deployed it already, and it crashed somewhere before returning to us, so someone will have to go out and find it. Lastly, in addition to its living members, the crew of the Marion also has a futanari sex android named Lola, who was really good at satisfying the needs of the crew (of either gender), until the crash knocked her against a wall and dismembered her. Someone is going to have to put her back together if they want an alternative to masturbation as a way of lowering their Lust meter ;)

The engineering team had their work to do, given the extent of the damage to be repaired. Their supply of spare parts and materials limited, some foraging would most certainly need to be done. None of the crew knew anything about the indigenous life on Nerim, so the security personnel would probably have to see to protecting those foraging parties, and also the ship itself. The science team could make themselves useful by researching the surrounding environmental hazards, or else helping with the repairs or foraging. The lone medical officer would probably need to prepare for a busy time if something should go wrong in the foraging operations. And examining all this, the captain sat and tried to plan out how best to get everyone through all of this alive and safe.

This roleplay is primarily a survival and strategy (and rape evasion) game. Each player will be a member of the Nerim's crew, which numbers about 12 (give or take, depending on interest). There will be some simple statistics - a derivative of dirtyc101's system, using four variables (combat, stealth, intellect, and sexuality) and a random dice roll to decide if you win or lose in different situations. There will also be creatures out in the jungle that will try to rape the players, if they can get past their clothing and armor. There will be creatures that use magic or toxins to cause uncontrollable lust in their victims. There will be infections and mutations related to monster cum, that the medical officer can research ways to slow or cure, or even synthesize. There will be a need to defend the ship and its occupants from monsters that may try to sneak in or raid it to abduct crew members. And there will be exploration of a larger world as systems on the ship get repaired. There may also be space pirates flying around later on, looking for signs of survivors.

Players choose a race, a position in the crew, and some personal traits. Races can be human, any kind of furry, lizardfolk, elf, klingon, whatever you want. I'll assign base statistics for each race that people want to play. Crew positions are as follows:
- Captain (grants leadership bonus to allies: While fighting, bonus is to combat rolls. While commanding the ship, reduces the amount of time needed to complete tasks such as repairs and research) -- One captain only
- Security Officer (bonuses to combat rolls and max health) -- Three to Five are needed
- Engineer (can repair ship's systems) -- Two to Five are needed
- Scientist (can interpret scanner readings and do research on the environment and the indigenous species, if brought samples to work with) -- One to Three are needed
- Medic (can treat injuries, diagnose mutations, and do research on toxins and viruses found in the wild) -- One to Two are needed
For each crew position, one of them is the department chief, and gets a bonus to their relevant skillset. This promotion will go to the first character sheet I get for each department, unless the player chooses not to be chief, then it'll go to the second one, etc. Unclaimed positions will be NPCs controlled by me.

This will do for a rough guideline now. I want to get a show of interest first, and if there's enough, I'll put up more information about the rules and how to make your character sheets.

Planet of the Rapes: The Mechanics
Original First Post

In this thread, we'll discuss the mechanics of the RP, and those interested in playing can discuss what their characters will look like.

Here's what I have so far:

Ability scores:
- Fitness (fit) :: Increases hp damage done to monsters, and reduces the hp damage you take when attacked
- Alertness (al) :: Increases your ability to hide from enemies, and also to spot hidden enemies before they can surprise you
- Intelligence (int) :: Increases the effectiveness of most skill checks
- Sexuality (sex) :: Decreases energy and hp damage you take from sex, improves your attractiveness and ability to seduce others

- Health (hp) :: How much physical damage you can take before falling unconscious
- Resistance (res) :: How much more arousal you can take before you willingly submit to having sex with others
- Energy (en) :: How much physical and mental activity you can still do before you're too tired to continue

- Being attacked by monsters lowers your health
- Health regenerates slowly over time, and can be sped up with the help of medical attention and certain drugs
- Seduction attempts, and other special sex attacks (like telepathic powers, drugs, toxins, and forced stimulation) lowers your resistance
- Resistance also decreases over time as inactivity makes you get horny
- Resistance decreases faster when doing mental tasks like research and repairs
- Resistance recovers slowly in the absence of arousing things, or quickly in the presence of unsexy things
- Resistance increases sharply after orgasm, but may not necessarily return to max, if it was an unsatisfying encounter
- Fighting, researching, and fucking all lower your energy
- Resting quickly regenerates your energy, and can be sped up by massages and comfy sleeping arrangements
- Certain drugs give you a temporary boost of energy that goes away after a short time
- Under dire circumstances, you can force a temporary boost of energy that goes away immediately after the circumstances are no more

- Leadership :: Improves the attack damage of allies when you're nearby, and decreases time needed to complete research and repair tasks of allies when you periodically check on them
- Medicine :: Use this skill to speed up the hp recovery of patients you treat, diagnose diseases and toxin effects in yourself and others, and manufacture known drugs and toxins (given the right tools and ingredients)
- Engineering :: Used to repair damaged ship systems, build and maintain weapons and vehicles, and diagnose mechanical problems and physical phenomena that would go unnoticed by others
- Science :: Used to study the properties of any plant/animal/mineral samples found on Nerim, interpret the output of advanced scanner systems, design new chemicals and tools, and decipher foreign languages
- Seduction :: Used to decrease the Resistance of intelligent creatures, usually for the purpose of persuading them to have sex with you, or sometimes just to get him to buy you drinks. Yes, this can be used on other player characters, though they may take offense or laugh at you if you fail your attempt.

When you attack a creature, the creature tries to counter-attack, if it's in a position to do so. If not, it just tries to evade your attack. I will roll a 10-sided die for both you and the creature, and then add your Fitness to the result, and a bonus based on the type of weapon you're using. The creature gets a fixed bonus based on its attack type. If your roll plus the bonuses is greater than the monster's roll plus bonus, the monster takes an amount of health damage equal to the difference. If the monster's result is higher, it counter-attacks and you take an amount of health damage equal to the difference. Or if it can't counter-attack, it simply evades your attack and nothing happens. On a tie, nothing happens. If there is a leader nearby, add her leadership bonus to the damage you deal from a successful attack.

On each turn in combat, you get three "attack points" (AP). You can only make one directed attack per round, which uses up one AP. When monsters attack you before your next turn, you use up another AP every time you counter-attack. In order to counter-attack a monster, the monster has to be in range of one of your weapons, or close enough for you to lunge forward and strike it. When you run out of AP, you can no longer make any counter-attacks until your next turn. In this way, a group of weak monsters can gang up on a PC who's engaged with stronger monsters, so that they won't run the risk of being counter-attacked. Or weaker PCs can support their stronger allies when ganging up on a single tough monster. Additionally, some weapons, usually heavy ones, will stipulate that they can only fire once per turn, or that they use more than one AP to make their attacks, creating a trade-off between offensive power and defensive versatility.

Since the use of a map is too complicated for play-by-post, we will break weapon range down into zones: Hand-to-hand, Close, Medium, Far, and Distant.
- Hand-to-hand: Fists, knives, swords, tentacles, etc.
- Close: A range of 10 feet to 50 feet (3m to 15m). On your turn, you can charge at monsters in this range to bring you into HtH range and allow you to punch or stab the monster. But you can't counter-attack with punches and stabs at this range. You can also withdraw from Close range to Medium range, instead of making a directed attack.
- Medium: A range of 50 feet to 50 yards (15m to 45m). On your turn, you can charge at monsters in this range to bring you into Close range, instead of making a directed attack. You can also try to run to Far range, making yourself more vulnerable to attacks until next turn. When running, you remain at Medium range from your enemy until you start your next turn, then you become at Far range (if the monster doesn't chase you).
- Far: A range of 50 yards to 110 yards (45m to 99m). On your turn, you can transition to Medium or Distant range instead of attacking, following the same rules as for going from Medium to Close or Far.
- Distant: Anything beyond 100m. Usually from this distance you can escape an encounter, or move in to engage one that hasn't started yet. Only rifle-type weapons can attack monsters at this range with any chance of hitting.

Grappling and rape attacks:
- I still need to flesh out mechanics for this, but it will probably be treated as a hand-to-hand attack that prevents the target from taking actions other than to try to escape
- Need rules for escaping (probably a successful counter-attack)
- Need rules for the forced removal of clothes (possibility to slip out of a layer of clothing to escape a grapple)
- Need rules for forced penetration and stimulation (a decrease in resistance should reduce the chance of escape)
- Need rules for orgasm (will probably track progress, as though it's a skill check)

[Spliced in from Discussion Thread ~Thaedael]

I think I have the nitty gritty fight and rape mechanics worked out. Comments are welcome, as I can tweak this any time, up until the first encounter.

Encounter stats:
- Damage: will usually reduce your Health, but may reduce Energy or Resistance instead
- Advantage: used in grapples, starts at 0 at the beginning of every grapple, and measures your control of the grapple
- Pleasure: starts at 0, you orgasm when it reaches 100

* When not fucking, Pleasure decreases each round by an amount equal to half your Resistance
* When Pleasure reaches 100, you orgasm, and no longer take Pleasure damage. Resistance goes back to its max value, and you take double Energy damage from penetration.

- roll (2d6 + fitness + weapon + misc) vs. (2d6 + enemy fitness + enemy weapon if counter-attacking + misc)
- if difference > 0, Damage = difference +/- damage mods from weapon, range, leadership, etc
- if difference < 0, and enemy was counter-attacking, Damage = difference (made positive) +/- damage mods from enemy weapon, range, leadership, etc
- if Damage > 0, it's a hit, and you apply effects from the attack (like poison, grapple, clothing removal, energy damage, resistance damage, etc)

- roll (2d6 + fitness + misc) vs. (2d6 + enemy fitness + misc)
- Advantage starts at 0, and changes by result +/- mods from leadership, etc.
- if Advantage reaches 10 or higher, you can take a Control action against your enemy, then reset Advantage to 9 for next round's roll
- if Advantage reaches -10 or lower, enemy can take a Control action against you, then reset Advantage to -9 for next round's roll
- Control actions are: Escape, Stimulate, Attack, Remove a piece of clothing, or Penetrate (if there's an open hole)
- the Attack action allows you to make an attack (unarmed or with a weapon that allows it, such as a knife or pistol) that can't be countered, but you lose 5 Advantage
- on your turn, you can escape a grapple without having Control, by slipping out of a piece of clothing

- roll 1d6 + sexuality + misc
- double the result if the target's cock, pussy, or boobies are exposed
- use your mouth on an exposed area to add +5 to the result, but sacrifice 5 Advantage
- increase target's Pleasure and decrease target's Resistance by the final result
- if target's Resistance drops to 0, you automatically win all grapple checks

Clothing Removal:
- when you have Control, you can lose 5 Advantage to remove a piece of your target's clothing
- some special types of clothing may require you to sacrifice more Advantage to remove them, or even require multiple attempts

- roll dice according to the Penetration Table below
- if you're the one penetrating, your Pleasure increases by (dice result + target's sexuality + misc modifiers that may apply)
- the penetrated target's Resistance is reduced by (dice result + your sexuality + misc)
- the penetrated target's Pleasure is reduced by a fraction of the above result based on the target's Resistance as a percentage: Pleasure += (result x (100 - Resistance)) / 100
- if the target's Resistance is above 100, then there is no Pleasure taken
- reduce your Energy by half of the Pleasure damage you took from penetrating
- reduce penetrated target's Energy by a quarter of the Resistance or Pleasure damage you dealt (whichever is higher)
- as long as your Pleasure is 50 or higher, you can still act even if your Energy drops below 0, but you pass out as soon as you orgasm, or your Pleasure drops below 50

Penetration Table:
- for vaginas and loose asses, roll 2d6
- for asses and tight pussies, roll 3d6
- for loose flapping fuckholes, roll 1d6
- for small cocks (3"-5"), subtract 1d6
- for tiny ones (2" or less), subtract 2d6
- for large dongs (9"-12"), add 1d6
- for huge ones (13"-15"), add 2d6
- for absolute monsters (16"-18"), add 3d6
- if the dice end up being less than 1d6 or more than 4d6, penetration is impossible
- at size differences greater than 4d6, a penetration attempt is treated as an Attack action, with weapon damage bonus equal to +1 per size increment above the 4d6 limit

Skill checks to complete tasks:
- For Medicine, Engineering, and Science checks to complete a task, I'll roll some dice (probably two 6-sided dice) to determine your progress on the task after each hour of working on it, adding your Intelligence and your skill bonus to the result. When your progress reaches a certain level, the task is complete.
- For complex tasks like ship repairs, multiple people working on the same task can add their results to the total progress on the task.
- For small tasks, like building a weapon or studying a goo sample, multiple people working on the same task will overlap, so only the higher result will go towards the task's progress.
- Every few hours, a leader can come by to encourage a task, adding her Leadership bonus to the progress for the next one to three hours. Any leadership intervention before the bonus wears out will have no effect.
- For instant actions, such as diagnosing medical conditions of problems with the ship, I'll roll some dice plus your Intelligence and skill bonus against a set value. If your result is higher than the value, you spot the problem. If not, you don't notice it. I'll do these checks in secret every time you encounter a secret condition or choose to examine something (like a patient, or a particular system on the ship), so you'll never know whether or not you've found everything.

- For Seduction, I'll roll a 10-sided die for both you and your mark, adding your Sexuality to your roll, and the mark's Intelligence to her roll. If your result is higher, her Resistance is reduced by the difference. If she rolls higher, she gains control of the interaction, and can no longer be seduced. But she can still make Seduction checks against your Intelligence, until you win (which is when you finally realize she's not going to put out).

- I still need to flesh out the mechanics for the loss of Energy, reaching orgasm, and also the possibility for Health damage when taking large cocks or when your Energy has run out

Pregnancy and Monster sex:
- You can only get pregnant from sex with members of the same species as you (exceptions are made for similar furry types, such as wolves/foxes/dogs, and cats/lions/tigers). You can, however, become infected by mutation viruses that live in the juices of some monsters. Until a scientist does some research on monster samples, you won't know for sure what the dangers are. You can assume that no STDs exist among the crew.

Character Building:
The following details all character options for which I have game effects attached. If you want to add a race, etc, make your suggestion in the thread, and I'll add it.

- Captain: +2 int :: +3 leadership
- Security Chief: +3 fitness, +2 alertness, +20 max health, +1 leadership
- Security Officer: +3 fitness, +1 alertness, +10 max health
- Chief Medical Officer: +2 int, +5 medicine
- Assistant Medical Officer: +2 int, +3 medicine
- Chief Engineer: +2 int, +5 engineering
- Junior Engineer: +1 int, +4 engineering
- Science Officer: +3 int, +5 science

Available Technology:
(suggestions are welcome, but I will reject things like lightsabers, that serve no practical purpose)
- Personal deflector device :: A belt that, when activated, fires low-power energy beams to shoot down incoming physical projectiles with low enough mass (like bullets and arrows). Runs on a power cell that requires recharge after 30 minutes of continuous usage. There are four of them on the ship.
- Blaster rifle :: A basic energy weapon, +4 to attacks, +2 to counter-attacks, good to Far range. It can shoot targets at Distant range with a -5 penalty to damage (damage less than 0 is a miss). The power cell is good for 50 shots until it needs recharge. Six of them rest in a rack on the wall of the security office. It can only be used to attack and counter-attack a single target each turn, and can't be used at Hand-to-hand range.
- Blaster pistol :: Basic energy sidearm, +2 to attacks/counter-attacks, good to Medium range. It can shoot targets at Far range with a -5 penalty to damage. The power cell is good for 10 shots until recharge. One is issued to the captain, and all security officers. It can only be used for one attack per turn.
- Combat Knife :: Basic melee weapon, +2 to attacks/counter-attacks, hand-to-hand range, but it's better than fists. The ship has a box of six of them locked away in the security office.
- Blaster turret: Mows down enemies at up to Far range, but needs to plug into the ship's power grid, or a portable generator, in order to have enough energy to operate. The ship has one of them stored away in the security office.
- Stimpack :: When injected into the bloodstream, it gives a +20 boost of Energy and +5 boost to Health for one hour, followed by a -30 loss of Energy and -5 loss of Health. Sickbay has a dozen of these in a first aid box, to be saved for emergencies, since the sudden jolt of energy can restart a person's heart after they've gone into cardiac arrest. Given the potential danger of foraging, it would be advisable for a foraging party to carry at least one of these along with them.
- Ship's cannon :: A powerful energy weapon that can vaporize people and objects in a small area of effect. It's attached to the top of the ship, and hard to aim at anything besides other spaceships.
- Long-range scanners :: Reveals the topology of the surrounding area for several miles, as well as energy sources and electromagnetic radiation, and concentrations of different chemicals, and also tracks the movements of airborne objects. If anyone other than a science officer tries to read the results, they only get a rough idea of the surrounding terrain until they complete a Science task check to learn how to read the rest of it.
- Anti-gravity landing system :: Pads located on the ends of legs that protrude from the bottom of the ship while in a planet's atmosphere. When activated, they repel gravity enough to slow the ship's descent and allow it to hover a few metres off the ground. In order to fly higher than that, a separate jet propulsion system is used.

Planet of the Rapes: Character Sheets:


Appearance: (image or description)
Gender: {Male|Female|Futa}
Species: {...}
Department: {Command|Security|Engineering|Science|Medical}
Position: (if you don't want to be chief, state that here)
Time Served on the Marion: (0-5 years)
Age: (if your species ages differently from humans, include the equivalent human age in brackets)

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Alertness: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Intelligence: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Sexuality: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat

- Health: 100 + bonus + gender %
- Resistance: 100 + gender %
- Energy: 100 + gender %

- Engineering: 0 + position + feat
- Leadership: 0 + position + feat
- Medicine: 0 + position + feat
- Science: 0 + position + feat
- Seduction: 0 + position + feat

Feats: (pick two)
1st -
2nd -

Turn-ons: (pick three or more things that temporarily lower your Resistance by 10% when present)

Turn-offs: (pick up to three things that temporarily double your Resistance when encountered)

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)

Clothes: (currently worn - this is important for when you start losing your clothes)
- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Bra (if haz boobies)
- Underwear (describe)
- Uniform Boots

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- (list and describe)
(Command and Security personnel get a blaster pistol sidearm - Security personnel must carry their sidearms while on duty)
(Medical personnel must carry a pair of disposable latex gloves while on duty)
(Personnel other than Security are expected to be unarmed when not on a combat mission or guard duty)
(The Captain can change any of these rules to match the demands of the situation, or people can just disobey if they think they know better)

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- Spare Uniform (top + bottom)
- Other Spare Clothing (underwear and off-duty clothes - list and describe)
- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions (list and describe)
(do not list extra weapons, medical supplies, or food/alcohol rations - they belong to the ship, unless you smuggled some away)

Background: (anything you want to add about personality, etc.)
Last edited by banana on Tue May 17, 2011 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby banana » Fri May 13, 2011 12:53 am

Characters in Game;

Ship Crew by Department and by Descending Rank

Command Staff:
Aerith [Demon] - Female - Captain: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24026#p24026

Security Personnel:
Talia [Oroboros1337] - Female - Chief of Security: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275#p24034
Serra [Rencarnated] - Futanari - Security Officer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24047#p24047
Natasha [Natasha28] - Female - Security Officer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275#p24351
Garian [That_One_Guy] - Male - Armory Specialist: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275#p24359

Engineering Crew:
Halina [Gorbaz] - Female - Chief Engineer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24058#p24058
Hurati [Hurati] - Male - Junior Engineer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24062#p24062

Medical Staff:
Kit [Kitsune106] - Female - Head Surgeon: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24070#p24070
Jack [Danalthar] - Male - Assistant Medical Officer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24055#p24055
Thaylor - [Lalicore] Female - Assistant Medical Officer: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24021#p24481

Science Technicians
Iyaden [Thaedael] - Female - Assistant/Diagnostics: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24074#p24072
Luis [TechScience] - Male - Geneticist: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24055#p24198
Shae [Cpt Fandago] - Female - Physicist: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1275&p=24021#p24483
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Demon » Fri May 13, 2011 1:39 am

Aerith Forge [Played by Demon]

Name:Aerith Forge (aka:Astarte [she never gave her real name to anyobdy])
Appearance:Long, white Hair.tall.agile.wise."tasty" breasts.strong-looking body.pleasant,gentle smile.(sakuyamon)Height: 2.01 mts
Gender: Female
Species: Renamon (sakuyamon)
Department: Command
Position: Captain of the Marion
Time Served on the Marion: 5 years
Age: 29

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 3 [Feat + 1 Point Buy]
- Alertness: 1 [+1 Point Buy]
- Intelligence: 3 [Position]
- Sexuality: 3 [+3 Point Buy]

- Health: 105
- Resistance: 110 [+10% Gender]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering:
- Leadership: 3 [Position]
- Medicine:
- Science:
- Seduction:

1st - Basic Combat Training
2nd - Well Endowed

- wise and intelligent personalities
- Close-combat weapons (swords, knives, etc)
- Authority
- romance
-caring personalities

-torn clothes
- filthy appearance
- green and purple fur (other colors work fine for her)

- double-fuck
- tight places/positions
- teasing intercourse
-aphrodisiacs (has more effect than normally should)

- Uniform Top: Custom golden chest-plate,black tight suit underneath.Golden shoulder guards and golden half-mask(upper part, fox-like with three purple lines)
- Uniform Pants: same suit covers legs, golden knee-pads, belt with blaster pistol.
- Bra : White, black, gold, rune painted (Lingerie).
- Underwear: sames as bra.
- Uniform Boots:dark-purple boots with golden heels.

- Custom slightly golden blaster pistol Golden staff (carried while attached to back)

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniforms (x2) (top + bottom):normal captain/lieutenant. uniform
- Other Spare Clothing (underwear and off-duty clothes - list and describe):kabuki kimono, spare bra and panties (white, slightly ornamented)x2
- Extra tools, toys, and other possession:spare mask,aphrodisiac pills,silver collar(emotional attachment), deck of cards, katana.

Hard to get;enigmatic,exotic; always has her mask on; looks at things with a fresh perspective; dominant at work, but not at sex. Worked in the ship for 5 years and has always been the trustworthy, wise and angelical being. Is a decent leader in combat and stressing situations as she can easily make quick and correct decisions. :ugeek: In her years on board the ship, she has never been the "easy one". Always playing hard-to-get, trying to make herself look like a strong and serious captain, no matter the lust....
Her Staff
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Last edited by Demon on Sun May 15, 2011 3:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Oroboros1337 » Fri May 13, 2011 2:07 am

Talia Seneishia [Played by Oroboros1337]

Name: Talia Serenishia
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Department: Security
Position: Chief of Security
Time Served on the Marion: 4 years
Age: 156 (26)

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 5 [Position, +2 Point Buy]
- Alertness: 4 [Position, Race, +1 Point Buy]
- Intelligence: 0
- Sexuality: 3 [+2 Point Buy, +1 Feat]

- Health: 120 [Position]
- Resistance: 110 [+10% Gender Bonus]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 2 [Position, Feat]
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0/1 (+1 vs non-elves)

1st - Well Endowed
2nd - Talented (Leadership)

- Pleated skirts
- Baths and showers
- Humming/Throbbing/Vibrating machinery

-- Scat/Piss/Non-cum bodily fluids (If we can just all agree this will never be an issue in the game, I'll write a new one, because that's just.... ew.)
- Piercings
- Whips/crops

-- Being the one on top
- Paizuri/Titfucking
- Spitroast

- Uniform Top (guessing this is standard, not personalized?)
- Uniform Pants
- Bra is a plain white cotton sports style bra
- Underwear is plain white cotton, high cut
- Uniform Boots

- Blaster Pistol sidearm, long, black steel, designed like a revolver. It's battery is actually made of five smaller batteries, held in the revolver's cylinder so that a partially depleted clip can be reloaded easier. Each smaller battery holds 2 shots.

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform (top + bottom)
- Other Spare Clothing : white sexy nighty, white lace panties, white thigh high stockings with a blue bow at the top to match her hair, mary janes, black string bikini, navy blue one piece swimsuit, pleated skirt in navy blue and white, white babydoll tshirt, Lara Croft explorer's outfit, form fitting ninja costume, big and comfy navy blue wool robes
- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions : Gameboy 5000, Six sets of casino dice each legal in a different part of the galaxy, three kinds of decks of cards, lifelike robotic Cabbit pet (See Tenshi Muyo, but without the 'changes into a spaceship feature'), not-the-fuzzy-kind handcuffs, a collection of scented candles and bath oils

Talia has been a mercenary for nearly thirty years now. She left her family on the garden world of Remena seeking out a life of adventure and found it quickly. Though the galaxy is largely at peace, there are always pockets of criminals and the need for capable people to keep others safe. She started by taking more boring jobs like guard duty at warehouses and remote colonies where she'd heard that a respected veteran merc was whiling away their senior years. With nothing better for them to do, she convinced them to teach her their tricks. After that, she spent a while working as a privateer, part of the crew of the Tantalus hunting down pirates and bringing them to justice.

For four years now, she's been working security on the Marion. Her impressive resume guaranteed her a nice position on the ship. She's picked up a few habits from her mentors, including a penchent for gambling, a casual relationship to sex (after all, you might die tomorrow!), and the willingness to play the black market if it'll give her and her team an edge in a pinch.
Last edited by Oroboros1337 on Fri May 13, 2011 7:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby rencarnated » Fri May 13, 2011 3:44 am

Serra [Played by Rencarnated]

Appearance: Sexy slender body, with long legs and dark skin. Dark green eyes and silver waist-length hair.
Gender: Futa
Species: Dark Elf
Department: Security
Position: Basic officer
Time Served on the Marion: 0
Age: 20

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 6 [Feat + Position + 2 Point Buy)
- Alertness: 4/3 [Race +Position +2 Point Buy ]
- Intelligence: 0
- Sexuality: 2 [Race +1 Point buy]

- Health: 110 [Position]
- Resistance: 100
- Energy: 110 [+10% Gender]

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Advanced Combat training
2nd - Well Endowed


- sliminess
- Monsters
- Huge dicks

- small dicks
- being sub.


- tentacles
- triple pen. ( on me )
- DEEP anal sex (in me)

- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Bra same as panties
- Underwear sexy black lace
- Uniform Boots

-Regular issue blaster pistol
-Combat knife hidden on her person

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform (top + bottom)
- Three sets of sexy black lace panties and bras
- First aid kit, and combat knife smuggled in her dirty parts :3

A strong independent futa who prefers to be referred to as a she. She is extremely sexy, with dark skin long legs. She's always open to any sexual or fighting scenarios. She keeps to herself about her past, but everyone knows she's Very sexually open, and will fuck just about anything that moves.
Last edited by rencarnated on Fri May 13, 2011 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
What? My fetishes? well let's count... OH $#!% IT'S OVER 9000.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Danalthar » Fri May 13, 2011 4:37 am

Jack Radalnath [Played by Danalthar]

Name: Jack Radalnath
Appearance: Jack is a small Turtle. He could also be considered fat, although he just says that his shell is malformed. This, actually, is the truth. His shell is most woefully malformed. He's a quiet turtle, often spending the majority of his time in his shell and watching others. Really, it's quite sad and creepy. He's about 5'8, 5' in shell.
Gender: Male
Species: Turtle Dude
Department: Medical
Position: Assistant Medical
Time Served on the Marion: 1 year.
Age: 32

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 1 (Buy)
- Alertness:
- Intelligence: 6 (Medical + Race + Buy + Gifted)
- Sexuality:

- Health: 154 [Turtle Dude + Toughness + 10% Gender]
- Resistance: 100
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 3
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Gifted
2nd - Toughness

- Shell/Scale
- Nerdy
- Large Breasts
- Popular girl

- Clothing
- Futa
- Other people

- Domination, either side
- Getting blow jobs while in his shell
- Pussy licking.

- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Uniform Boots
- He usually doesn't wear any of this, as he can't get any of it on over his shell

- Sanitary gloves, scalpel, pen and paper

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform
- Full drawing set

Jack has, sadly, always had a malformed shell. What I mean by Malformed is slightly more rounded then usual, so it makes him look overweight, despite the fact that he's not. However, the shell never quite works. When he was a child, this would get him picked on, and he would spend more and more time in his shell, drawing and watching people. He excelled in class, but really never outside. Partially because of his shell, and partially because he just didn't care.

He graduated with honors and took a regular job, which paid quite well. He saw the Marion and, seeing how it would be an escape from his constant torture of what was called life, he signed up. Nothing has really changed or happened since he joined, except this crash. Now, he needs to know whether to prove himself or to wait for others to.
Last edited by Danalthar on Tue May 17, 2011 2:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Gorbaz » Fri May 13, 2011 5:05 am

Halina[Played by Gorbaz]

Name: Halina
Appearance: Well built, but of average height. Body covered by a fine red fur, except on her muzzle and chest, where it is white. Large, tufty ears, and an unkept bob of deep red hair
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Department: Engineering
Position: Cheif EngineerTime Served on the Marion: 1 Year
Age: 26

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 2 [+2 Point Buy]
- Alertness: 2 [Race +1 Point Buy]
- Intelligence: 2 [Position + 1 Point Buy]
- Sexuality: 1 [+1 Point Buy]

- Health: 120 [Feat]
- Resistance: 110 [+10% Gender]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 5 [Position]
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 2 [Feat]
- Seduction: 0

1st - Accademic minor - Science
2nd - Toughness

- Red hair / fur
- Muscular body
- Wide cocks

- Claws / fangs
- Small frames
- Futa

- Being off the ground
- Wearing clothes
- Blindfold

- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Basic black sports bra
- Black functional boxor shorts
- Uniform Boots

- Multi-tool. Handheld device, contains manual boltcutter, wrench and two-wayflashlight

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform
- Old brown leather jacket, worn blue jeans, twp extra sets of functional, black underwear
- Half-empty toolbox containing an assortment of bolts, screws, chainlink, and broken tools. Pair of welders goggles. Small vibrator. Nearly-empty pack of cigs

Halina came onboard the Marion as part of a standard crew rotation just over a year ago. During that time, she showed herself to be a hard worker, often taking on maintenance tasks which involved her operating alone, or in hard-to-access areas. She presented herself as fairly gruff, and always trying to detract from her femaninity

During her training, she took an extention course in the sciences, having always had an interest in maintaining machines. With her extra knowledge, she expanded her sphere of influence to include simple machine intellegences, and mechanical exoskeleton construction - she has yet to test herself in these areas, however
Last edited by Gorbaz on Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Hurati » Fri May 13, 2011 5:19 am

Hurati [Played by Hurati]

Did you incorporate your +1 ability human trait? ~Thaedael

Appearance: Physically fit, medium stature, lightly tanned with brown hair and eyes.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Department: Engineering
Position: Junior Engineer
Time Served on the Marion: 0
Age: 19

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 1 [+1 Ability Buy]
- Alertness: 2 [+2 Ability Buy]
- Intelligence: 6 [Engineer,Race Trait, Feat, Feat, +2 Ability Buy]
- Sexuality: 0

- Health: 110 [+10% Gender]
- Resistance: 100
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 4 [Position]
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Gifted
2nd - Talented

- Women
- Ripped clothes
- Red fur/ Hair

- Dicks
- Tentacles

- In the dark
- Tight pussy
- Public sex
- Oral sex

- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Leather gloves
- Tool Belt
- Blue boxers
- Long black socks
- Uniform Boots

-Small utility knife
-Assorted tools (belt)
-Portable plasma torch
-Monogrammed lighter
-Small flashlight
-Portable com-link

Extra equipment:
- 2 Spare Uniforms (top + bottom)
- 4 extra pairs of boxers
- 4 extra pairs of socks
- 1 bottle of whiskey and 1 bottle of scotch (smuggled on with bribery, and there had been 3 bottles......)
- Disassembled RC car
- Manuals for the ship strewn about
- Chess set and a deck of cards
- Carton of cigarettes, still full (Yes, I smuggled these on too. But no, I don't smoke)
- Leather Satchel (for carrying things around)

Born to a lower class family, Hurati was enrolled at a prestigious engineering university after graduation from High School. His final project for the first year was a light suit of power armor that increased the wearers speed and power. After demonstrating the suit to the class, the professor congratulated him then remarked on how he was surprised that a low class family produced an engineer. Hurati was dis-enrolled from the university after breaking the professors arm and throwing him through a door. He decided to join a scientists ship that was leaving the planet and was allowed to join as a probationary engineer after demonstrating his ability to work with machinery.
Last edited by Hurati on Fri May 13, 2011 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We need bigger kittens.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby kitsune106 » Fri May 13, 2011 6:13 am

Kit Kiri [Played by Kistune106]

Name: Kit Kiri
Appearance: Red. Five feet 8 inches. She is a red Fox, with black eartips. she weighs about 60 kg. She is fit, and is about an A cup. She has a white belly, and a birthmark on her back that is in the shape of a fox head, that is white. she has piercing blue eyes that stare into you. She has a fit body, but not that muscled. she is medical. her hands are nimble and precise, fitting a medical practitioner. she also has medium sized hips and she does have some shiny fur. Her tail is about 3 feet 10 inches long, and she loves to swish it about. She does have some head fur, although it's short, so it doesn't get in her way.
Species: Fox
Department: Medical
Position: (chief
Time Served on the Marion: (2 years)
Age: 26

Ability Scores:
- Fitness:1 2 [+2 Ability Buy]
- Alertness: 2 [+2 Ability Buy]
- Intelligence: 5 [Position, Feat, +2 Ability Buy]
- Sexuality: 1 [Race]

- Health: 100
- Resistance: 110 [+10% Gender]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 4 (+1 talented + 3 position)
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Gifted :: +1 int
2nd - Talented :: +1 to any skill

-Good talkings

-Small dicks
-slow sex

-special anatomy
-lesibian sex
-good discussion

- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Bra
- Underwear (red panties)
- Uniform Boots

- pair of latex dispoable gloves
first aid kit
medical kit
vials and syringes for gathering samples
small scapel, just because
other medical supplies
medical scanner

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform (top + bottom)
- Other Spare Clothing (underwear and off-duty clothes - list and describe)
Several pairs of red panites. Several pairs of red bras.
A pair of jeans, and work t-shirts.
one workout outfit, basically spandex top and pants.
two pairs of sneakers
- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions (list and describe)
A knotted dildo. Notepad and penicl. A PADD. vials of exotic substances.
A special coded padd that has several games like Legend of Krystal
A padd with games

+1 attack damage with unarmed attacks

(anything you want to add about personality, etc.)
Bubbly personality. Tends to obsess on things. She comes from a long family of doctors and medical people. She loves to work on problems and can get ultra focused. She dislikes setting up experiments at times, but loves to actually do. She also has a love for animals, mostly due to one of her brothers being a vet. She loves to examine new animals. She is good at anatomy, especially animal and more bestial anatomy. This might be due to her being a fox, or something else. She does love to play several games, as well as an old favorite called legend of krystal, although she keeps that one hidden.

She came onto the Marion 2 years ago, having served planetside. She had high marks, although at times was too friendly with people. She loves to poke and ask lots of questions. She does have a problem that she tends to not get subtle cues, but she tends to be brutally honest, which can be both good and bad. She tries her best to help all the others, and that can get her into trouble. She loves to fix problems and is very helpful, although she does obsess at times.

She is friends with Iyaden Lyannore and loves to be with her. She loves to help out with her problems. the relationship is that of a younger-oilder sister. She would do anything to protect Iyaden, and feels very protective of her. As she does with all of her friends.

Kit has a strong sense of honor and ethics. She also has a good understanding of anatomy, so knows about the body, and how to take a person apart and put them back together. She seriously wants to help people, and thus why she went into Medical. She's also very very open minded, willing to discuss almost anything and accept people as they are. Her only sticking point are people who force their views on others.
Last edited by kitsune106 on Sat May 14, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Thaedael » Fri May 13, 2011 6:30 am

Iyaden Lyannore [Played by Thaedael]

Name: Iyaden Lyannore
Gender: Female
Species: Feline
Appearance: Image is coming, KatsuO_O is in the process of drawing it, and eventually I will color it when I have the time and motivation. Just to give an idea however she is the girl in my avatar that I made for the pixel art tutorial.
As noted she is feline;
-She is approximately 175.26cm tall from head to foot.
-She weighs approximately 68.5kg.
-Her body type is that of a fit lady, however there are healthy fatty deposits in key areas, mostly in the waist area and in the thighs. She is mostly made of soft long curves that give her a simple appearance, but with jutting angular areas the really emphasize the female form; notably high cheek bones, pronounced collar bones, hip bones, and ribcage.
-34B Cup
-Slim, slightly toned ass
-Her fur is that of an off brown color, a mix between an yellow-brown and a purple brown from the lightest to the darkest transitions.
-The color of her hair is best described as a mix of an autumn auburn with a dash of brown. Her hair is shoulder length in the back, usually tied into two french braids with simple hair bands, while in the front it is reaches no longer than her high cheek bones, while the rest remains in simple bangs above her eyes. It is however not uncommon for her braided hair to be in front of her shoulders too, however they are mostly tied back when doing scientific work.
-The color of her tail is that of her hair, and is shin length.

-Her eyes are green with a hint of yellow highlights, and a dash of brown along the lower rim of the iris (changed from the original purple I know).
-Her lips are left natural colored, and is often in a neutral facial expression in conjunction with her eyes.

Department: Science
Position: Assistant Director (One rank below her supervisor)
Time Served on the Marion: 4 Years
Age: 32

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 1 [Ability Buy]
- Alertness: 1 [Feline]
- Intelligence: 6 [Scientist+Ability Buy]
- Sexuality: 0

- Health: 100
- Resistance: 132 [Female/Discipline]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 2 [Academic Minor]
- Science: 5 [Scientist]
- Seduction: 0

1st - Academic Minor [Medicine]
2nd - Discipline


-Romance: Real passion between lovers, a real chemistry is needed between her and her lover. It is not simply a one night stand, and there has to be respect for her, her ideals, her character, just as she respects her mate.
-Signs of Affection: Hugs, Kisses, the little things that make her heart skip a beat.
-Good Hygeine, Charisma, and a Sharp Intellect: You need to be as smart as you are presentable. Nothing as shallow as needing to be super athletic with muscles and dazzling hair, but someone who can at least hold a good conversation at a reasonable level while presenting themselves with equal parts pride and hygiene.
-Breast Play
-When her partner responds well to her pleasuring them.

-Authority/Forcefullness; Things like BDSM and rough sex
-Anything bodily fluids, or substances that don't belong in sex; blood, water sports, etc.
-Males in general

-Passionate love making, kisses, moans, hugs, words of love
-Sex in Lingerie
-Oral Sex
-Pleasuring her partner

- Hairpins - Sterling silver hairpins shaped like winged double-helices.
- Uniform Outer - 3/4 Length navy-blue overcoat, with double rows of buttons and a belt.
- Uniform Top - A white blouse with the Marion's Crest upon the left breast
- Uniform Bottom - Black knee-length skirt
- Bra (34B - Black Velvet Plunge Bra with red embroidery)
- Underwear (Black Thong)
- Black knee-high stockings
- Uniform boots - A pair of leather boots with a pronounced heel

- Glasses
- Identification
- A necklace of a star

Extra equipment:
- Spare Uniform (outer + top + bottom + shoes)
- Other Spare Clothing;
-1 Scarf
-7 Plunge Bras
-3 Thongs
-4 Three High cut panties
-1 Shelf Bra
-1 Crotchless Panties
-1 Lace Panties
-1 Garter Belt
-7 Sets of stockings

-1 Evening gown
-1 Cocktail dress
-4 Blouses
-2 Pairs of jeans
-2 Skirts

- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions:
-Labcoat with a stylized Marion emblem on it's back
-A music box
-A small collection of medical books and science magazines, particularly dealing with the human Central Nervous System
-A fountain pen

Iyaden has a very specialized background in bio-chemistry, mostly in pathology. Specifically with a double major in micro-immunology and cell biology along with a minor in neuro-sciences. She has trained for the majority of her adulthood in universities pushing breakthrough technologies, and has had the honor of being in the same class as the serving chief surgeon on-board the Marion; Kit Kiri. She is serving on the marion fresh out of university for the past 4 years.

The boss of the department is her supervisor; Ankuma Tamotsu, a rather warm personality. All though they have both been serving upon the ship for the same amount of time, Iyaden was passed over for promotion in favor of Ankuma, a decision that has left a bit of bitterness between the two. However this is mostly due to her stand-offish nature, a result of her intellect which sometimes leads to awkward situations, and this is where Ankuma's warm caring nature carries him through. However, even though the bitterness rests, she is slowly warming up to her new boss, even if he is rough around the edges in his new position, as he is finally meeting the balance of authority and respect.

On board the Marion she does what is needed, usually running the battery of tests in pathology for the head of the department and any tasks relegated to her from Kit. The relationship between the two is the only real solid relationship Iyaden has on the ship, and Kit can to a degree be seen as her security blanket on the ship. They became friends during medical school through being lab partners. While Kit is an unrivaled doctor in problem solving, her lack of interest in setting up the scientific experiments still carries over to today; a lack of interest leading Iyaden to do the set up. However it is Kit's bubbly personality that puts her to ease, and Kit\s sharp intellect which not only allow her to be on par in a conversation with Iyaden, but be one mean Chess player.

This relationship can be seen as a big sister - little sister relationship. Her own family is very much disjointed and because of this she has selected a post as far from family as possible. As such Kit is essentially her only family, however Kit's family is also very dear to her as they have been nice to her in the past and respect her as a doctor. It was at the start of her third year on-board the Marion when Kit was hired onto the staff, at the request of Iyaden. However her recommendation was mostly unnecessary as Kit had applied herself, and was backed by her family, a group of prestigious doctor's unto their own right. Regardless, both of these close friends are found once again and have spent the last 2 years working side by side on the Marion.

Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby TechScience » Sat May 14, 2011 9:43 pm

Luis Silva [played by TechScience]

Name:Luis Silva
Appearance:Skinny, Brown Hair, Young looking, Healthy looking
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Department: Science
Position: Genetics Researcher
Time Served on the Marion: 4 years
Age: 28

Ability Scores
- Fitness: 1 [1 Point Buy]
- Alertness: 1 [1 Point Buy]
- Intelligence: 7 [Position + 2 Point Buy + Feat + Race]
- Sexuality: 1 [1 Point Buy]

- Health: 110 [ +10% Gender]
- Resistance: 100
- Energy: 100

- Engineering:
- Leadership:
- Medicine:
- Science: 7 [ +2 Feat + Position]
- Seduction:

1st - Experienced Scientist( +2 Science)
2nd - Doctor's Degree (+1 Intelligence)

- Intelligent personality
- Calm personality
- Good-Looking Women

- Homosexuality
- Unhealthy Appearance
- Sex-Instruments
- Futa

- Oral Sex
- Classic Sex
- Handjob
-Women On Top

- Uniform Top: Scientist Jumpsuit(Upper part), Lab Coat
- Uniform Bottom: Scientist Jumpsuit(Lower part), Scientist Belt
- Underwear: Boxers
- Uniform Feet Wear: Socks and Brown Shoes

- Syringe, Substance carrier(size is about 1 cm), Blaster Pistol, PDA

Extra equipment
- Scapel, Small Basic Medkit, Medium Number Of Diffrent Types Of Clothes

Very Intelligent, Always the Best of his Class, Very Quite, When he Talks he is Wise and Sociable, When Confronted with a Decision he Will Think Logical not Emotionally, Because of His Logical Thinking He Sometimes doesn't Completely Follow Orders.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Natasha28 » Mon May 16, 2011 2:54 pm

Natasha [Played by Natasha28]

Name: Natasha
Appearance: 5'6, blonde fur, long legs, slender
Gender: Female
Species: White Fox
Department: Security
Position: Not wanted
Time Served on the Marion: half a year
Age: 17

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 6 [Position, Feat, +2 Ability Buy]
- Alertness: 2 [Position+ 1 Ability Buy]
- Intelligence: 0
- Sexuality: 4 [Race, Feat, +2 Ability Buy]

- Health: 110 [Position]
- Resistance: 110 [Gender]
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 1 [Feat]

1st - Flirty [Thaedael: Making this up, +1 Seduction +1 Sexuality]
2nd - Advanced Combat Training

- Strong People
- Girls and Boys
- Meeting new people

- Gore
- Insults and Racism
- Past history

- Tied Up
- Toys
- Fingering
-Dirty Talk

- Button up T-shirt
- Combat Pants
- White 28 a bra
- White thong
- Terra shoes

Carried: Weapon, Accessories
-Assault Pistol
-Protective Gloves

Extra equipment:
- Leather Jacket + Combat Pants
- G-string, Jeans, baggy shirt
- Vibrator (when she is off-duty and alone)

Background: Ran away from home at 15, expert at firearms, joined the Marion, has served for half a year until it crashed

(im just going to say, i dont understand the whole points and skills stuff, so here is what i have)
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby That_One_Guy » Mon May 16, 2011 3:31 pm

Garian Jorell[Played by That_One_Guy]

Name: Garian 'The Demon' Jorell
Appearance: Short Black Hair with strands down to his eyes, sky-blue, lightly-tanned skin, 6'4 with well toned muscles, and scars all over his torso (Front, back, and sides)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Department: Security
Position: Weapon Specialist
Time Served on the Marion: 4 years
Age: 28

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 6 [feat + Race + Position + 1 point buy]
- Alertness: 2 [Position + 1 point buy]
- Intelligence: 1[1 point buy]
- Sexuality: 3 [Feat + 2 point buy]

- Health: 120 [Position + 10% gender]
- Resistance: 100
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Well Endowed
2nd - Advanced Combat Training

- Blonde Hair
- Ripped clothes
- Shorter girls
- Tight Ass

Turn-offs: (pick up to three things that temporarily double your Resistance when encountered)
- Dudes
- Futas
- bathroom play (Scat, piss, and everything in between)

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)
- Anal(Giving)
- fucking with clothes still partially on
- fucking women against the wall
- Women in skirts

- Uniform Top: Dark Brown Overcoat, Flak Jacket and White T-Shirt underneath
- Uniform Pants: Dark Brown Pants
- Underwear loose black boxers
- Uniform Boots: Black Combat Boots.

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- Blaster Pistol: Customized personally, silver with name embedded in its handle and the words 'Duty Before Disgrace' embedded in its side.
- A necklace with a silver cross on it
- Blaster Rifle: Same customization as Pistol, but embedded in it is the words 'Death before Dishonor'
- Combat Knives hidden on his body.

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- Spare Uniform (top[Minus the armor] + bottom)
- Other Spare Clothing: Black shirt, pants, combat boots, gloves, and a black trench coat with hidden pockets.
- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions: an old photograph of him in the military, a digital camera, and a porn magazine for whenever he has free time.

Background: Garian Jorell was raised in a wealthy family, but was always taught that Wealth doesn't bring the sort of happiness that you get from adventuring. When he turned 18, he gone into the military and left it at the age of 21 as a Sergeant with valuable skills and assets. Upon leaving the military he became a mercenary and fought not for money, but for honor and adventure, it ended 3 years later when he was hit by shrapnel, scarring his entire torso. Knowing that there was no more adventure to be had on the planet, he took a job as a security officer on board the ship.

He is seen as a friendly person, kind and outgoing, and a womanizer at times, but when in combat he becomes a serious person as his training kicks in, making him more serious, somewhat strict, coordinating movements to best attack and flank the enemy. As soon as the fight is over though, he goes right back to his old self as if nothing happened.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Lalicore » Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 am

Thaylor Kierdan [Played by Lalicore]

Basic Information:
Name: Thaylor Kierdan (pronounced Tay-lor Kee-or-dahn)
Appearance: White-furred, 5'4 (5'5 if you measure her ears), large-ish snowy grey eyes, with a fluffy tail close to three feet long, held up close to her back as to not knock anything over with it. She has long legs, small, deft hands, and is an A cup.
Gender: Female
Species: Fox (Arctic)
Department: Medical
Position: Assistant Medical Officer
Time on Marion: 5 Months
Age: 20

Ability Scores:
Fitness: 0
Alertness: 0
Intelligence: 2 (+2 Position)
Sexuality: 3 (+3 Point Buy)

Health: 100
Resistance: 110 (+10% Gender Buff)
Energy: 100

Engineering: 0
Leadership: 0
Medicine: 3 (+3 Position)
Science: 0
Seduction: 1 (+2 vs Furries; Furry lover) [+1 Talented]

1st- Furry Lover
2nd- Talented

Turn Ons:
-Large Dicks

Turn Offs:
-Small Dicks

-Partially Clothed

-Uniform Top
-Uniform Pants
-Panties; Black, simple
-Bra; Black, simple
-Uniform Boots

-Rubber Disposable Gloves (Allergic to Latex)
-Two First Aid Kits

Extra Equipment:
-Spare Clothes (Uniform)
-Casual Clothes; Tank Top, Black Jeans, Pink Converse
-Spare Undergarments; Black,Simple
-Pleasure Bot; Softball sized droid with nano-metal tentacles
-Computer Tablet w/ drawing/sketching programs.
You only live once.

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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Cpt Fandango » Tue May 17, 2011 6:26 am

Shae Tadden [Played by Capt Fandango]

Name: Shae Tadden
Appearance: Shae stands straight at 5'10", with a lightweight frame. Her skin is light, with nearly no hint of tanning. She has long thick hair, that is a deep red hue. It extends halfway down her back, and is often simply left to rest, as opposed to being fancied up.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Department: Science
Position: I'd be happy to take Head of Science if Thae doesn't want it. Else, Physicist.
Time Served on the Marion: 4 years
Age: 29

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 0
- Alertness: 1 (+1 point buy)
- Intelligence: 7 (+3 points buy, +3 position, +1 race)
- Sexuality: 0

- Health: 100
- Resistance: 110 (+10% female)
- Energy: 100

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 6 (+5 position, +1 feat)
- Seduction: 0

1st - Talented (Science)
2nd - Tight Pussy

- Tall men (over 6')
- Dark hair
- 5 o'clock shadow/Short fur

- Thick mustaches/beards
- Cocky attitudes
- Invasive personalities

- Sex with clothes
- Sex with the lights on
- Group (ie. more than 1 male AND female)

Clothes: (currently worn - this is important for when you start losing your clothes)
- Uniform Coat - A basic white cloth overcoat, that hangs down to her ankles.
- Uniform Top - A simple grey t-shirt
- Uniform Pants - Basic grey khakis
- Bra - A mundane white bra
- Underwear - Equally mundane white panties
- Uniform Boots - Thick Combat boots
- An analog watch

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- Wears thin-framed glasses to correct for near-sightedness.
- Always carries a pencil over her ear, and at least one pad of paper in her pocket.
- Usually carries a number of small vials for collecting samples.
- A small penknife

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- Spare Uniform (top, bottom, and coat)
- A stash of pencils
- 2 spare penknives
- 3 spare bras
- 3 spare panties
- 1 set of lingerie (simple white lace)
- 3 spare watch batteries

When she was younger, Shae was already figuring out how things in the universe worked. As she grew, her intelligence continued to shine, and eventually, she found her way into an academy, where she studied theoretical physics. After graduating at the top of her class, she moved on, deciding to travel the stars. As such, she found her way amongst the crew of the Marion, where she quickly stuck out like a sore thumb. Her constant examining of minor details on the ship, and the way she repetitively looked over her shoulder and spoke whole conversations amongst herself earned her a reputation that she continues to live up to.
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:27 pm

Mizuki Draven [Played by Goryokaku]

Name: Mizuki Draven
Appearance: She stands at about 5’5”, with a lightweight frame, light skin, White Long Silky Hair that extends half way down her back usually tied in a ponytail.
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Department: Security
Position: Recon Specialist
Time Served on the Marion: half a year
Age: 132 (17)

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 4 (point buy(1) + race(0) + position(3) + feat(0))
- Alertness: 6 (point buy(2) + race(1) + position(1) + feat(2))
- Intelligence: 0 (point buy(0) + race(0) + position(0) + feat(0))
- Sexuality: 2 (point buy(2) + race(0) + position(0) + feat(+1 sexuality when dealing with Vines and Tentacles))

- Health: 110 %
- Resistance: 110 % (+10% Female)
- Energy: 100 %

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0 (+1 against non-elves)

Feats: (pick two)
1st – Stealth Training
2nd - Jungle Girl (alertness +1,+1 sexuality when dealing with Vines and Tentacles)

Turn-ons: (pick three or more things that temporarily lower your Resistance by 10% when present)
- Strong Men
- Long Range Rifles
- Jungle Environments

- Racism
- Reptiles
- Long Conversations (was a Jungle Girl)

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)
- Multiple Partners
- Forced (She Likes strong men)
- Partially Clothed

- One-Piece Recon Suit (Black)
- Black Bra
- Black Thong
- Black Gloves
- Uniform Boots

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- Blaster Pistol (Hidden on her)
- Long Range Blaster Rifle (+4 to Attacks/+2 counter attacks from Medium Range to Distant, -2 attacks/counter attacks at Close range, -5 attack/counter attack at Hand to Hand combat range, 1 attack per turn) (I took liberties in adding this so I gave it appropriate cons. ) 20 shots until it needs recharge.
- Katana - black handle with a steel hilt, the blade is roughly half her size. Scabbard worn on her back. (+3 attacks/Counter Attacks, Hand to Hand range only)
- In-ear Communicator (Multi-frequencies, Frequency controlled by a watch)
- Binoculars with built in Camera (When switched on Images are sent back automatically to Marion)

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- 2 Spare One-Piece Recon Suit’s (Black)

Spare Underwear:
- 12 G-String’s (Black)
- 12 Bra’s (Black)

Spare Clothing:
- 5 Combat Pants (Green)
- 5 Black T-Shirt
- 2 Jeans
- 3 White Tank Tops

Spare Tools:
- Binoculars
- Communicator
- Combat Paint

- Gameboy 5000

Raised in the Jungle by her adopted Farther a former Military Special operations officer, Mizuki was trained to specialise in recon as well as working alone. Because of this she finds it hard to socialise properly, however she is comfortable and relaxed in the jungle environment, when she turned 108 (15 in human terms), her farther drafted her into the military service where she worked as recon until she turned 132 (17 in Human). During her time in the jungle she spent a week trapped in a cave surrounded by reptiles, she built an emotional scar here with a fear for Reptiles and tends to stay away if not outright kill them, However she will never go against the orders of a commanding officer in regards to a mission.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Lady Foxy » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:28 am

Name: Mia
Appearance: Slightly Tall, Big and Large Natural Breasts, Light Blue fur skin, Kind-Looking, Sexy smile, Excellent body status.
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Department: Security
Position: Junior Security Officer
Time Served on the Marion: 1 Year
Age: 21

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 3 (Point Buy(0) + position(3) + Race(0) + Feat(0))
- Alertness: 2 (Point Buy(1) + position(1) + Race(0) + Feat(0))
- Intelligence: 2 (Point Buy(2) + position(0) + Race(0) + Feat(0))
- Sexuality: 2 (Point Buy(2) + position(0) + Race(1) + Feat(0))

- Health: 110 % (Position(+10%)) [again you have no Feats to improve this and your female not male]
- Resistance: 120 % (gender (+10%) + feat(+10))
- Energy: 110 % (feat(+10%)) [Can't have a gender bonus here your not a futa]

- Engineering: 0
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 2 (position(0) + feat(+2))

Feats: (pick two)
1st - Martial Artist (10 plus Energy and Resistance)
2nd - Seductive (+2 On Seduction)

Turn-ons: (pick three or more things that temporarily lower your Resistance by 10% when present)
-Other Species
-Being a Slave
-Being Dominated (Male or Female)
-The Idea of being a (sex) slave. (Being someone’s pet too.)
-Boob Milking, Breast Love, Etc.

Turn-offs: (pick up to three things that temporarily double your Resistance when encountered)
-Gang Bangs

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)
-Feet ‘’Sex’’
-Boob Sex
-Being Subdued to sex-slavery
-Lesbian Sex

Clothes: (currently worn - this is important for when you start losing your clothes)
- Uniform Top (Dark, Silver color with bullet-proof vest, small gap between breast to let air come in.(leave males drooling)
- Uniform Pants (Dark, Silver with bullet-proof patches)
- Bullet-Proof Bra (Gold rune décor with Black background, slightly causes pleasure between breasts, hard to get off bra)
- Underwear (same as bra, underwear covers the whole ‘’private’’ area and is strong enough to stop a sword cut through.)
- Uniform Boots (dark with silver décor, carries a small detachable knife on the inside of a special compartment in both boots)
-Onyx necklace with golden symbols

-Combat Knife
-Elite Blaster Pistol with increased bullet damage and rapid reload
-Health Kit
-Small journal data pad

Extra equipment:
- Regular Officer Clothing
-Sexy Casual Clothes
-Special Swimsuit Bikini (Greatly Shows her ‘’special’’ equipment)
-Adventurer Outfit (More like a Lara Croft Outfit)
-Expensive Clothing that greatly exposes her body, leaving her with little protection.

Background: Mia’s history is covered with huge gaps and little is known about her. She likes to be smart, confident and sexy. Even though she is incredible at many things, Her natural (big) sexy attributes make her seem like a pervert. Though, nobody knows that she can fight as well as a martial arts champion, She can be controlled if somebody can hit the right spot. She’s straight, even though she likes the female side quite a bit. She’s a bit naughty, likes to tan topless, but due to the constant drooling of the guys she now covers herself up. Nobody has seen her topless or naked, nor had sex with her. She knew the guys guessed she liked topless because of only wearing a towel after finishing. She currently is not interested in a relationship, but her mind can be changed…..
Last edited by Lady Foxy on Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Planet of the Rapes: Reference Thread

Postby Kiwi » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:04 pm

Kiwi Sha [Played by Kiwi]

Name: Kiwi Sha
Appearance: Grey though skin, purple eyes, bald, strong lips, muscled, 2 meters tall (6'8) and 260 weight (mostly muscle weight) and two penises.
Gender: Male
Species: Cinza (1+ fitness, 25% + damage during penetration, 5% + resistance, +2 engineering)
Department: Engineering
Position: Ship Heavy Maintenance (Interior and Exterior) (25% + health)
Time Served on the Marion: Just arrived
Age: 21 (43 Human years)

Ability Scores:

- Fitness: 3 (1+ Race buff)
- Alertness: 1
- Intelligence: 3 (1+ Department buff)
- Sexuality: 0

- Health: 135 % (10% Gender buff, 25% Position buff)
- Resistance: 125 % (5% Race buff, 20% Discipline buff)
- Energy: 100 %

- Engineering: 7 (2+ Race buff, 4+ Department buff, 1+ feat buff)
- Leadership: 0
- Medicine: 0
- Science: 0
- Seduction: 0

1st - Discipline
2nd - Cinza Engineer (1+ engineering)

Turn-ons: (pick three or more things that temporarily lower your Resistance by 10% when present)
- Water; (Cinza have a natural attraction to water)
- Comfortable environment; (Cinza love to conquer, but they love a warrior's rest even more.)
- Double penetration; (The body of a Cinza is naturally built for this act. If the parter approves of this position then it fills the Cinza's heart with joy).

Turn-offs: (pick up to three things that temporarily double your Resistance when encountered)
- Disrespect; (Cinza live the life of honor. One cannot accept when another tries to insult or ashame them.)
- Damaged ship; (A Cinza cannot live with the feeling that something is broken. They must repair it, whatever it is, with no time to relax.
- Humans; (Cinza education teaches them to believe that Humans are dangerous and mistrustful.)

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)
- Double penetration;
- When the sex parter wants to be filled with cum;
- Threesomes;

Clothes: (currently worn - this is important for when you start losing your clothes)
- Black Tank Top
- Engineer Mark 7 Pants
- Black Slim Boxers
- Engineer Mark 7 Boots

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- Accessories belt; (An engineer must always be ready)
Contained accessories:
- Gravitational Glove; (Capable of pulling or throwing non-biological objects up to 400 pounds.)
- Portable Mark 7 Oxygen Device; (A small, plastic like, protective mask, used for Interior and Exterior repairs or constructions. Protects user's face.)
- 2 High Signal Receivers; (An ear Implant that allows free hand communication with any desired signal.)
- Pack of Lemon flavored Chewing gum;

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- Mark 9 Heavy Maintenance Uniform; Heavy Uniform made of specialized titanium capable of resisting high temperatures and protecting the user from heavy blows. Comes with helmet and gloves. Locked in a wall safe that has hand print and voice recognition. WARNING: If opened, the ship's security alarm will activate.
- Mixture of casual clothing and a spare Mark 7 Uniform, complete with boots and Accessories Belt. (Accessory belt empty)
- Books about Human history and Furry humanoids.
- Engineering Books.
- Cinza's Conscript; (The equivalent of the Human Bible).
- Ship sketches and drawings.
- Jar filled with planet's "Karashar" sand.
- Bottle of "Blue Messin" (smuggled); Strong spirit drink that can relax any Cinza into a drunk like state. (May have different effects on other races. Furries usually get more aroused.)
- Heated Ciza's Plasma Blade (Smuggled); An ancient master tool used by the Cinza's Engineers during the old Imperium, capable of working in environments that lack oxygen in the air and cutting through almost anything with ease.


Cinza once belonged to an ancient Empire that possessed great military power and enormous space ship constructions. The proud Cinza blood runs in Kiwi veins giving him a natural affinity towards engineering. After beeing banned from his home planet karashar, an old colony of the Cinza, Kiwi finds himself boarding the Marion in hopes of a new future.
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