[Brand_Name] Wrote:Explore a hip addiction???
And yeah, sure, do whatever you want. What is this perk, may I ask? I never made any kitsunes
A Very Random Guest Wrote:Ahem, butting in now.
CoC (Read as Cock) seriously follow its name..Big dicks, girl with big dicks. Heck, gargantuan dicks (Exgartuan), and guess what? They can have 10 x 3 or something and put it in, some of course can't accept that girth but some can accept. Heck, there are few who won't be easily pleasured..Unless it's tail + cock + cavern = pleasure...And I'm referring to the Tower of Phoenixes scenes.
And anyways, there are several items out there that can increase the depth of one's vagina, make it permanently wet..Make it squirt, etc.etc.etc...You should check some stuff in CoC wiki, heck play itI insistif you must.
Kuragari Wrote:what, do you have a thing for dicks that are large enough to kill a person if used? I'm just curious, because while I know this is a world of magic, and a porn game, this fascination with horribly large cocks is breaking my suspension of disbelief (primarily because even though the vagina can expand upwards of 150-200% [maybe a bit more than that] to accept larger dicks, its generally about 3-4 inches deep, not to mention the whole "I'm screwing you and disturbing your internal organs!)
Not saying you can't keep doing it that way, its just that its bugging me a fair bit.
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