by Oroboros1337 » Tue May 17, 2011 6:53 pm
It was a fair bit of a hike, one that had forced her to traverse the length of the ship, but Talia finally finds herself at the hangar. It still seems a touch odd to her to watch the door swing up out of her way, rather than to the side, while she steps over the door frame and into the room. With a heavy sigh, she inspects the wreckage of their two outboard vehicles. The jeep was already in pieces, and now those pieces weren't even orderly pieces. Spread out all over the wall and skidding over the floor. At least the spy drone was alright. She heads to the case for it, pulling it out before she looks towards the open hangar door. Time to climb...
Once she reaches the hangar door, she pulls herself up on top of the ship and takes a moment to cast her gaze over the local countryside. (BANANA : You'll have to let me know what I see here.) With that immediately done, (and provided there are no immediate flying bird attacks or something), Talia busts open the case for the drone and gets it rigged for flight. She programs in a preliminary search pattern before sending off the drone. It's impossible for Talia to know that the drone's flight at this point is already doomed to crash, as per the initial post for the game. All she knows is that very soon, especially if everyone is forced to evacuate, they are going to need to know where to take shelter and set up a new camp.