Name: Willow Gale
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Fetish/Fetishes: Corruption, Hypnosis, Possession, Sex Toys, Tentacles, Impregnation, Oviposition
Favorite pastime activity: Reading
Favorite music: Almost anything, but mostly Alt or Metal
Favorite sweets: Banana Split
Favorite food: Not so much a favorite food as she loves trying new foods all the time
Favorite drink: Dr. Pepper with a raspberry puree, coconut milk, and whipped cream on top.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character Buildup: (A character has three primary stats to put points in, these in turn, split up into more specific stats. All stats are split into stages, one point in a stage, yields double the points in the next stage. Different amounts of points will make different situations easier and give advantages I certain situations.) (see “Mechanics” farther down for more information.)
Body: 2Strength: 1
Agility: 2 + 1 = 3
Physical Endurance: 1 + 1 =2
Mind: 4Intelligence: 4
Reflex: 1 + 1 = 2
Mental Endurance: 2
Spirit: 3 Spiritual Awareness: 2
Spiritual flexibility: 2
Spiritual Endurance: 2
Physical Health: (2 + 1d2) = 3 (Hurt)
Mental Health: (4 + 1d4) = 7 (Stress)
Spiritual Health: (3 + 1d3) = 5 (Withered)
School: Adward Academy (+1 Physical Endurance, +1 Agility, +1 Reflex.) (Adward Academy is located at the outskirts of the city, meaning attending this school includes waking up early to catch the buss as well as manage the brisk jog from the buss stop to the school if students wish to be on time. This results in most students staying relatively more fit then they would otherwise as well as somewhat more alert of their surroundings.)
Weapon: Calligraphy Pen
Excess possession: Laptop
Random possession: (All characters will begin the game with an additional randomized item, the item is randomized by the GM before the game begins.)
Clothing: 1d6 = 3
1d10 = 9 : Black, knee-high socks (light clothing)
1d10 = 10 : Black dress shoes
1d10 = 6 : Plain white bra (light clothing)
Bonus addition:
Sabotage another player's clothing at random.
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