Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Ocfos » Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:23 pm

Don't know if we're allowed to post more than once before the gm does, as I haven't really done any of these rps before.
Please let me know if it's not appropriate.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:19 pm

If two players are interacting with each other or if posting in responce to something another player did that affects you and it doesn't go against what GM says, then multiple posts are acceptable.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Randomizer4 » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:26 pm

Just like that c:
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Ocfos » Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:52 am

Haven't seen a post in a little week, everything alright for everyone? I know I only just beat the flu myself, which is always a fun summer activity.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:53 am

I've been a bit busy and keep ending up forgetting to log in until late at night where I really am in no condition to formulate sentences.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Lynxy » Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:33 pm

Same here, but there haven't been updates so I'm safe. lol
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:07 am

Perhaps, but I just found out I'm threading on a line. I might lose my internet privileges. I'm not too hype about that. If I manage, I'll be able to keep them, if not, I'll be missing for an undetermined amount of time.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Lynxy » Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:18 pm

Well, good luck.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Started but still ope

Postby Randomizer4 » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:09 pm

Hey everyone! I just got back from my much needed holiday so I'll try to get some posts up. (As I'm typing I've been awake for 37 hours straight, but still going strong)

P.S. All of that without caffeine!

P.P.S. On artificial intelligence and bureaucracy in general: Humans, considered a pragmatic race in the eyes of others, have often used artificial intelligence to further their progress. Some of the more spiritually inclined races however, think it is a gross violation of the sanctity of life and the purpose of the universe. Eventually tensions got so high, with humans and others producing so many AI, especially during the war, that several governments threatened to drop out of the war with the Davultan if the G-CoS wouldn't criminalize AI. The Galactic Court for sentient rights debated the issue, and in the end passed the AI-amendment, making them into law:

1. The production of artificial intelligence (the statement then goes into detail about the definition of AI), is prohibited henceforth.
2. The Artificial Intelligence can not be faulted, and can thus not be subject to accusation, for being produced.
3. Like any 'organic' citizen, a synthetic child will receive citizenship rights it is entitled to under the law of the place of birth.
4. The parent(s) of the synthetic citizen will not be convicted, if there is reasonable proof that they broke part 1 of the AI-amendment out of a reproductive instinct or paternal feeling or out of force.
5. Selling goods and services to facilitate the production of AI is illegal.

This satisfied both parties, as it allowed enough loopholes to still make some AI, but pushed the moralistic agenda of the spiritualists, nevertheless, AI are either a normal or a gross thing depending on who you ask, and opinions probably differentiate inside of races and groups, as it is still a hot political matter.
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Randomizer4 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:35 pm

Also! everyone still wanna go on? :3 I do!
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby exalted » Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:45 pm

Good to go
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby dndman997 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:24 pm

same here.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Ocfos » Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:20 pm

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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby CondorBoH » Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:37 am

Ready to begin!
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Lynxy » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:19 am

Just waiting on you.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:15 pm

Yeah, I'm still up for this.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Riptide » Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:45 am

I do
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Randomizer4 » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:48 pm

Sorry it took so long, but I took the night and did all the messages! Hope you guys enjoy as I start to kick the story into gear!
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Ocfos » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:40 pm

It's fine, I'm sure we've all been more or less preoccupied these last few months.
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Re: Peace in our time. (Sci-fi Rp OOC. Recruitment closed!)

Postby Randomizer4 » Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:51 pm

Riptide and Lynxy haven't responded yet... Do you guys think it's fair if I skip them for a turn if they haven't replied yet at Wednesday? (Not kicking, just skipping)
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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