by Rooiehaan #2 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:39 pm
what i send Reena in pm, but since i didn't know whether she's able to read it or not here goooeesss~ :3
Heya Reen~
I just saw your post (slightly gotten buried underneath a pile of spam-posts Dx), and i saw that you didn't reply to Shino yet, so hence i'm sending you this PM~
yeah, pms :3
I'm not sure if you can read this, since you need to have at least 10 posts before you can MAKE pm's, but oh well :3
You're exceptionally welcome to the Corruption Rp in which, you'll find, lurks more then just the average fantasy story.
all you need to is make a character sheet like those listed in the first post of the Out Of Charachter (or ooc), with some details about name, gender, skintone, build etc. Also, the perks are a bit limited but i'm sure you'll know what to pick if you've played fenoxo's game Corruption of Champions.
If you haven't i'd strongly advise you to play it (only takes about an hour or so to get a good understanding of the world), and i think you'll find the game amusing and the roleplay much more fun for it.
So yeah, please send me your character sheet so i can add you, tell me whether you want to be introduced or do the honors yourself and please try and get 10 posts to your name before actively starting, for this milestone helps your posts appear about three days faster.
BOOOOO reading and catching up to everything T_T
Breathe easy, the doctors are about to arrive.