by MiscChaos » Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:23 am
As you've all guessed by now, the move wasn't as smooth as initially thought and I've been pulled away from LoK again. This time it's a Mary-Go-Round of fucktardery about getting my parking decal so that I can park in my apartment complex without getting towed again. I've literally come full circle about this shit now and I'm seriously wondering if I'm about to get stuck in another loop. Another problem is that the job I was pursuing is moving slower than I would like for it, so I've been looking for alternatives. Lots and lots of alternatives. Like, I've applied to... I think it's 10 different places now?
Anyway, tl;dr- Shit be fucked, yo. Until it's fixed, I don't see me having much time to put towards LoK besides mod work.
tl;dr for the tl;dr- GFEA is in danger of going on hiatus unless things get sorted out soon.