by LillyMacow » Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:17 am
Hey everyone, I cant make any excuses, I essentially abonded the whole rp before it even got started. I lost complete intrest, I wasn't having fun and overall my life at the time just really didnt fit right with the rping, I just wasnt ever in the mood. I also really am sorry that i didnt even tell anyone why i stopped or for how long. I can't promise I will be as active as I tried to be before, which envitebally failed, but i will give it another go.
So, in the regard to the rp. I still have so much I havn't touched and would love to get into. I kind of wrote my self into a bit of a rut. So when I return to the rp, expect my responses to be a bit hastened, glossing over details, until I can put the rp back on the rails. So my writing is going to be more focused on more important details, and making those more interesting, rather then lots of detail for mundane concepts.
As for anyone who was in the rp. I can't thank you enough for participating in it, and i am extremely sorry for leaving you in the dark about the rp for so long. If you have dropped out or lost intrest, that's completley my fault, so I obvuisly wont blame you. But whoever is still intrested keep your eye out for gordian Orgias to get an update soon.
Thanks, I am glad to be back <3
EDIT: another thing i will be changing, possibly for the long term but hopefully only the short term, is I am removing the charcter bios from posts, I thought it was a good idea as when i read rps, i always got confused as to who was who. But, after doing it I realised that it actually took a considerable amount of time to put in every time i posted for every person.
The bigger change is I will be limiting the amount of stat rolls down. They will still happen, but im not going to write most of them down, as that also became rather time consuming, and im trying not to burn myself out again, I hope you understand.