by Nicoffee » Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:36 pm
By the way, before everyone asks. Experience and such will be handed out at the end of each in-game day. And it will be handed directly as levels, I won't give out actual experience points because that would be a hassle to keep track of. Experience also won't be restrained to battles, it can also be acquired by advancing the plot, good RPing, so on and so forth.
The system I'm going for, for reference's sake is:
- Completing a Rescue/Explorer Team Request/Mission - 2 Levels
- Winning a battle - Varies a lot. Minimum of 1 level, maximum of 10 levels at once.
- Helping move the plot along out of your own initiative - 2 Levels
- General reward for post Quality and Frequency - 1 to 3 Levels
- Clutch Saves (AKA Pulling out risky stuff and coming out with positive results ) - 2 to 5 levels
- Sex Scenes - 1 level per scene
- Others - I'll be adding more into this, as necessary. When I do the level ups, I'll tell you all in-RP how many levels you're getting and why.
Why does sex give levels?
Listen. Everyone needs to get rewarded for what they work on, otherwise it's just not fun. This is an RP heavy on sex and stuff, so it's to be expected that people want to do that and I'm not gonna punish them for it by denying them levels, otherwise people would find themselves forced to avoid sex scenes so they don't lose out on levels.