Name: Lassie Wells
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Taimanin

Backstory: A human operative worked for the CIA as an Assassin. Although she enjoys the term Hunter and her prey were as deadly as they could had been for humans while she worked. Once demons and monsters became a new enemy to humanity it just mean one thing for her. It was time for her to hunt a new type of prey and nothing would stop her from having her fun.
Main Weapon: Composite Long Bow
Sub Weapons: Poison gas bomb(can be a trap and adds a -2 to consciousness if hit), Wire traps(bombs), Paralysis Traps
Speciality: Predatory Instinct- Tracking down prey as well as removing her own tracks are no problem for this hundreds. (+1 tracking)
Pack Alpha: With her Cybernetics allowing her to see through the eyes of her hounds it was only a natural step that her eyes be enhanced as well. (+1 to range attacks)
Weakness: Emotionally distant- Lassie had little need to make friends cause she only ever needed the two closest to her. This obviously made her more socially inept and prefers to speak through text with those she's unfamiliar with. (-1 to persuasion)
Ninja Art/ Special Technique:
Duration-Infinite until deactivated or all bots are shut down: One day recharge time once deactivated. (Special condition if reactivated in the same day the hounds still retain their damage until the next day any hounds destroyed stay that way till next day.)
The Hounds- With how far technology has advanced each piece of her new tech can transform into a hunting hounds that she can direct and instruct. However these hounds each have their own specialty based on the gear they constructed themselves from.
Tether(Wire trap dog)(Takes 3 hits to kill and it takes two rolls to confirm hits)- the strongest of the mech dogs but slowest. It can shoot off wires that's hook themselves into the target. His armor his rather sturdy and can absorb hits without taking any damage to his vital systems.Tether's bark can stun for a couple of a moment or two. Hook shots remain within enemy until pulled out of or detached from tether (Str check to pull the hooks off). In close range barks can stun a many very easily and it takes a mentally strong person to ignore such things. (Stun Barks last for one turn however each bark goes against a Int check)
Spark(Paralysis trap dog)(Takes 3 hits to kill)- the 2nd strongest physically strongest. His bite can induce an paralyzing agent for non lethal(If hit:Paralysis go against constitution rolls and every consecutive roll after that takes a -1 against the effects of paralysis). Lethal attacks include a bite and tackle that can electrocute.
Arrow(A dog based on one arrow)(Takes 2 hits to kill/His armor and speed allow him to roll and intercept attacks. If roll is successful he takes no damage for intercept attack)- the 2nd fastest dog. Who specializes in harassing and hit and runs.
Toxin(Poison gas trap dog)(Takes hit to kill however his poison is quite lethal in his bite and will ensure that the victim is unconscious.)- the fastest dog that spits out a liquid that evaporates into a poisonus gas. His bite is twice as deadly as his bark/spit. Although the poison is deadly to humans and demons the treating the poison isn't hard. However you can't treat the poison in the middle of combat the poison doesnt ensure death unless special circumstances are met. While poisoned players must make constitution checks if they fail they become unconscious. For a bite characters gets a -3 to consciousness for a gas/spit will give a -1 consciousness. Your Consciousness is determined by the combination of int(if negative it defaults to zero for consciousness) and constitution(Same goes for constitution). If if consciousness reaches 0 or negative players will have to make a will roll to stay conscious and each consecutive roll after the first takes a -1 for remaining conscious.
The Hunt- Once the hounds are on the hunt Lassie can see what they see. With the Hounds spotting targets the hounds each give a +1 to hit for any target they are looking at.( Example: If two dogs are looking at an orc, another is looking at a goblin, and the last an incubus. I get +2 to hit on the orc, +1 on the goblin, +1 on the incubus) Special condition: When all the hounds focus on one prey Lassie gets a +5 instead for the absolute focus and her hits ignore all defense buffs.(Defense buffs are anything that gives you a + to avoid the hit that doesn't come from your raw stats. Ex. Armor, Abilities, and Magic defenses.)
Stats: (All start at -5, 30 Points To distribute)
Strength: -5
Dexterity: 4
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 2
Charisma: -5
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.