Rise of the Horny Dead 2

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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Tsai » Tue May 20, 2014 2:51 am

I enjoy seeing the rolls, i dont have any problem with the battles as of right now
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Starchilde2 » Tue May 20, 2014 6:57 am

Definitely don't mind the rolls I even like seeing them, and the battles are good as well
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby [Brand_Name] » Tue May 20, 2014 6:16 pm

fragmasterson Wrote:BN, cs is approved, just a coulple of things:

I'm not that familiar with firearm lingo, so what's the difference between a slug and a normal round?
I'm not sure if Silver tongue will be useful against zombies, at least not directly. On the other hand, some of the monsters might be intelligent enough for speech (haven't decided yet) and it might help if you met belligerent survivors I suppose (haven't decided on that yet either).
I don't think Advil would combat the infection, as that's primarily for pain relief, rather than something that fights bacteria (which I'm assuming at this point is the cause of the plague).

Edit:Also, just letting you know you have two empty item slots, though you can leave them empty if you want.

Sure- a slug is like a shell except it doesn't break apart upon firing, so it just stays as one big bullet until hitting the enemy. Less spread (and less chance to hit) but a lot more damage if it does.
That's fine, I think it fits her persona, and even if it doesn't come in handy, whatever.
Yeah her lack of inventory fits her bio, so I'll stick with it. Hopefully she can find some anti-biotics (or, you know, maybe not :) )
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Thisfag » Tue May 20, 2014 7:27 pm

Oh... Well, to be honest I'd like to join up but learning English takes me a lil time, while I am actually busy with studies. I mean, I could make a bio, but I don't have that much time to keep up with everything and I'm not that great with typing in English. (Simple words, sentences don't gonna sound so amazing and all that stuff.)
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Shura » Tue May 20, 2014 10:25 pm

fragmasterson Wrote:
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Shura: Um, hadn't actually thought about it yet to be honest. I'd say generally no, but some places might have their own sources of water/ electricity, like a back-up generator or separate resovoir. I mean, if there's no running water, and the game lasts more than few in-game days, the characters won't survive long. Plus they need to clean themselves Then again, I could just assume that everyone has a water purification device, so that whenever they find water, they can safely drink it using it. Or maybe they can find bottled water. I'd like to just keep that vague until I have to define. Either way, I don't plan on having any of the PC's die, since it doesn't seem to work that way with most games on this site, but then again the characters do need to be in situations where they have to think about survival, other wise it's not as fun....I guess...maybe.

On cs submitting: I can give you a few more days, at least (I was actually thinking waiting until this weekend until trading players who reserved to the waiting list with those on the waiting list). I would focus more on the stats, perks, and inventory, and not so much on the bio, since that's what I've been mostly dealing with in my GMing, at least so far. If you find something confusing about those aspects, let me know.

Okay... Cool. Thanks for answering my question. I feel that even if character death isn't an issue, it still makes sense that it is something that the characters would try and avoid. Anyhow, the stats, perks, and inventory are done, I just haven't typed up a physical description, or a backstory. The reason why I gave myself the deadline was out of courtesy for other people. I'll also be away for several days, so it doesn't make sense for me to hold up a spot when somebody else can be active. If you're going to do a reserve list, you can put me on it, otherwise, no worries.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Tue May 20, 2014 10:30 pm

Thanks for letting me know. I'll leave you on the reserve list then, but if you become available again, you can let me know and their might be a spot if someone else drops out.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Tue May 20, 2014 10:33 pm

Thisfag Wrote:Oh... Well, to be honest I'd like to join up but learning English takes me a lil time, while I am actually busy with studies. I mean, I could make a bio, but I don't have that much time to keep up with everything and I'm not that great with typing in English. (Simple words, sentences don't gonna sound so amazing and all that stuff.)

Spots are currently filled anyway. Though I'm not sure if a super high level of English writing skills are required, as along as I can understand you.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Kuragari » Tue May 20, 2014 10:35 pm

Character Sheet:
Name Kathryn Munroe
Age 25
Gender Female
Appearance Image
Bio-Living in the country, from an early age Kathryn was around guns and the idea of being able to rough it. Her father was an expert marksman, and worked to ensure his daughter would carry on the same trait. At one point in fact, she was aiming to try and participate in the Winter Olympics in the Biathlon. But then everything went to hell, and she was forced to put her skills to a far more lethal use.

Agility: 3
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Toughness: 2
Aim: 3
Quick Aim: Thanks to her fathers training not to mention spending all this time surviving, Kathryn is able to almost instinctively find a target and put a bullet through it.
Sensitive: Her erogenous zones are more easily stimulated, thus making sensual interactions more pleasurable for her, even if she isn't interested in said interactions.
Close Combat(Gun): Due to the apocalypse, Kathryn has had to learn how to use guns more efficiently in close combat, both via shooting and using them as a blunt weapon

Dragunov sniper rifle (clip size = 10 rounds)
4 clips
Bottle of Antibiotics-2 pills
CD Player with Fathers own music mix (special item)
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Wed May 21, 2014 1:15 pm

I should be able to post tonight at some point. Putting Kura on the waiting list.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 21, 2014 2:41 pm


I'm in no real rush, so take your time.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Thu May 22, 2014 1:40 am

Does anyone have any specific ideas on how they would like to see the story develop for their character? So far, I've just been going from post to post, trying to lead the PC so there's some sense of purpose and goal, right now I'd figure that would be just general survival, finding other survivors, maybe trying to build a community with such people. Other people want to go the infected route and try and infect as many other people as possible...but if someone has something else in mind, I'd like to hear it.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 22, 2014 4:19 am

fragmasterson Wrote:Does anyone have any specific ideas on how they would like to see the story develop for their character? So far, I've just been going from post to post, trying to lead the PC so there's some sense of purpose and goal, right now I'd figure that would be just general survival, finding other survivors, maybe trying to build a community with such people. Other people want to go the infected route and try and infect as many other people as possible...but if someone has something else in mind, I'd like to hear it.

In my original RP, the intended story route was for players to eventually discover what the source of the virus that had brought about the infection was- An extra-terrestrial bio-weapon whose purpose was to spread a long dead alien race's genetic material across the galaxy in a perverted fashion of seeding. The explanation for why the zombies have suddenly gone from eating people to fucking them is that the virus was hard-coded to weed out all forms of inferior life, so that when it switches to its 'seeding' phase all new life would have a strong genetic base from which to work off of.

And then of course, shortly afterwards, they find out the scientist who discovered such has gone crazy and wants to take the viruses purpose to the next level, and use it as an extension to expand human evolution.

But that was my original plan. You can do what you want :p
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Thu May 22, 2014 4:46 am

Ahhh, I remember that element of discovery and such. That could be a good way to go. I'm going to try and change gears with the story somehow. Will do a GM post tomorrow again.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Amaranis A'daragon » Thu May 22, 2014 5:20 pm

I was very tempted to ask you or Kura when these games were running to see if you guys would allow monster players. I know if one of the player's infection level gets to 100, bad things happen, but would you allow a player to start off as a monster? (One of the special creatures would be fun, but a hormone lead zombie with intelligence would be fun in its own way.)
Sometimes I think i'm crazy, but then my other voice says i'm alright.

I'm not sure if i'm just too creative, or just cant focus on one thing.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri May 23, 2014 3:16 am

Name: Jessi Eyre
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance(will addater because LOK hates all the pics on my phone...)
Bio: Jessi was a med student before all this happened and was not at all prepared for it. She hated the idea of the dead even walking! It was... against all science laws. Impossible. None of this should have happened! She had found a gun but wasn't very good with it and her only real defense was that she was in great shape and could run like the dickens. Now she was looking for more food.. her stores were running low. Plus she might find someplace better than her abandoned treehouse to stay in.
Skills***- Skills are to be listed on a scale of 0 to 5, 0 being terrible, 5 being awesome, with 13 points to spend.
Speed/Agility: 5
Strength: 0
Intelligence: 4
Toughness: 2
Aim: 2

First aid kit.
Police pistol (Glock 22 .40 S&W)
Maglite Flashlight both a weapon and a tool.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Fri May 23, 2014 3:31 am

Dax, cs is approved, just let me know how much ammo you have in the pistol. Would Maglight flashlight just be a bludgeoning weapon?

Dax was the first on the waiting list, so he'll get an intro post...soon. I' haven't been posting as much because of week days and I've started watching Game of Thrones, so, I'm doing a watch-four-seasons-worth-of-episodes-in-a-week thing. Sorry.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri May 23, 2014 3:36 am

Yeah its just big and heavy and hurts a lot when you get hit by one. And I'd say about 4 boxes worth so about 200 rounds. And let's say that about fuck... um... 12 rounds in a magazine so whether math that is. (I hate math >_<)
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Carlos1225 » Fri May 23, 2014 4:27 am

Here's my character sheet for whenever I can jump in ^^

Name: Genjyo "The Judge" Kako
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Image Only thing I'd add is she wears a military style coat hanging off her shoulders, with a bronze chain connecting the collar so it doesn't simply fly off.

Bio: Before the beginning of "The Outbreak", Kako was a student of a prodigious academy. Her academic scores were average, but her athletic skills and physical prowess were nothing to be laughed at. It was however her moral sense of justice and intimidating persona which she was most recognized for. She had been made head of her academy's disciplinary committee after a quick bout with a group of the school's group of delinquents, whom were the first people she recruited once she took her office. Her stubborn will, and desire for order among the student body, along with her skills with the boken seemed to give her the perfect life, until...It happened nearly overnight. Everything was coming apart at the seams as the world descended into absolute chaos. The dead were rising, eating the flesh of the living. Kako had been getting ready for the first day of her second year, she felt happy, content. Why did this all have to happen? She did the only thing she could do, the last thing she heard from her father, she ran. She survived. After years of fleeing, surviving, waiting...She began hearing rumors. Rumors of a city who's infection had changed. Rumors of lust filled abominations which roamed the streets. This did something that hadn't been done in a long time. For the first time she had been filled with a righteous vigorous rage. But also, with a glimmer of hope. The creatures didn't simply consume, they did as humans did, and if they did this, they could be tamed, have order forced onto them. At least, that's what she hoped.
+4 Willpower[She's pretty bullheaded...]
+3 Sword skills[wooden sword is still a sword :p]
+4 Strength
+5 Dominance[As her background would suggest, she doesn't just lie down and submit, she's more likely going to want to force them to submit.]
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby MiscChaos » Fri May 23, 2014 6:09 am

Basically just re-appropriated my character from the first Horny Dead and modified her to fit here. The CS is just sittin' here for whenever you can squeeze it in.

Name: Shizune Suzusaki
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is an image of her during school. In light of the apocalypse, she now wears a version of this that closes in the front and is black to allow her to better sneak around at night

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shizune was raised by parents that, frankly, didn't want her, but used her to draw in government money. Because of this, everything she got, she got for herself, either through trickery, thievery, or, rarely, though honest means since one of her teachers managed to drill that whole "Honest day's work" thing into her head somewhat in Elementary. Not enough that, when she entered middle school, she couldn't go a week without getting into a fight unless she was suspended, but enough that she would work a job if the opportunity presented itself instead of stealing what she needed. So life wasn't grand for Shizune, but it was bearable.

When her father devolved into raging alcoholism, she learned to beat him down with any blunt object she could get her hands on or get the hell out of dodge very quickly. The blunt object of choice quickly became anything shaped like a sword, like the bokken she saved up for and bought. This seemed to seal her descent into delinquency and, in order to be different from most, she chose the Yankee girl look to be her stable. People laughed at first, but they quickly found that it's hard to laugh with a broken jaw. When things started ramping up, she saved up to pay for gun classes, easily obtaining a slip with her parents signatures on it.

When the apocalypse happened, she didn't look back, only ran into the most deserted area she could find, ignoring the screams of her parents being ripped apart as she did. Only when she felt her house was clear did she go back for supplies and to bash her folks' heads in. Not because she wanted to end their suffering or anything, but because it was cathartic to her. She knows she's got issues, mainly in trust, but those same issues have kept her alive so far, avoiding traps from idiots seeking to take advantage of the end of the word and using them as zombie bait when she needs to. All in all, Shizune will do almost anything to survive without conscious and without remorse.

Speed/Agility: 3
Strength: [2] 3
[Intelligence: 2]
[Toughness: 3]
Aim: 3

Self-taught: Since Shizune taught herself how to wield a blunt object through anime and movies, she also had to teach herself first-aid for the inevitable bruises and injuries she gained while testing her style out on other people. Because she’s self-taught, she’s no master with a blunt object either, but she’s better than the average person.

Delinquent: Because of her years of getting into fights, Shizune’s a lot more durable than her frame would suggest and she doesn’t react to pain much since doing that could mean she loses the fight. Her delinquent status also made it so she needed to continually be on guard for getting jumped.

Stealthy: Even before the apocalypse, Shizune was used to hiding out at home to avoid getting beaten by her father. After the zombies came though, she decided the less they see of her, the better and tried to improve her hiding skills.

Useable Inventory
  • Bokken (2)
  • 1 Beretta 92FS, 1 Clip=15 Bullets (Current Clip= 4 left)
  • 5 Clips of Ammo
  • 1 Suppressor
  • 1 Case of Antibiotics (Case= 15 Antibiotics)
  • 5 Antibiotic Tablets

Nonusable Inventory
  • 5 days of food and water (3 days stored at home base)
  • 1 Spare set of clothes (A much more reasonable set of black jeans, change of underwear, and a plain gray t-shirt) (Stored at home base)
  • 1 Flashlight
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Kuragari » Fri May 23, 2014 7:33 am

Amaranis A'daragon Wrote:I was very tempted to ask you or Kura when these games were running to see if you guys would allow monster players. I know if one of the player's infection level gets to 100, bad things happen, but would you allow a player to start off as a monster? (One of the special creatures would be fun, but a hormone lead zombie with intelligence would be fun in its own way.)

Redkeri's character became a brood mother, but originally I didn't want anyone starting out as an enemy.
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