LadyFarah Wrote:Can I get in on this? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" @w@
[Brand_Name] Wrote:hiyah everybody. Just been wondering- what's happened since I left as GM? Anything interesting?
Kuragari Wrote:The only problem I can think of is your use of the word Homunculus, which refers to a minituare human. Generally Imp sized or smaller to my recollection.
Homunculus (Latin for "Little Human") refers to the mythological concept of an artificially created human, presumably brought into existence by certain means of alchemy. Though a common concept, well known and understood by alchemists, the idea of homunculus is regarded as no more than a farce or faraway fantasy as no individual or group of alchemists has come anywhere close to successfully creating such a being in officially recorded history.
Homunculus (masculine, Latin for "little man", plural: "homunculi"; from the diminutive of homo) is a term used, generally, in various fields of study to refer to any representation of a small human being. Popularized in sixteenth century alchemy and nineteenth century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.
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