Thank you! Here's my sheet, then.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Roger Greene
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, around 4' 6'' in height. Has flat brown hair and dark blue eyes, white skinned. Usually wears shorts and short sleeve shirts unless they are highly inappropriate for the weather he has to travel in. Has a dark green backpack that he almost never takes off.
Personality: While kindhearted and honestly a bit sappy, he has trouble dealing with lots of people at once. If too many people start gathering around, he'll bail to a different location where it's calmer. He has a tendency to stutter when excited or nervous, and because of this tries to speak as little as possible. Loves Pokemon to bits, and will try to be friends with anything besides Fire-Types, as he is afraid of them.
Home Town: Rustboro City.
Starter Pokemon: Male Whismur named Niko.
Background: Only child of a middle class family employed by Devon Corps, Roger moved often as the needs of his parents jobs changed. As such, he never really made close friends in any one place, and tried to keep from forming such bonds in preparation for the inevitable next move. He was completely surprised when, after moving back to the town of his birth just two months before his 18th birthday, he was told he had the opportunity to go on an adventure around the Hoenn Region as the biggest gift for the upcoming celebration. He was even gifted a Pokemon to get to know before his journey, a timid Whismur he named Niko. Roger wasn't exactly thrilled by having to leave his home town again, after just getting back, but he stomached it and decided to try and enjoy the things in store for him.
Other: N/A