by Reaver » Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:37 am
Its funny, you still won and you're still complaining. You complained before we started fighting, during the fight and now after the fight. That was hardly a mission, more of a pvp stress test, but by all means keep bitching about how unfair it was that the opposing team had to constantly change their tactics because their abilities had to be changed to fit the outcry of a few complaining idiots who in the grand scheme of things have abused their powers a whole lot more than our team. I fly my team up to a roof then blow a hole in with magic and you lose your shit, but if you spam your Ninja art 20 damn times in one turn you expect that shit to be okay. Because we both know if I had crashed through the window and done my move 20 times you would have lost your shit like the hypocritical person you are. Then there is also Meeps who's move doesn't only cut melee effectiveness by 1/10 and range effectiveness by 1/4, but also unleashes a posion cloud, which mind you is an AoE and her armor stays in game for 10 turns which is longer than any battle will go on for. Logically it should have lasted at most 5 turns and can be destroyed after multiple hits but nope we let it slide because we know how to deal with things.
I could go on but honestly its not worth my time. If you have such a goddamn problem with fucking EVERYTHING, then either deal with it or move on. I'm the not only one getting sick of all these arguments over every aspect of the rp. We're grownups we should be able to deal with things a whole lot better than this.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
He enters like a shadow, exits like a Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Seen it all, done it all.