by LillyMacow » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:14 am
I think you may be over estimating the impact of this adjustment, if you where not to know I was making the change you may not even notice it, everyone is staying as a group, or serrate as they please, I'm not affecting that, what I am doing is trying to help let those who are interested interact with the others who are also interested in a particular situation at any given time with out being blocked by another character. i feel as though I am failing really bad explaing this so if anyone is still confused I will try to explain it in a different way. This also wont be effective immidietly as not everyone has categorized themselves. Though if you would like to try to do it on your own, as gillan is currently attempting then feel free.
Last edited by
LillyMacow on Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.