Name: Sophie Brenner
Age: 19
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Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Sophie was always very insular as a child. In the early days of her life, she was always the child who stayed away from other children, keeping to herself or, in the rare circumstance that she want outside and not for classes, just tried to befriend whatever animals happened to be around. This did, unfortunately, lead to her getting quite a few bites and scratches, and more than one visit to the school's doctor. Initially it was feared that she would end up being a failure through getting some kind of infectious disease, but her body proved to be more resilient than at first suspected. While she was encouraged to train physically, she grew passively rebellious the more they pushed and ordered.
She neglected physical training more and more, until she eventually just stopped showing up to sessions. It wasn't so much out of a reluctance for orders, however, but more that she had been drawn more and more to books and the art of literature. To her, the characters and settings on the page felt more alive than actual people and so, when it came time for the next overall exam, it was surprising at just how high her IQ actually was compared to what it had been believed to be. This suggested that she may be more suitable than previously thought for A.I. bonding.
Having had the situation explained to her carefully, Sophie grudgingly accepted that all the training she had been forced through was not only for her benefit, but also the benefit of mankind as a whole, and so returned to schooling and training in all areas, just not with much enthusiasm. One exception, however, was the drama club where she found she could act out all those scenes she had read in the books and sparked a new love for creativity. It was bad acting, sure, but it was at least something sociable beyond classes and training.
AI Appearance:
AI personality traits:
Stats: 6 points to spend. Each stat can only have a maximum of 5 points at creation.
Strength 3
Intelligence 1 +1
Speed 1
Charisma 5 +1
Skills: will be unlocked based on stats. Gm will assign
Perks: will be a stat bonus that applies based on what you select for the club your pilot was in during school. See below
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