MiscChaos Wrote:Alright. Now that the character sheet is nailed down, let's put this back up. Also, the character sheet doesn't have the calcs for persuasion, health, energy, or libido. Not a problem for those of us who've been here a while, but newbies might get confused.
Name: Derek Hernandez
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Job: Chief Medical Doctor ((Field; Medical Rank; Officer Perks; Advanced Medical training (+2 to int./Per. while treating or diagnosing paticents) Basic Leadership skills (+1 leadership bonus to all people under thier command) (additional; Starts at level 3, 35 stat points but 4 must go to intelligence) ))
BASIC STATS (Start off with 35)
Strength: 4
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 10
Fitness: 7
Perception: 8
Persuasion: 9
Physical Appeal: 5.5
Health: 100
Libido: 160
Energy: 130
Description: Black with a short hair style. He's 5'9" and of average build
Bio: Derek came on board because it seemed like a fun thing to do. He's very entertainment-oriented, even becoming a medic because he only really worked when the crew needed regular physicals, medicinal stock needs resupplying, and when someone gets hurt or sick, otherwise leaving him free to pursue his own interests. Make no mistake, when it's time to work, he single-mindedly makes sure everything goes as perfectly as possible, often being overbearing about it, but other than that, he's laid back.
Other Details: Has a bad habit of annoying other people on the ship due to his antics and has also been accused of making a few of his examinations a bit too weird and/or sexual.
Perks: Hyperactive- You're a bottomless fountain of energy, never seeming to stop. EVER.
Sneaky Bastard- For all the noise you make (or maybe BECAUSE of all the noise you make), when you finally shut up, it's actually pretty hard to find you.
In the Zone- When he starts working with a patient, nothing else matters except said patient, his equipment, and whatever help he's got with him. Because of this, he's actually very good at his job, despite his personality.
Unlikable- Your personality is screwed or you've done something to offend/annoy the one you're trying to persuade. Either way, you're not going to be very successful with them.
Easily Bored- You might as well have ADHD for all the attention you pay to things you've already seen.
"I'mma a Doctor, Dammit!" Name says it all. He's very skilled in the medical field... as long as he's not bored anyway. He doesn't find engineering or science not having to do with medicine particularly fun, so he doesn't dabble in it. Also, while he thinks it would be fun, he's not much of a close range fighter. He can't help patients in a cast after all.
"Well that's New!"- As he likes to keep himself entertained, he lights up at the prospect of learning about a new disease. As a result, he expends a lot more energy in treating a patient with a new disease.
"Sure, why not?" He'll try anything and anyone at least once, twice if he doesn't know how to feel about it.
"Boooring!" He hates dealing with common maladies. As such, he'll try to make it interesting by dealing with it in a new way. After seeing a disease too often, he'll stop using any definite success treatments and develop an alternate one, with mixed success. He'll only do this with non-life-threatening disease though.
Clothing: Medic's jumpsuit with a white coat over it
Weapons: Syringes filled with various malicious liquids that can be thrown at an enemy, scalpels
Trinkets: Black metal framed glasses
Jewelry: N/A
Tools: Portable X-Ray, Hyposprayer
Other Equipment: Sedatives, scalpels, multiple sets of gloves (on him at all times...though usually not for the reasons you'd think)
Misc: Stethoscope (Mostly for show since he thought it'd be entertaining), whatever he thinks might entertain him at the time.
First section checks out and while i dont need you to change it you dont need to put down the WHOLE job description. nothing needs change here
Second section mostly correct but round up your phisical appeal and check below for any permenant modifiers due to perks/flaws/traits. also it's FINess not FITness.
third section all good to go and follows the stats/traits quite nicely.
Fourth... this might take a little bit...
Hyperactive: +50 to energy
Sneaky Bastard: +2 to finess while sneaking (conditional, dont add to your perminant stats just do this; "Finess:7+2 when sneaking")
In the Zone: +2 to your base stat while doing your job
Flaws: "easily bored" is now "ADHD"
Unlikable: -2 to persuasion
ADHD: -2 to perception if you are doing something for the third time (conditional; "Perception: 8-2 when doing something for a third time")
Traits: Your traits seem to be more like flaws keep in mind that these are just little quirks about your character that have no impact on actual game play, just how they interact with others on board no values are assigned, you can make them flaws if you really want me to assign values to them
when you pmed these to me i thought thats what they were.
Fifth section is ok but you might want to make you "throwing saringes" into darts with a dart gun and your scaple should be a tool that is included in a surgical kit ill add to the guide also add medikit if you want... remember that your PDP has plenty of module ports so instead put PDP with X-ray/MRI module as well as other medical scaning modules you may need. (max 3 modules at one time)