Roleplaying Discussion

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:11 am

What are you looking for in terms of rp ideas?
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Grape Me » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:35 am

Well I'm thinking about making a hub rp, like a hangout bar or something where anybody can just come in with any character and interact with others.

I'm not sure I want to start an rp with some elaborate background or story, rather have the players develop their own interactions and backgrounds as it goes on.

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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:44 am

It seems like you already have a good idea of what you want to do. I guess all you need is a place to meet and a reason to be their. If you want a hub RP, why not set it in a hotel? It gives you flexibly when it comes to time and place. You can have multiple common spaces (Bar, Lounge, etc.) for group play or individual rooms for 1 on 1 rps. Plus, If you want you can expand the hub to include areas outside the hotel. Not to mention you can create some interesting characters with regards to the hotel staff.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Grape Me » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:16 am

That's actually pretty good. Thanks

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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby NoblesseOblige » Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:51 am

So just one person interested in the idea I posted, or did it just get bump out of consciousness?
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby that man » Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:06 pm

NoblesseOblige Wrote:So just one person interested in the idea I posted, or did it just get bump out of consciousness?

May have just gotten bumped down.
that man
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby NoblesseOblige » Thu May 05, 2016 6:09 am

Seems no bites. Will disappear back to the roleplaying site I usually frequent. Peace LoK. Until we meet again.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Randomizer4 » Mon May 16, 2016 7:02 pm

Hey everyone...

I've looked at the rp forum rules and it says that if you have a new idea, to post here first :)

So a long time ago I was bored so I drew a map, and then came up with a lore surrounding it and in my mind I kept adding ideas and stuff. So I wondered if people would be interested in rp'ing in this world.

I haven't decided on rules and stuff yet but I'll give you guys a brief summary of the world:

The world is basically based on a mix between high-fantasy and the classical age. There are civilisations based on Greek, Roman, Carthaginian, (Punic for the history buffs), High-Elven and Dwarven cultures. (Also there are Orcs and Centaurs as well, including some other monsters/species)

I'm too lazy to give a description of each and every place just yet, and if demand is high I'll copy my old map to MS paint :)

The world I've set up offers a lot of opportunities for a lot of different playstyles. If you want to do classic dungeoncrawling, that is possible. There is an emerging evil. If you however just want to roam around a Nurosian Federation city or fight as a phalanx soldier in the Grand Rokandian army, you're welcome. If anyone is interested, tell me and I'll put more work in it and open a seperate recruitment thread.

Edit: one person was already interested, so you don't have to worry about being first
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Phoenixcz » Tue May 17, 2016 1:08 am

I feel it's better to just write up an OOC post and look for response there, not everyone reads or responds to this thread, IMO.
If it takes me two weeks or more to respond to a RP without prior notice, send me a PM. It's more likely I've missed the last post, forgot or got distracted and need a little reminder rather than deciding to drop the game without warning.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Randomizer4 » Tue May 17, 2016 10:51 am

I might do that than... When I have time and stuff xD
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby hailey<3 » Thu May 19, 2016 9:04 am

I have an interesting idea here.

My idea's setting with be in Medieval Fantasy Realm and there will be a number of mixed races in this rp to choose from. The story is that a darkness has a ascended in the South and no one knows why it is here and how it got here, but as it goes through the lands, it burning villages and slaying and raping anything that comes within ten feet of it. Few people have managed to actually get away from the darkness and fewer still wish to speak about it. You will be at the bastion city of the land, Toloria, which is where you will try and devise a plan to try and conquer the darkness. However the clock is ticking, during this rp you will need to try and help keep the peace of the city by keeping the citizens calm and you will also need to study and try and find out any information on the darkness or it's origins.

That is of course optional.....if you would like to try and join the darkness then you can choose to try and destroy efforts, spread propaganda about the kingdom and the darkness to help the impending march, how you choose to play is up to you. There is a percentage which shows how calm the citizens are and how much progress you have made toward discovering a weakness or discovering their initial existence.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby BlueLight » Tue May 24, 2016 9:13 pm

hailey<3 Wrote:I have an interesting idea here.

My idea's setting with be in Medieval Fantasy Realm and there will be a number of mixed races in this rp to choose from. The story is that a darkness has a ascended in the South and no one knows why it is here and how it got here, but as it goes through the lands, it burning villages and slaying and raping anything that comes within ten feet of it. Few people have managed to actually get away from the darkness and fewer still wish to speak about it. You will be at the bastion city of the land, Toloria, which is where you will try and devise a plan to try and conquer the darkness. However the clock is ticking, during this rp you will need to try and help keep the peace of the city by keeping the citizens calm and you will also need to study and try and find out any information on the darkness or it's origins.

That is of course optional.....if you would like to try and join the darkness then you can choose to try and destroy efforts, spread propaganda about the kingdom and the darkness to help the impending march, how you choose to play is up to you. There is a percentage which shows how calm the citizens are and how much progress you have made toward discovering a weakness or discovering their initial existence.

So basically a mix between Never ending story and Darksouls.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby hailey<3 » Wed May 25, 2016 3:56 pm

Not really. I am even a little insulted at the idea that those two are mixed. :lol:
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Nanospliccer » Fri May 27, 2016 3:50 am

Well... I-I'm back...

Th-this time, I will actually be keeping a schedule, s-so I shouldn't phase out of existence, a-and if I do, I'll let you all know about it, um... I-I'm sorry f-for last time...

Th-that said... i-is anypony interested in a more low-fantasy s-sort of RP? One where the people involved aren't necessarily lords or knights or even heroes, but th-the setting is interesting nonetheless, a-and actual interaction between the characters and NPCs would be far more important... Th-the setting is a work in progress, but it's based off of a story I'm currently writing, which... well, t-to be honest, I've done far more work on the world, setting a-and characters th-than actually writing th-the story... B-but that means that there's a lot of background t-to draw from, s-so that's part of why I'm placing it here f-for your perusal...

Please bear in mind before replying th-that my writing style is more dark th-than most... n-not to say that it's edgy or humourless, b-but expect a world that doesn't always have your best interests in mind, and only moderately fair repercussions t-to brash action... and expect this darkness t-to seep into sex, as, well, th-that's something I personally q-quite enjoy...

The setting would be a large country which is ground zero f-for a great war between what is essentially the demon realm and the mortal one, which all of the other countries have almost entirely walled off, leaving your lord and their knights to fight this threat alone. The citizenry were trapped inside in what was considered a necessary evil to try to contain the war, and all of the players would be either from this country or travelling through it when the walls rose. The country is quite large and prosperous, but the king's... interesting negotiation style has left much to be desired in terms of trading and technology, so advanced weapons, materials and armour from outside the walls are rare. The demons are much further behind in technology, however, which is why the front has held for so long, but they are numerous and tricky with their spells, so they occasionally get through to cause trouble and sexual torment for the citizens and police. Meanwhile, in all of the cities still standing, the citizens are just trying to live their lives, generally ignoring the burden of war...

Um, i-if I get e-even one interested reply, I-I'll try to describe the whole thing i-in more detail in a post on the OOC board, s-since I know I'm missing... well, a lot of information...
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Riptide » Fri May 27, 2016 4:13 pm

I'd be up to joining that. I love darker stories.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Randomizer4 » Fri May 27, 2016 7:03 pm

Oh this sounds fun :) count me in nanosplicer
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Lynxy » Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:42 pm

Yes, the moment I see that OOC I'm jumping in, nano.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby NightsTMB » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:26 am

I'll be starting one something like that, no heroes, no "Good Guys," everyone is corrupt to some degree. There'll be two factions, with opportunity for, uneasy alliances, backstabbing and conflict a plenty, and well whatever else your devious minds dream up. I've got a basic combat system worked out (it's a simplified D20), with a chance (this chance is small, but no impossible, so don't be surprised if you find yourself oddly dead the next day) for any character to be fought, killed, or well otherwise as anyone sees fit. I'm working on character perks at the moment, which will all be give and take, for example an assassinish perk will have a greater chance for kills, but will have reduced defending rolls. Losing and winning conflicts will also come with buffs, and debuffs, haven't worked all these out yet, but losing will decrease your defensive rolls relative to the asskicking received. This isn't fully mapped out yet, but these are a few ideas I'm working out should be ready for public consumption within a few weeks, hopefully I'll have the training wheels off by then.

It would take place in a near future, prototype max security prison. Deslin Prison first of it's kind is positioned in Earth's orbit, it houses the dregs of society. You'll play as either guards, or inmates. Ultimately though, your adventure, and goal is your own to choose, whether you wish to see the destruction of the prison, or just want watch chaos that unfolds.

The inmates will all be either lifers, or awaiting death sentence, their faction will be filled with infighting, treachery, rape, murder, theft. Due to limited resources, and threats of punishment inmates tend to be more crafty, and have less direct methods. Though they are in no way, shape, or form, afraid of getting their hands dirty.

Guards are more power trippy, and live above the law. They have little issue using their authority, or weaponry over inmates. Their abuse of power has no limits, from small beatings to random executions. Guards aren't above infighting, or quid pro quos with inmates (for example like having an inmate murder a career rival in exchange for a limited blind eye).

I'm still working out perks, my goal is to have roughly 5 universal perks, and 5 faction perks with a unique automatic perk for those that chose be on death row. I was also going to do faction bonuses but decided against it as guards would have an unfair advantage with weaponry alone.
I only have 2 perks right now
Assassin: increases crit rolls to 10-12 but assassin's are stealthy so decreases defensive rolls by 2
Nothing to Lose: This is the Death Row Perk it's a fear check where someone else would have to pass the check to engage in normal conflict, but limits the number of turns before the execution, fear check requirements goes up the closer it gets to execution.

Conflict will be played out through 2, 6 sided dice, 12 is crit, rolling a crit opens up the option to murder, rape, or whatever you desire, which would require another successful roll. Losing any conflict will result in recovery in which case you have decreased defensive rolls for relative number of turns, and loss of confidence which decreases your offensive rolls for same relative number. this formula is simple subtract the losing roll from the winning roll, and that is the number of turns for the debuffs.

I'm terrible at explaining things, but hopefully I got this out clearly. If anyone is interested in playing I'm open to suggestions, and ideas. If not I'll cease production and turn towards some other idea. I'm hoping this will be somewhere between Oz, and A Clockwork Orange.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby Riptide » Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:42 pm

I like that idea. I love dark Sci-Fi atmospheres, and I think it was easy enough to follow.
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Re: Roleplaying Discussion

Postby NightsTMB » Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:03 pm

There's one player! Ideally I'd like to get 10-15 people or so, but I still need to work out the perks, lol. Any ideas for others?
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