by NightsTMB » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:26 am
I'll be starting one something like that, no heroes, no "Good Guys," everyone is corrupt to some degree. There'll be two factions, with opportunity for, uneasy alliances, backstabbing and conflict a plenty, and well whatever else your devious minds dream up. I've got a basic combat system worked out (it's a simplified D20), with a chance (this chance is small, but no impossible, so don't be surprised if you find yourself oddly dead the next day) for any character to be fought, killed, or well otherwise as anyone sees fit. I'm working on character perks at the moment, which will all be give and take, for example an assassinish perk will have a greater chance for kills, but will have reduced defending rolls. Losing and winning conflicts will also come with buffs, and debuffs, haven't worked all these out yet, but losing will decrease your defensive rolls relative to the asskicking received. This isn't fully mapped out yet, but these are a few ideas I'm working out should be ready for public consumption within a few weeks, hopefully I'll have the training wheels off by then.
It would take place in a near future, prototype max security prison. Deslin Prison first of it's kind is positioned in Earth's orbit, it houses the dregs of society. You'll play as either guards, or inmates. Ultimately though, your adventure, and goal is your own to choose, whether you wish to see the destruction of the prison, or just want watch chaos that unfolds.
The inmates will all be either lifers, or awaiting death sentence, their faction will be filled with infighting, treachery, rape, murder, theft. Due to limited resources, and threats of punishment inmates tend to be more crafty, and have less direct methods. Though they are in no way, shape, or form, afraid of getting their hands dirty.
Guards are more power trippy, and live above the law. They have little issue using their authority, or weaponry over inmates. Their abuse of power has no limits, from small beatings to random executions. Guards aren't above infighting, or quid pro quos with inmates (for example like having an inmate murder a career rival in exchange for a limited blind eye).
I'm still working out perks, my goal is to have roughly 5 universal perks, and 5 faction perks with a unique automatic perk for those that chose be on death row. I was also going to do faction bonuses but decided against it as guards would have an unfair advantage with weaponry alone.
I only have 2 perks right now
Assassin: increases crit rolls to 10-12 but assassin's are stealthy so decreases defensive rolls by 2
Nothing to Lose: This is the Death Row Perk it's a fear check where someone else would have to pass the check to engage in normal conflict, but limits the number of turns before the execution, fear check requirements goes up the closer it gets to execution.
Conflict will be played out through 2, 6 sided dice, 12 is crit, rolling a crit opens up the option to murder, rape, or whatever you desire, which would require another successful roll. Losing any conflict will result in recovery in which case you have decreased defensive rolls for relative number of turns, and loss of confidence which decreases your offensive rolls for same relative number. this formula is simple subtract the losing roll from the winning roll, and that is the number of turns for the debuffs.
I'm terrible at explaining things, but hopefully I got this out clearly. If anyone is interested in playing I'm open to suggestions, and ideas. If not I'll cease production and turn towards some other idea. I'm hoping this will be somewhere between Oz, and A Clockwork Orange.