Yeah, I don't take kindly to people pulling guns and shooting my character. For lack of a better phrase, when that happens, "it's on", because IC there is really no way back from that - you have tried to kill my character, in this case while they were walking away ignoring you to end this engagement because as the Vampire Hunter character it's a bit awkward when the Vampire character starts going all evil pyscho blood sucky.... sought of leads to having to take action (hence the bluff warning with garlic spray... you gonna do that stuff, do it in private where the Vamp Hunter can't see it
Option one is there as a response to the attack on my character, it is the natural reaction that would play out in that circumstance - you have tried to kill my character, I will now try to kill your character. If people wish to change their action, to follow the path of deescalating the situation, there is no need for Option one to happen, hence option 2 - which I prefer