It's another RP, woo hoo. This RP idea was made by combining many elements from many different and interesting creative works. The center piece being that trash anime 11eyes. I highly recommend not watching it. You don't have to watch it to properly participate in this, anyways. For starters, I should first say before you read anything else, that this will be my first time GMing on this site. I'm fairly confident I'll do well, but if you see something amiss, feel free to speak up.
You currently reside in Tokyo. You could be visiting, you could be staying, you could be a native, or a foreigner... none of that matters. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now you're in some form of Tokyo copy, underneath a red sky and a black moon. The city's still populated, but everyone seems lost and out of it. All of them... except for you, your team, and a few other individuals. Now, all that you need to do is survive the night. Though, with the amount of crazy people running around, the dark and sinister entities that lurk, and the other various mysteries that are within this place, that might be a little complicated. You'll have to use your WITS, GRIT, AGILITY, SKILL, and your VITALITY to win. But first, you've gotta get back home and get a weapon...
The Red City is a strange, supernatural phenomena. It's an almost perfect copy of Tokyo, with a red sky and a black moon being the two main differences. The other is that the inhabitants of this place are mostly dull, expressionless people, as if they were zoned out on some kind of drug. There are also people who are in fact, conscious. Awake. These people can either be your enemies, or your friends. All of the signs in the Red City have lost their words, as has all of the books. Not even cell phones seem to work. The City is always at the right temperature, though sometimes mist "randomly" forms in certain places. The sky is always cloudless and starless, with only one big black moon to keep it from seeming empty.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
So, you've probably guessed from the emphasis I put on them, but the main stats in this game are WITS, GRIT, AGILITY, SKILL, and VITALITY. Unlike in most games, the value of these stats have been changed. All stats cap at 15. Firstly;
WITS: This one is a modifier for intelligence-related stuff. Encompasses everything from useless trivia to how to make makeshift weapons. The skills you can acquire are heavily dependent on this stat. It obviously has a bunch of other functions, but those are mostly situational stuff. e.g; you meet someone and they asked you a math problem. That sort of thing. Also helps with scavenging, planning, and seeing through lies.
GRIT: This one is a modifier for strength-related stuff. It also determines how likely your character is to crack under pressure. Obviously important in a fight. The higher this stat, the more damage you do. And obviously, lifting heavy stuff. The amount of weight you can carry depends on this stat. If your character is under very serious mental pressure, this determines whether or not they'll be able to continue fighting, or survive, or stay sane.btw going insane isn't permanent, but does lasting and noticeable damage to your character's psyche. more explained later.
AGILITY: This one is a modifier for speed-related stuff, and in general agile stuff. Can't do gymnastics without this. It decides how fast you are in battle, how fast you are with running, how flexible you are, how fast you thrust... the normal stuff. Also determines your reflexes in general. This is the stat you'll want to focus on if your character isn't good at fighting.
SKILL: This one is a modifier for in general finesse, and luck. Very important stat, in my humble opinion. It encompasses everything that has to do with luck, so quite a bit. Influences your chances at random encounters, successful scavenging, crit chance... and other finesse-related things, like how cautious and graceful you are. Some weapons require you to have over a certain amount of SKILL. If you plan on painting a lot of walls, this is a very useful skill.
VITALITY: This one is a modifier for health-related stuff, such as resisting status effects, determining how much STAMINA you have, and surviving poisons (which isn't likely to encounter, but still). Also determines your alcohol tolerance, which is fun, and drug resistance. Does NOT dampen the amount of damage you take, but does increase the likeliness of you barely surviving fatal attacks.
[HIDDEN STAT] SPIRIT: This one is 100% a roleplay stat. It's a stat the player (you) can't see, but it's kind of important. It's a basic stat that determines the power of your allegiance to your Associated God. The higher this stat, the stronger the bond between you and them, which gives you bonuses related entirely to your Associated God, that I personally decide. e.g; your chosen Associated God is Loki, and you have high SPIRIT. I'll probably give you WITS-based bonuses, like skills and whatnot. Increase the chances of you finding powerful items, that sort of thing. Keep in mind that some of these bonuses will be private. I'll have to PM you the info on them, and you do as you see fit.
STAMINA: While not technically a stat; I'll include this here, anyways. Your STAMINA is all of your life points pooled into one. SP, HP, LP, all of that. In the beginning, every character starts with 30 STAMINA, and can increase it by adding more points into VITALITY. Every point into VITALITY counts as 2 points into STAMINA. Mental attacks and physical attacks both drain this bar.
Those are the main six stats. They're the ones that the players can decrease or increase. There are other hidden stats that I give to your characters, but you can only passively change those. There's no reason to make them public knowledge, because they'll just complicate things for you, the players. 'sides, they don't impact the important stuff. An example of them is LEWDNESS. It doesn't change anything, other than help me determine certain individuals reactions to your characters, and what else your characters will experience.
Moving on, let's talk about the question in your head. What's an ASSOCIATED GOD? It's a mythological God that is associated to your character. You choose them from ANY God created in myth, but choose carefully... your Associated God can determine quite a bit, as you can guess from the SPIRIT stat. For now, I can't tell you what else it'll decide, but I believe you know enough to choose something good. Here's a hint though; make sure they're somewhat similar in some way to your character. Maybe have it's actions reference something your character has done, will do, or could do. Your character does not have to be consciously aware of their Associated God. As in, they don't need to be religious. A character's ASSOCIATED GOD is a meta thing.
THE PVP SYSTEM; since you all might decide to kill each other. Basically, if you ever fought each other, you'd essentially be rolling off against each other. Simple, right? Well, remember your stats. Before you fight any character, I'm telling you, you wanna compare their stats to yours. Everything should be taken into consideration, or they just may beat you. Unlike with most fights, you won't get much XP from fighting other players. Rather, you instead get the chance to steal their items, or whatever else you can do in RP. You could even enslave someone's character, if their player gives you permission to. So, as you can see, simple PVP.
LEVELS; all characters start at LV 1, but most of every action you do gives you XP. XP is used to level up, and leveling up gives you more stat points (2 to spend per level) to spend on your stats. Your level has no cap (since most likely no one would reach it, if there even was a limit), so you can basically max out all your stats and whatever. Level also influences the chances of you finding a good item while scavenging.
THE D6 SYSTEM; this really shouldn't be skipped, unless you don't certain you won't do any PVP at any point, under any circumstances. All of the important stuff, the optional stuff, and even some essential stuff, all rely on a D6. It's basic math. I'm the one generally doing this, but if it's PVP, then every combating party needs to do this, instead. Mostly because if I did it, it'd take much longer than necessary.
1 is a miss, 6 is a crit.
Roll a 2 = 1 DMG
Roll a 3 = 2 DMG
Roll a 4 = 3 DMG
Roll a 5 = 4 DMG
Roll a 6 = 6 DMG
Roll a 1 = 0 DMG (MISS).
Abilities replace the D6 roll and the second stat. (Ability DMG/EFFECT + WHATEVER STAT THIS ABILITY IS AFFILIATED WITH = X)
THE BUDDY SYSTEM; yes, I know, there's a lot of mechanics to read. But don't worry, we're almost done. The Buddy System literally is just for your companions. A companion can be any entity that is your ally and gives permission. Having a buddy gives you a LOT of bonuses (in and out of combat), but you won't know those bonuses until your buddy becomes your buddy. The bonuses changes regarding who's your buddy. It also works both ways, but your buddy may receive different bonuses. You can also trade items and fight together. Your buddy is automatically assigned whenever two entities decide to stick with one another. As in, if your character decides to hang around another character, they become buddies, IF the other person decides the same. e.g; John Doe's buddy is Jane Doe, another player. The bonuses provided are; +1 to WITS. Jane Doe's buddy is John Doe, another player. The bonuses provided are; +1 to GRIT. And you can fuck your buddy, too. I mean, I guess you can fuck anyone, but... you get my point.
THE PARTY SYSTEM; alright, third to last thing to explain. The Party System is just The Buddy System but with more buddies. The bonuses won't be as powerful, but they'll be more of them. You can have up to two NPCs in a party. And that's literally it.
STATUS EFFECTS; these are states your character may be forced into, or force others into. Mostly negative, and whatnot. I shall now list them in order of what I typed; [Aroused] will be aroused and distracted during a fight, which is entirely roleplay-related and does nothing on a meta level. [Stunned] is a blanket term which means your character is unable to move for whatever reason; be it being frozen, being tightly bound, or anything else. It means either your movements are greatly reduced in effectiveness or it's outright impossible to move, which also means no ability usage. [Crazed] means your character is confused and violent, and more willing to do things they wouldn't normally do due to fear. It also allows you to ignore all other status effects. [Dazed] is another blanket term. Means your character's confused through whatever means, and all attacks have a 25% higher chance of missing, and your defense suffering a 25% reduction. [Drained] is a rare status effect, but basically means your character is exhausted. They cannot use abilities, and all attack damage is halved. Lastly; [Poisoned] literally means your character is poisoned. They will take 1d4 damage every round.
COMBAT; the final mechanic to explain, but this is a little more complicated, so pay attention. There are three kinds of combats. Normal combat, PVP (already explained) combat, and multi-party combat. All combats have one thing in common; you wish to drain your enemy's STAMINA until it's low enough for them to either quit fighting, or die. There are two types of attacks; physical and mental. Physical attacks are attacks that attack your body, like a punch or a kick. Mental attacks are attacks that attack your mind, like subtle mental pressure, and lustful advances. Mental attacks can be defended against with high enough GRIT, but keep in mind that some status effects drain your GRIT. Physical attacks can't be defended against by any stat, and you'll have to take the full damage to your STAMINA bar. Normal combat is a turn-based battle that's you vs a non-player enemy, who in most cases will be an NPC, but rarely may be a monster (if you encounter a monster, I suggest just running). The turn order in ALL combats is determined by the AGILITY stat. High AGILITY entities attack first, unless they're surprised. I don't know if I need to say this, but an attack would mean your character attacking another entity through roleplay, rather than saying "X attacked!" I'd rather see "X double kicked" and other descriptive attacks. If you really need to convey the meaning behind something, put it in bold. After the first attack, your character can then use an ability or item. Then you can do whatever roleplay stuff you want. You can also not attack or do whatever else you can think of doing. This IS an RP, more flexible than a standard game. Then it's the enemy's turn, and they fight under the same rules. Attack, item, or ability. Roleplay whenever. None of this is mandatory. The obvious stats influence fights, of course. PVP combat has the same exact rules, but roleplay actions actually matter a lot, if you're creative enough. Although, keep in mind that PVP is two players against each other, meaning I don't often intervene at all. Lastly, multi-party combat. In this, the turn order is simply first come, first serve for those in the party. You can use your turn to interact with another character in some way. You can even spend your turn to support them, but keep in mind the obvious drawbacks of this. Then it's your enemy's turn, and they act under the same rules. Lastly, beating any non-player enemy gives you XP as a base reward, and some give you extra stuff, like items or weapons. Some weapons and items also can give/have STATUS EFFECTS, like poisoned weapons. And lastly; your attack damage is calculated first with the d6 roll, then your GRIT is taken into the equation, then whatever secondary modifier might come in, and subtracted by whatever can. And the sum is your damage. That's all for combat.
ABILITIES and ITEMS; alright, I know I said the above was the final mechanic to explain... but THIS is really important, and I forgot about it. Basically, abilities and items work the same way in every other RP, but I should explain how to acquire them. You start out with two abilities, with a chance to gain new abilities (depending on your stats, certain encounters, and leveling up). You will receive a list of abilities to choose from, but if you have ideas already, then you can make your own custom ability. For items, you need to make up your own. Keep in mind that only health-related items (like a medkit or bandages) can heal you, and only out of combat. You can also scavenge to find more items. The only items used for battle are weapons, with the rest being for support. For simplicity's sake, I classify weapons as items. Weapons can be found in places you'd expect, and acquired with a high enough SKILL stat. With a high enough WITS stat, you can also combine them.
CUSTOM ABILITIES; this doesn't count as it's own thing, but it needs some space. Making your own custom ability is pretty simple. There are two kinds of abilities; support, and offensive. For a support ability, you state it's name "Buff", state what it does right next to the name, how your character does it, what stat it influences, and how many times you can use it (stat increase can also be a decrease for yourself or your target) [John Doe flexes, and smirks at his opponent. +1 to his GRIT. He can use this 2 times in a single combat.] For an offensive ability, follow the same instructions. But instead of what stat it influences, state the damage it does. "Super Punch [John Doe charges up his fist, and punches a target really hard. Deals 3 DMG. He can use this 3 times per combat.]" Healing abilities work (and are formatted) the same as offensive, but are classified as support, but even the best healing abilities cap at healing to half health. Feel free to also get creative and explore what you can and can't do with your abilities. There's always a chance I'll deny them, but I'd rather just work out the issues rather than give a flat no. In fact, as long as it's not too powerful, there's a good chance I'll accept them.
And THAT should be enough... man, that was a lot. So, some parting comments; as you can see, I highly suggest forming partnerships with other players or NPCs. You can go LONE WOLF and survive in the game, but for the best possible experience, you may want a companion. COMBAT can be flexible with it's rules. Certain entities can and will break some rules (cough MONSTERS cough), so keep this in mind if you challenge them. Lastly, once more, feel free to test your boundraries with what's here. You'll always at least get an A for effort, from me. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
So, you've probably guessed from the emphasis I put on them, but the main stats in this game are WITS, GRIT, AGILITY, SKILL, and VITALITY. Unlike in most games, the value of these stats have been changed. All stats cap at 15. Firstly;
WITS: This one is a modifier for intelligence-related stuff. Encompasses everything from useless trivia to how to make makeshift weapons. The skills you can acquire are heavily dependent on this stat. It obviously has a bunch of other functions, but those are mostly situational stuff. e.g; you meet someone and they asked you a math problem. That sort of thing. Also helps with scavenging, planning, and seeing through lies.
GRIT: This one is a modifier for strength-related stuff. It also determines how likely your character is to crack under pressure. Obviously important in a fight. The higher this stat, the more damage you do. And obviously, lifting heavy stuff. The amount of weight you can carry depends on this stat. If your character is under very serious mental pressure, this determines whether or not they'll be able to continue fighting, or survive, or stay sane.
AGILITY: This one is a modifier for speed-related stuff, and in general agile stuff. Can't do gymnastics without this. It decides how fast you are in battle, how fast you are with running, how flexible you are, how fast you thrust... the normal stuff. Also determines your reflexes in general. This is the stat you'll want to focus on if your character isn't good at fighting.
SKILL: This one is a modifier for in general finesse, and luck. Very important stat, in my humble opinion. It encompasses everything that has to do with luck, so quite a bit. Influences your chances at random encounters, successful scavenging, crit chance... and other finesse-related things, like how cautious and graceful you are. Some weapons require you to have over a certain amount of SKILL. If you plan on painting a lot of walls, this is a very useful skill.
VITALITY: This one is a modifier for health-related stuff, such as resisting status effects, determining how much STAMINA you have, and surviving poisons (which isn't likely to encounter, but still). Also determines your alcohol tolerance, which is fun, and drug resistance. Does NOT dampen the amount of damage you take, but does increase the likeliness of you barely surviving fatal attacks.
[HIDDEN STAT] SPIRIT: This one is 100% a roleplay stat. It's a stat the player (you) can't see, but it's kind of important. It's a basic stat that determines the power of your allegiance to your Associated God. The higher this stat, the stronger the bond between you and them, which gives you bonuses related entirely to your Associated God, that I personally decide. e.g; your chosen Associated God is Loki, and you have high SPIRIT. I'll probably give you WITS-based bonuses, like skills and whatnot. Increase the chances of you finding powerful items, that sort of thing. Keep in mind that some of these bonuses will be private. I'll have to PM you the info on them, and you do as you see fit.
STAMINA: While not technically a stat; I'll include this here, anyways. Your STAMINA is all of your life points pooled into one. SP, HP, LP, all of that. In the beginning, every character starts with 30 STAMINA, and can increase it by adding more points into VITALITY. Every point into VITALITY counts as 2 points into STAMINA. Mental attacks and physical attacks both drain this bar.
Those are the main six stats. They're the ones that the players can decrease or increase. There are other hidden stats that I give to your characters, but you can only passively change those. There's no reason to make them public knowledge, because they'll just complicate things for you, the players. 'sides, they don't impact the important stuff. An example of them is LEWDNESS. It doesn't change anything, other than help me determine certain individuals reactions to your characters, and what else your characters will experience.
Moving on, let's talk about the question in your head. What's an ASSOCIATED GOD? It's a mythological God that is associated to your character. You choose them from ANY God created in myth, but choose carefully... your Associated God can determine quite a bit, as you can guess from the SPIRIT stat. For now, I can't tell you what else it'll decide, but I believe you know enough to choose something good. Here's a hint though; make sure they're somewhat similar in some way to your character. Maybe have it's actions reference something your character has done, will do, or could do. Your character does not have to be consciously aware of their Associated God. As in, they don't need to be religious. A character's ASSOCIATED GOD is a meta thing.
THE PVP SYSTEM; since you all might decide to kill each other. Basically, if you ever fought each other, you'd essentially be rolling off against each other. Simple, right? Well, remember your stats. Before you fight any character, I'm telling you, you wanna compare their stats to yours. Everything should be taken into consideration, or they just may beat you. Unlike with most fights, you won't get much XP from fighting other players. Rather, you instead get the chance to steal their items, or whatever else you can do in RP. You could even enslave someone's character, if their player gives you permission to. So, as you can see, simple PVP.
LEVELS; all characters start at LV 1, but most of every action you do gives you XP. XP is used to level up, and leveling up gives you more stat points (2 to spend per level) to spend on your stats. Your level has no cap (since most likely no one would reach it, if there even was a limit), so you can basically max out all your stats and whatever. Level also influences the chances of you finding a good item while scavenging.
THE D6 SYSTEM; this really shouldn't be skipped, unless you don't certain you won't do any PVP at any point, under any circumstances. All of the important stuff, the optional stuff, and even some essential stuff, all rely on a D6. It's basic math. I'm the one generally doing this, but if it's PVP, then every combating party needs to do this, instead. Mostly because if I did it, it'd take much longer than necessary.
1 is a miss, 6 is a crit.
Roll a 2 = 1 DMG
Roll a 3 = 2 DMG
Roll a 4 = 3 DMG
Roll a 5 = 4 DMG
Roll a 6 = 6 DMG
Roll a 1 = 0 DMG (MISS).
Abilities replace the D6 roll and the second stat. (Ability DMG/EFFECT + WHATEVER STAT THIS ABILITY IS AFFILIATED WITH = X)
THE BUDDY SYSTEM; yes, I know, there's a lot of mechanics to read. But don't worry, we're almost done. The Buddy System literally is just for your companions. A companion can be any entity that is your ally and gives permission. Having a buddy gives you a LOT of bonuses (in and out of combat), but you won't know those bonuses until your buddy becomes your buddy. The bonuses changes regarding who's your buddy. It also works both ways, but your buddy may receive different bonuses. You can also trade items and fight together. Your buddy is automatically assigned whenever two entities decide to stick with one another. As in, if your character decides to hang around another character, they become buddies, IF the other person decides the same. e.g; John Doe's buddy is Jane Doe, another player. The bonuses provided are; +1 to WITS. Jane Doe's buddy is John Doe, another player. The bonuses provided are; +1 to GRIT. And you can fuck your buddy, too. I mean, I guess you can fuck anyone, but... you get my point.
THE PARTY SYSTEM; alright, third to last thing to explain. The Party System is just The Buddy System but with more buddies. The bonuses won't be as powerful, but they'll be more of them. You can have up to two NPCs in a party. And that's literally it.
STATUS EFFECTS; these are states your character may be forced into, or force others into. Mostly negative, and whatnot. I shall now list them in order of what I typed; [Aroused] will be aroused and distracted during a fight, which is entirely roleplay-related and does nothing on a meta level. [Stunned] is a blanket term which means your character is unable to move for whatever reason; be it being frozen, being tightly bound, or anything else. It means either your movements are greatly reduced in effectiveness or it's outright impossible to move, which also means no ability usage. [Crazed] means your character is confused and violent, and more willing to do things they wouldn't normally do due to fear. It also allows you to ignore all other status effects. [Dazed] is another blanket term. Means your character's confused through whatever means, and all attacks have a 25% higher chance of missing, and your defense suffering a 25% reduction. [Drained] is a rare status effect, but basically means your character is exhausted. They cannot use abilities, and all attack damage is halved. Lastly; [Poisoned] literally means your character is poisoned. They will take 1d4 damage every round.
COMBAT; the final mechanic to explain, but this is a little more complicated, so pay attention. There are three kinds of combats. Normal combat, PVP (already explained) combat, and multi-party combat. All combats have one thing in common; you wish to drain your enemy's STAMINA until it's low enough for them to either quit fighting, or die. There are two types of attacks; physical and mental. Physical attacks are attacks that attack your body, like a punch or a kick. Mental attacks are attacks that attack your mind, like subtle mental pressure, and lustful advances. Mental attacks can be defended against with high enough GRIT, but keep in mind that some status effects drain your GRIT. Physical attacks can't be defended against by any stat, and you'll have to take the full damage to your STAMINA bar. Normal combat is a turn-based battle that's you vs a non-player enemy, who in most cases will be an NPC, but rarely may be a monster (if you encounter a monster, I suggest just running). The turn order in ALL combats is determined by the AGILITY stat. High AGILITY entities attack first, unless they're surprised. I don't know if I need to say this, but an attack would mean your character attacking another entity through roleplay, rather than saying "X attacked!" I'd rather see "X double kicked" and other descriptive attacks. If you really need to convey the meaning behind something, put it in bold. After the first attack, your character can then use an ability or item. Then you can do whatever roleplay stuff you want. You can also not attack or do whatever else you can think of doing. This IS an RP, more flexible than a standard game. Then it's the enemy's turn, and they fight under the same rules. Attack, item, or ability. Roleplay whenever. None of this is mandatory. The obvious stats influence fights, of course. PVP combat has the same exact rules, but roleplay actions actually matter a lot, if you're creative enough. Although, keep in mind that PVP is two players against each other, meaning I don't often intervene at all. Lastly, multi-party combat. In this, the turn order is simply first come, first serve for those in the party. You can use your turn to interact with another character in some way. You can even spend your turn to support them, but keep in mind the obvious drawbacks of this. Then it's your enemy's turn, and they act under the same rules. Lastly, beating any non-player enemy gives you XP as a base reward, and some give you extra stuff, like items or weapons. Some weapons and items also can give/have STATUS EFFECTS, like poisoned weapons. And lastly; your attack damage is calculated first with the d6 roll, then your GRIT is taken into the equation, then whatever secondary modifier might come in, and subtracted by whatever can. And the sum is your damage. That's all for combat.
ABILITIES and ITEMS; alright, I know I said the above was the final mechanic to explain... but THIS is really important, and I forgot about it. Basically, abilities and items work the same way in every other RP, but I should explain how to acquire them. You start out with two abilities, with a chance to gain new abilities (depending on your stats, certain encounters, and leveling up). You will receive a list of abilities to choose from, but if you have ideas already, then you can make your own custom ability. For items, you need to make up your own. Keep in mind that only health-related items (like a medkit or bandages) can heal you, and only out of combat. You can also scavenge to find more items. The only items used for battle are weapons, with the rest being for support. For simplicity's sake, I classify weapons as items. Weapons can be found in places you'd expect, and acquired with a high enough SKILL stat. With a high enough WITS stat, you can also combine them.
CUSTOM ABILITIES; this doesn't count as it's own thing, but it needs some space. Making your own custom ability is pretty simple. There are two kinds of abilities; support, and offensive. For a support ability, you state it's name "Buff", state what it does right next to the name, how your character does it, what stat it influences, and how many times you can use it (stat increase can also be a decrease for yourself or your target) [John Doe flexes, and smirks at his opponent. +1 to his GRIT. He can use this 2 times in a single combat.] For an offensive ability, follow the same instructions. But instead of what stat it influences, state the damage it does. "Super Punch [John Doe charges up his fist, and punches a target really hard. Deals 3 DMG. He can use this 3 times per combat.]" Healing abilities work (and are formatted) the same as offensive, but are classified as support, but even the best healing abilities cap at healing to half health. Feel free to also get creative and explore what you can and can't do with your abilities. There's always a chance I'll deny them, but I'd rather just work out the issues rather than give a flat no. In fact, as long as it's not too powerful, there's a good chance I'll accept them.
And THAT should be enough... man, that was a lot. So, some parting comments; as you can see, I highly suggest forming partnerships with other players or NPCs. You can go LONE WOLF and survive in the game, but for the best possible experience, you may want a companion. COMBAT can be flexible with it's rules. Certain entities can and will break some rules (cough MONSTERS cough), so keep this in mind if you challenge them. Lastly, once more, feel free to test your boundraries with what's here. You'll always at least get an A for effort, from me. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
There's some other stuff I'm not explaining about this RP, so let me rectify that. Despite how it may seem, this can get a little sexual and fetishy (read: very fetishy), so please keep in mind, that sort of thing's in this [list of things to expect; rape, monster sex, futanari, tentacles, exhibitionism, orgies, probably other stuff]. If you want, you can send me a PM, and I'll make sure your character won't be forced into such situations.
There's also an actual plot behind this RP that the characters (including the NPCs) will be able to both influence, create, and reveal. The mysteries are abundant, without a doubt. I have an ending planned, and some events will be scripted, but it's mostly improv. Basically all of the images I'll use will be from either Gelbooru or some other site, maybe Google Images. I can't art worth shit, but I like pretty pictures. I'm going for a specific type of atmosphere with this RP, and that specific atmosphere being heavily inspired by Hip-Hop and game OSTs.
Oh, and as for me personally, I'll at least try very hard to consistently update this, which shouldn't be hard since I'm a man with a lot of free time right now, so I can spend a good portion of said free time on this. Oh, and real quick; this RP won't take place ENTIRELY in the Red City. The beginning will be a brief period of normality, before the phenomena takes place. Afterwards, there will still be brief moments in which the Red City dissipates and you're back in reality. If you die in the Red City, you won't die in real life. But your character doesn't know this.
And though this RP is set up in a way that allows me to have an EXTREMELY large group of players; I'm not entirely sure I could comfortably GM for more than 8 people, so that's the maximum amount of players. Minimum being 3. I could work with 2, but that would be so much less fun than 3, y'know?
Last thing; if you're going to play, please manage to at least post once a week. If you don't post often enough, you may ruin the experience of other players, and I might be forced to either kick you from the RP, or control your character a majority of the time, which would probably lead to kicking you from the RP. no pressure though, i'm pretty lenient and i'll understand if you've got somethin' goin' on.
There's some other stuff I'm not explaining about this RP, so let me rectify that. Despite how it may seem, this can get a little sexual and fetishy (read: very fetishy), so please keep in mind, that sort of thing's in this [list of things to expect; rape, monster sex, futanari, tentacles, exhibitionism, orgies, probably other stuff]. If you want, you can send me a PM, and I'll make sure your character won't be forced into such situations.
There's also an actual plot behind this RP that the characters (including the NPCs) will be able to both influence, create, and reveal. The mysteries are abundant, without a doubt. I have an ending planned, and some events will be scripted, but it's mostly improv. Basically all of the images I'll use will be from either Gelbooru or some other site, maybe Google Images. I can't art worth shit, but I like pretty pictures. I'm going for a specific type of atmosphere with this RP, and that specific atmosphere being heavily inspired by Hip-Hop and game OSTs.
Oh, and as for me personally, I'll at least try very hard to consistently update this, which shouldn't be hard since I'm a man with a lot of free time right now, so I can spend a good portion of said free time on this. Oh, and real quick; this RP won't take place ENTIRELY in the Red City. The beginning will be a brief period of normality, before the phenomena takes place. Afterwards, there will still be brief moments in which the Red City dissipates and you're back in reality. If you die in the Red City, you won't die in real life. But your character doesn't know this.
And though this RP is set up in a way that allows me to have an EXTREMELY large group of players; I'm not entirely sure I could comfortably GM for more than 8 people, so that's the maximum amount of players. Minimum being 3. I could work with 2, but that would be so much less fun than 3, y'know?
Last thing; if you're going to play, please manage to at least post once a week. If you don't post often enough, you may ruin the experience of other players, and I might be forced to either kick you from the RP, or control your character a majority of the time, which would probably lead to kicking you from the RP. no pressure though, i'm pretty lenient and i'll understand if you've got somethin' goin' on.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Shibuya: This area is notable for being a major entertainment, dining and shopping district. Heavily populated, with possibly good loot.
Shinjuku: Big neighborhood, lots of people. Known for having a lot of awake individuals, compared to all the other areas.
Akihabara: Home of the Otaku culture. Populated. Known for possibly useful items, but also many strange entities.
Asakusa: Old part of the city. Known for many red-light districts. High possibility for 'dirty' encounters.
Ikebukuro: Another big neighborhood. Has a haunted skyscraper filled with strange happenings in and around it.
Shimokitazawa: Coolest part of Tokyo. Known for being relatively safe from hostiles.
Yoyogi: Quiet neighborhood. Nice place. Fairly safe, but also lacks much loot.
Kichijoji: University town, lots of schoolgirls.
Ueno: Busy place. Low rent area, allowing for many low-class citizens to live.
Trans-dimensional Train Station: A mysterious metro that took the place of every other railway line in the notable areas. Used to go directly to other areas, but can't take you outside them.
Shibuya: This area is notable for being a major entertainment, dining and shopping district. Heavily populated, with possibly good loot.
Shinjuku: Big neighborhood, lots of people. Known for having a lot of awake individuals, compared to all the other areas.
Akihabara: Home of the Otaku culture. Populated. Known for possibly useful items, but also many strange entities.
Asakusa: Old part of the city. Known for many red-light districts. High possibility for 'dirty' encounters.
Ikebukuro: Another big neighborhood. Has a haunted skyscraper filled with strange happenings in and around it.
Shimokitazawa: Coolest part of Tokyo. Known for being relatively safe from hostiles.
Yoyogi: Quiet neighborhood. Nice place. Fairly safe, but also lacks much loot.
Kichijoji: University town, lots of schoolgirls.
Ueno: Busy place. Low rent area, allowing for many low-class citizens to live.
Trans-dimensional Train Station: A mysterious metro that took the place of every other railway line in the notable areas. Used to go directly to other areas, but can't take you outside them.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character's Full Name: (if Japanese, please remember the surname goes first. if not, whatever.)
Place of Residence: (can be anywhere in Tokyo, but you might wish to pick one of the notable areas.)
Appearance: (description or image.)
Age: (i don't really need to explain this but i need there to be a note here for aesthetic reasons.)
Gender: (can be female, male, or futa. futas are only futas in the Red City)
Nationality: (you can choose any nationality.)
Personality/Backstory: (your character's personality and some backstory to help explain their characteristics.)
Relationships with anyone: (family or friends or anything else. can be another player. just type NPC sister or something if you want an NPC as a family member or friend. i'll assign you one.)
Sexuality: (you know how this works. can also be sexually confused.)
Talents: (as in, just stuff they're good at. like singing)
Most Tragic/Significant Past Event: (as in, the worst thing that's ever happened to them, or if there's nothing too bad, then most significant)
Associated God: (explanation provided in the mechanics.)
Birth Month: (this doesn't mean a whole lot in the roleplay, but it'll help me with some behind the scenes dm shenanigans)
Favorite Kind of Weapons: (guns, swords, knives, that sort of thing)
Inventory: (water, food, cell phone, that sort of stuff. anything you can think of, but only as much as your character can reasonably carry, and being overburdened can grant a debuff. up to 3 health items.)
Current Weapon: (nothing like a real gun or sword, though. give it a brief description, too. your weapon can either be something not out of place in a normal home, or a weapon that fits your character's backstory well enough. also, apply a stat bonus it grants that's +2 or lower. your character can use their body and still get a stat bonus, but it'll only be +1.)
Kinks: (what freaky, or not so freaky, stuff gets their engine runnin)
Abilities: (i'll PM you a list to choose from when i get your app, and you can choose which two you want. or you can make a custom ability.)
Theme Song: (optional)
LVL: 1 (starter level don't change this)
Stats are next. You get 15 points to spend. Please delete this when you're done, along with the above brackets and all inside the brackets.
STAMINA: (you start with 30, and add 2 for every point in VITALITY)
Character's Full Name: (if Japanese, please remember the surname goes first. if not, whatever.)
Place of Residence: (can be anywhere in Tokyo, but you might wish to pick one of the notable areas.)
Appearance: (description or image.)
Age: (i don't really need to explain this but i need there to be a note here for aesthetic reasons.)
Gender: (can be female, male, or futa. futas are only futas in the Red City)
Nationality: (you can choose any nationality.)
Personality/Backstory: (your character's personality and some backstory to help explain their characteristics.)
Relationships with anyone: (family or friends or anything else. can be another player. just type NPC sister or something if you want an NPC as a family member or friend. i'll assign you one.)
Sexuality: (you know how this works. can also be sexually confused.)
Talents: (as in, just stuff they're good at. like singing)
Most Tragic/Significant Past Event: (as in, the worst thing that's ever happened to them, or if there's nothing too bad, then most significant)
Associated God: (explanation provided in the mechanics.)
Birth Month: (this doesn't mean a whole lot in the roleplay, but it'll help me with some behind the scenes dm shenanigans)
Favorite Kind of Weapons: (guns, swords, knives, that sort of thing)
Inventory: (water, food, cell phone, that sort of stuff. anything you can think of, but only as much as your character can reasonably carry, and being overburdened can grant a debuff. up to 3 health items.)
Current Weapon: (nothing like a real gun or sword, though. give it a brief description, too. your weapon can either be something not out of place in a normal home, or a weapon that fits your character's backstory well enough. also, apply a stat bonus it grants that's +2 or lower. your character can use their body and still get a stat bonus, but it'll only be +1.)
Kinks: (what freaky, or not so freaky, stuff gets their engine runnin)
Abilities: (i'll PM you a list to choose from when i get your app, and you can choose which two you want. or you can make a custom ability.)
Theme Song: (optional)
LVL: 1 (starter level don't change this)
Stats are next. You get 15 points to spend. Please delete this when you're done, along with the above brackets and all inside the brackets.
STAMINA: (you start with 30, and add 2 for every point in VITALITY)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character's Full Name: Miyazaki Ana
Place of Residence: Kichijoji
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Personality/Backstory: Ana is a quiet person. She's generally reserved, watching people with an impassive, yet inquisitive eye. She enjoys reading and gaining knowledge, and she is interested in the human mind. She has no siblings, and only one mother, who she's distant with. She can be rather cruel, seeing above all that logic is the way to go. She has very few friends, and she sometimes wishes she could have someone to be close to. She has absolutely no experience with anything sexual. (Your character's personality/backstory can be a whole lot longer than this, if you wish it.)
Relationships with anyone: Distant relationship with her mother, father was never in the picture.
Moral Alignment: True neutral.
Sexuality: Bisexual, but would never admit to this. She'd say she's asexual.
Talents: Detective skills, juggling, weapon crafting.
Most Significant Past Event: In her youth, a boy had confessed that he loved her, and she was stunned for exactly two minutes, before she turned him down.
Associated God: Minerva
Birth Month: December
Favorite Kind of Weapons: Staffs.
Inventory: Small water bottle, cell phone, and her book. Clothes.
Current Weapon: Broom [A big, blunt weapon. Doesn't do much damage. +1 to GRIT.]
Kinks: Vanilla, due to lack of sexual experience, but can be taught to learn more.
Abilities: Intense Focus [Her eyes gain a sharp look in them, and she gains +2 to WITS, and passively intimidates those 3 levels below her own. Lasts the rest of combat.] Scan [She gives her target a brief once-over, and comprehends their nature. Gains knowledge of their skills, personality type, bonuses, that sort of thing. No limit.]
Theme Song:
LVL: 1
GRIT: 2 (+1)
Character's Full Name: Miyazaki Ana
Place of Residence: Kichijoji
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Personality/Backstory: Ana is a quiet person. She's generally reserved, watching people with an impassive, yet inquisitive eye. She enjoys reading and gaining knowledge, and she is interested in the human mind. She has no siblings, and only one mother, who she's distant with. She can be rather cruel, seeing above all that logic is the way to go. She has very few friends, and she sometimes wishes she could have someone to be close to. She has absolutely no experience with anything sexual. (Your character's personality/backstory can be a whole lot longer than this, if you wish it.)
Relationships with anyone: Distant relationship with her mother, father was never in the picture.
Moral Alignment: True neutral.
Sexuality: Bisexual, but would never admit to this. She'd say she's asexual.
Talents: Detective skills, juggling, weapon crafting.
Most Significant Past Event: In her youth, a boy had confessed that he loved her, and she was stunned for exactly two minutes, before she turned him down.
Associated God: Minerva
Birth Month: December
Favorite Kind of Weapons: Staffs.
Inventory: Small water bottle, cell phone, and her book. Clothes.
Current Weapon: Broom [A big, blunt weapon. Doesn't do much damage. +1 to GRIT.]
Kinks: Vanilla, due to lack of sexual experience, but can be taught to learn more.
Abilities: Intense Focus [Her eyes gain a sharp look in them, and she gains +2 to WITS, and passively intimidates those 3 levels below her own. Lasts the rest of combat.] Scan [She gives her target a brief once-over, and comprehends their nature. Gains knowledge of their skills, personality type, bonuses, that sort of thing. No limit.]
Theme Song:
LVL: 1
GRIT: 2 (+1)