New Reno RefugeesACCEPTING CSThe vault dweller has yet to come out and everything is still absolutely crazy on the west coast. Raiders pillage the various settlements and The Red Caravan still have a monopoly on every trader in the region. Necropolis still stands and is infested with the ghouls that survived the initial radiation waves 80 years ago.Now there is immense amounts of sin flooding the wastelands, and at the center of it all is New Reno a pool of cess that poisons the wastelands with greed; lust; and treachery. This is were you live and this is where you must survive. This is where you wage your war against the wastes to keep your freedom and your life. This is war. War never changes.
CombatSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Combat will be very basic and will continue until you kill the enemy. Though you will be given the chance to escape if your health drops to below 20% . Your agility will have an effect on this chance. This effect is TBD (To be Determined).
Combat works like this Dmg - Armor class * 1 (2 if critical is acheived) = Net Dmg
Dmg is determined by the damage min-max depending on the weapon and each one has a min ST req. or else you receive a -20% Acc penalty. You accuracy is determined by your skill level in that field and the range at which you enemies are if they are far away and you are using a pistol there is a -20% penalty to hit. So there is a short range (0 - 30 meters) , Medium (31 - 70 meters), Long (71 -100 Meters). You chance of accuracy is based on your skill level with that weapon type with a ceiling of 100% .
ex: 10mm Pistol (5min -12 max) ; Magazine - 12 ; Min ST 3 ; Range 25
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You have 40 Skill points to distribute. ( Minimum 1 Point applied to each skill )
Modifies: Hit Points, Melee Damage, and Carry Weight
Strength is primarily relevant to two in-game mechanics: Carry Weight and satisfying the minimum Strength requirements on weapons. You gain 25 lbs. of Carry Weight per point of Strength (unless you have the Small Frame trait, in which case it is 15). Also, if you meet the minimum Strength requirements of your weapon, you do not suffer accuracy penalties with that weapon.
Modifies: Sequence, ranged combat distance modifiers and the First Aid, Doctor, Lockpick, Traps.
A player character with higher Perception may notice things that allow them to open up new dialogue options on occasion. It also determines how far away they start from hostilities in random encounters.
Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional Hit Points per level.
Modifes: NPC Reactions, Barter prices, Speech attempts
Modifies: the number of new skill points per level, dialogue options, and many skills.
With a dimwitted player character, many non-player characters will simply shrug one off, while others will insult or even attack them. Playing as a low Intelligence character is only recommended for experienced players looking to role-play.
Modifies: Sequence , Armor class , Various combat skills
It is a critical stat for anyone interested in the more mobile and visceral skills, such as unarmed and small guns. Other skills rely on it, but these have higher values in AG investment.
Luck primarily affects your chances with the virtual dice of the game: a high Luck means you're more likely to succeed a roll, while the opposite is also true. Luck also affects the chance to score a critical hit on an enemy, with the standard being that your Critical Chance is equal to your Luck (keep in mind, standard means without perks, traits, or aimed shots). It also determines the initial level of your Gambling skill.
TraitsSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Fast metabolism:
Healing rate +2 Per Day
Radiation and poison resistances = 0
ST +2
Small frame:
AG +1
Carry weight is calculated as 25 + ST * 15
One hander:
Increased chance to hit with one-handed weapons (by 20%)
Decreased chance to hit with two-handed weapons (by 40%)
Critical chance +10%
+30% DR to all attacks
(Like damage resistance from armor and ammo modifiers, this is ignored by armor-bypassing criticals)
Sequence +5
Armor class = 0
Heavy handed:
Melee damage +4
-30 penalty to critical hit table rolls
Bloody mess:
Lets you see the worst way a person can die
All misses have a 50% chance to be "upgraded" to a critical failure.
That includes other NPCs too.
Good natured:
+15 first aid, doctor, speech and barter
-10 small guns, big guns, energy weapons, unarmed, melee weapons and throwing
Chem reliant:
Addiction time reduced by 50%
Addiction chance increased by 50%
Chem resistant:
Chem affect duration reduced by 50%
Addiction chance reduced by 50%
Sex appeal:
Sex appeal value raised for NPCs of opposite gender; reduced for same gender.
Night person:
+1 PE and AG at night
-1 PE and AG during daylight
+5 skill points per level
Perk gain every 4 levels
+1 all stats
-10 all skills
-5 skill points gain every level
Choose this if you wish to not experience anything sexual
Skills (Not Yet Finished)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Combat Skills
Big Guns - The operation and maintenance of really big guns - miniguns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and such.
Energy Weapons - The care and feeding of energy-based weapons. How to arm and operate weapons that use laser or plasma technology.
Melee Weapons - Using non-ranged weapons in hand-to-hand or melee combat - knives, sledgehammers, spears, clubs and so on.
Small Guns - The use, care and general knowledge of small firearms - pistols, SMGs and rifles.
Throwing Weapons - The skill of muscle-propelled ranged weapons, such as throwing knives, spears and grenades.
Unarmed - A combination of martial arts, boxing and other hand-to-hand martial arts. Combat with your hands and feet.
Active Skills
First Aid
Important InfoSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Sequence: Depending on who your enemy is the higher the Sequence it determines who goes first in combat
Tag Skills: Pick Three skills and it will add 15% to said skill
0-199 No Effect
200-399 Minor Radiation Poisoning = -1 END
400-599 Advanced Radiation Poisoing = -2 END , -1 AGL
600-799 Critical Radiation Poisoning = -3 END , -2 AGL , -1 STR
800-999 Deadly Radiation Poisoning = -3 END , -2 AGL , -2 STR
1000 Fatal Radiation Poisoning = Death
Character Sheet ExampleSpoiler (click to show/hide):
- Fallout CS ex.JPG (73.7 KiB) Viewed 1423 times
Accepted Characters1. TBA
Sophia ( Needs to add tag skills before i send CS )
IvicCharacter Sheet: Required forms are marked by a *
Name*: (This can be a nickname or an actual name)
Appearance: (Picture Optional)
Age: (Min 16 , Max 35)
Traits: (Pick a max of two)
Tag Skills*:(Pick 3)
I will provide a picture of your CS to you once you fill this form out