Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (On hold due to Medical probs)

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Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (On hold due to Medical probs)

Postby Stickasensi » Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:21 am

New Reno Refugees

The vault dweller has yet to come out and everything is still absolutely crazy on the west coast. Raiders pillage the various settlements and The Red Caravan still have a monopoly on every trader in the region. Necropolis still stands and is infested with the ghouls that survived the initial radiation waves 80 years ago.Now there is immense amounts of sin flooding the wastelands, and at the center of it all is New Reno a pool of cess that poisons the wastelands with greed; lust; and treachery. This is were you live and this is where you must survive. This is where you wage your war against the wastes to keep your freedom and your life. This is war. War never changes.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Combat will be very basic and will continue until you kill the enemy. Though you will be given the chance to escape if your health drops to below 20% . Your agility will have an effect on this chance. This effect is TBD (To be Determined).

Combat works like this Dmg - Armor class * 1 (2 if critical is acheived) = Net Dmg
Dmg is determined by the damage min-max depending on the weapon and each one has a min ST req. or else you receive a -20% Acc penalty. You accuracy is determined by your skill level in that field and the range at which you enemies are if they are far away and you are using a pistol there is a -20% penalty to hit. So there is a short range (0 - 30 meters) , Medium (31 - 70 meters), Long (71 -100 Meters). You chance of accuracy is based on your skill level with that weapon type with a ceiling of 100% .
ex: 10mm Pistol (5min -12 max) ; Magazine - 12 ; Min ST 3 ; Range 25

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You have 40 Skill points to distribute. ( Minimum 1 Point applied to each skill )

Modifies: Hit Points, Melee Damage, and Carry Weight

Strength is primarily relevant to two in-game mechanics: Carry Weight and satisfying the minimum Strength requirements on weapons. You gain 25 lbs. of Carry Weight per point of Strength (unless you have the Small Frame trait, in which case it is 15). Also, if you meet the minimum Strength requirements of your weapon, you do not suffer accuracy penalties with that weapon.

Modifies: Sequence, ranged combat distance modifiers and the First Aid, Doctor, Lockpick, Traps.

A player character with higher Perception may notice things that allow them to open up new dialogue options on occasion. It also determines how far away they start from hostilities in random encounters.

Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional Hit Points per level.

Modifes: NPC Reactions, Barter prices, Speech attempts

Modifies: the number of new skill points per level, dialogue options, and many skills.

With a dimwitted player character, many non-player characters will simply shrug one off, while others will insult or even attack them. Playing as a low Intelligence character is only recommended for experienced players looking to role-play.

Modifies: Sequence , Armor class , Various combat skills

It is a critical stat for anyone interested in the more mobile and visceral skills, such as unarmed and small guns. Other skills rely on it, but these have higher values in AG investment.


Luck primarily affects your chances with the virtual dice of the game: a high Luck means you're more likely to succeed a roll, while the opposite is also true. Luck also affects the chance to score a critical hit on an enemy, with the standard being that your Critical Chance is equal to your Luck (keep in mind, standard means without perks, traits, or aimed shots). It also determines the initial level of your Gambling skill.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Fast metabolism:
Healing rate +2 Per Day
Radiation and poison resistances = 0

ST +2

Small frame:
AG +1
Carry weight is calculated as 25 + ST * 15

One hander:
Increased chance to hit with one-handed weapons (by 20%)
Decreased chance to hit with two-handed weapons (by 40%)

Critical chance +10%
+30% DR to all attacks
(Like damage resistance from armor and ammo modifiers, this is ignored by armor-bypassing criticals)

Sequence +5
Armor class = 0

Heavy handed:
Melee damage +4
-30 penalty to critical hit table rolls

Bloody mess:
Lets you see the worst way a person can die

All misses have a 50% chance to be "upgraded" to a critical failure.
That includes other NPCs too.

Good natured:
+15 first aid, doctor, speech and barter
-10 small guns, big guns, energy weapons, unarmed, melee weapons and throwing

Chem reliant:
Addiction time reduced by 50%
Addiction chance increased by 50%

Chem resistant:
Chem affect duration reduced by 50%
Addiction chance reduced by 50%

Sex appeal:
Sex appeal value raised for NPCs of opposite gender; reduced for same gender.

Night person:
+1 PE and AG at night
-1 PE and AG during daylight

+5 skill points per level
Perk gain every 4 levels

+1 all stats
-10 all skills
-5 skill points gain every level

Choose this if you wish to not experience anything sexual

Skills (Not Yet Finished)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Combat Skills
Big Guns - The operation and maintenance of really big guns - miniguns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and such.

Energy Weapons - The care and feeding of energy-based weapons. How to arm and operate weapons that use laser or plasma technology.

Melee Weapons - Using non-ranged weapons in hand-to-hand or melee combat - knives, sledgehammers, spears, clubs and so on.

Small Guns - The use, care and general knowledge of small firearms - pistols, SMGs and rifles.

Throwing Weapons - The skill of muscle-propelled ranged weapons, such as throwing knives, spears and grenades.

Unarmed - A combination of martial arts, boxing and other hand-to-hand martial arts. Combat with your hands and feet.

Active Skills
First Aid


Important Info
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sequence: Depending on who your enemy is the higher the Sequence it determines who goes first in combat
Tag Skills: Pick Three skills and it will add 15% to said skill

0-199 No Effect
200-399 Minor Radiation Poisoning = -1 END
400-599 Advanced Radiation Poisoing = -2 END , -1 AGL
600-799 Critical Radiation Poisoning = -3 END , -2 AGL , -1 STR
800-999 Deadly Radiation Poisoning = -3 END , -2 AGL , -2 STR
1000 Fatal Radiation Poisoning = Death

Character Sheet Example
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Fallout CS ex.JPG
Fallout CS ex.JPG (73.7 KiB) Viewed 1423 times

Accepted Characters
1. TBA
4.Sophia ( Needs to add tag skills before i send CS )

Character Sheet: Required forms are marked by a *
Name*: (This can be a nickname or an actual name)
Appearance: (Picture Optional)
Age: (Min 16 , Max 35)
Traits: (Pick a max of two)
Tag Skills*:(Pick 3)
I will provide a picture of your CS to you once you fill this form out
Last edited by Stickasensi on Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:55 am, edited 6 times in total.
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby thedude9351 » Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:56 am

Name: Dr.Ormond (Eireann) or Doc
Appearance: 5'10 Red hair green eyes C cups wide hips wears her doctors coat but has her enclave uniform stashed away [spoiler] Image [spoiler]
Age: 24
A EX Enclave officer/Doctor she dabbles in genetic mutation working on the FEV virus for a time, but her main skill set is that of a doctor and medicine. Ormond went rouge when she had learned their dear ole president Teddy Roosevelt was just a computer she couldn't come to terms with this hard truth how could a cold uncaring computer take a job of that of a Human she fled the enclave outpost under cover of darkness that being said shes okay at stealth but when it comes to fighting back shes no slouch with her plasma pistol.

Shortly there after Dr. Ormond had a good set up in a small town when it was ransacked by raiders in the night barley escaping with her life she decided to head west out towards New Reno she figured Treating a larger population would provide steady work plus there was no shortages of STD's to treat there and it was safer than most of the wasteland right?

At heart Doc is a human purist and believes any deviation from humanity is an abomination she is also a bit of a sadist she learned to enjoy causing pain and discomfort through years of experiment on the wasteland locals and being enclave it ment mostly against their will

Traits: Sex Appeal, Bloody mess
Tag Skills:Doctor
Energy Weapons
Last edited by thedude9351 on Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby exalted » Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:34 am

Seeing as how the other Fallout RP seems to have died before really starting, do you mind if I use my character from that?

Name: Kira Dawn:
Gender: Feamle
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Age: (Min 16 , Max 35)
Skills*: 24
Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 8
Luck: 3
Kira was former member of Talon Company, signing on when she was 16 and angry at the hand life had dealt her. One night as she washed the blood from her hands she realized 8 years of violence and drinking away her problems had got her exactly nowhere. She was still broke, still alone and still wanting a place she could call home. Every friend or lover she had made during those 8 years was rotting away in the wastes somewhere. Her team were a bunch of snot nosed kids who'd just signed on, no loyalty, no respect, no camaraderie, just misplaced anger.

Her next patrol was a SNAFU. What was meant to be a simple caravan ambush turned into a pitched battle when some Super Mutants decided they wanted the caravaneers more. Her team panicked, ran and died as soon as the fight kicked off proper, kids used to bullying settlers and traders, not soldiering.

When the dust settled only Kira was standing. The other teams, the caravaneers and mutants all lay dead, and she didn't know what to do. She felt no reason to return to base, no compunction or feeling, it had just been a place she slept for awhile. She looted the bodies out of habbit, replenishing her supplies and keeping anything of worth, when she found the caravan leader's journal and his destination.

A new settlement, far away from this. A fresh start.

Traits: Sex Appeal
Tag Skills*: Small Guns, Sneak, Lockpick
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:10 pm

So in the matter of character sheets its not a first come first serve basis. ( Im sorry, but if someone dies then i will put the next person in line into the game the next post. I will be accepting 4 Characters and one slot is reserved for a personal friend of mine. This is going to be a relatively small RP and i want it focused on story although i can and most likely will add sexual content.

Tag Skills*::Medicine
Energy Weapons

You have to pick between First Aid or Doctor

Well im going to go ahead and fill in the last little tid bits of information and open this baby up
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby thedude9351 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:47 am

I fixed it
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby ParadoxalObserver » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:50 pm

I assume this is still accepting?
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby [Brand_Name] » Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:41 pm

Is it alright if I use my character, like exalted did, from the other Fallout rp?
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:33 am

Yea! You can definitely use your old character! Just adapt it to this system, Ill update this tmrw because some serious drama came up and Ill be chilled by tmrw so i can actually focus.

(Was planning on making some changed to the OOC post until i was rudely interrupted :lol: )
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby [Brand_Name] » Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:28 pm

Name: Sophia Marx?
Age: 18?
G: F
Backstory: A relatively new face in the Wastes, Sophia Marx crawled out of Vault [make up whatever number you want] after a more-than-two-century-long battle against the master of her vault. He kept all ten members of the vault in a mental limbo in small pods (if you've played Fallout 3 you'll know what I'm talking about) while terrorizing them with various nightmarish situations, frequently involving sexual situations filled with monsters created from the abyss of his deranged mind. Sophia finally escaped after finding a flaw in the loophole he'd created, and was able to fight him to the death in his own mind, but accidentally ended up killing all other members of the vault in the process. In addition, she only remembers from her last "dream" onward; she had to make up a name and age for herself, and has no idea why she was in the vault in the first place.
Over the two hundred years mentally enslaved, however, the others' minds melded, and most of their combined intelligence and mental ability now resides in Sophia. As a result, however, she can be extremely indecisive and bipolar, and no longer has one real true personality. She did not bother to check the other pods for the other residents, as she was in a post-hyper sleep delirium, but vows to one day return to the vault to return what happened. Unfortunately, however, she doesn't remember where it is, as her brain was still in a haze as she clamored out. It's only been one full day since her escape, and she found New Reno her first night out, along with the laser pistol and sledgehammer. Clearly too weak for the hammer, she plans to use the pistol primarily for fighting.
As Sophia wakes up on the street in New Reno, her mind still feels a tad hazy, but she knows that she must fight on, for now, finally, her life can resume- even in this hell of an Earth.
S: 4
P: 5
E: 4
C: 5
I: 8
A: 8
L: 6
Traits: small frame, sex appeal
Skills: Science, repair, doctor
Last edited by [Brand_Name] on Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:14 pm

ParadoxalObserver Wrote:I assume this is still accepting?

Yes im still accepting, Ill be updating the skills post tonight and start on making your IC Posts for those who have submitted sheets
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby ParadoxalObserver » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:37 am

Well, I better get working on the sheet today. Have been rather busy for the past couple.

Name: Ivic (Unaware of his last name)
Gender: Male
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Age: 22
Strength: 2 (4)
Perception: 7
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 3
Background: Ivic was never much of a person to stay put. Always wandering ever since he got bored of his old town. A small town, on the edges of the pre-war Californian border. But for a small, run-down town, it was over populated. Thieves, sentient ghouls, and gangs filled the streets. It was tough surviving there, and many merchants would use the desperation of the population to force high prices on the many. Offering gangs payment for security also meant any who tried to take their goods through other means would not last long. Here, Ivic had to learn to trick, charm, and ultimately convince the few caravans which passed by for free or cheaper goods.

But later in life, he got lucky. There was a rugged, old caravan owner, was always kind to Ivic, kinder than most. One of the few to give the kid free food whenever he passed by. During one of his later routes, a gang war occured in the small, unnamed town. Sure, they were usual, but nothing of that size. No one knew how it started, they only knew that it wouldn't stop until only one group remained. In the chaos, the carvan owner took pity on Ivic, fleeing with him far away from the town. He spent his years learning with the old man how to commit to trade, and the basics needed to defend himself from low lives. However, things couldn't go well forever.

During a trading mission towards New Reno, they were attacked by raiders. The guards being over run by the sheer amount of them. Ivic had heard how bad the area was when it came to such situations, but it still surprised him. With no way to win, to salvage to goods, and with the old man shot, Ivic made a run for it. Luckily, being so distracted with the fire fight, no one chased him. He continues towards New Reno, hoping to honor the old man's memory by someday recreating his small caravan.

-Sex appeal
Tag Skills:
-Small Guns

(Yay for risky skill coverage!)
Last edited by ParadoxalObserver on Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby thedude9351 » Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:37 pm

any Idea When the IC will be up the anticipation is killing me
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:26 am

Hahaha yea ive been gone for the past week and i sincerely apologize :) I had to prepare for my homecoming game last friday
Im working on posts right now so give me till wednesday
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby thedude9351 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:02 am

haha Okay i guess i can wait
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Riptide » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:35 am

Character Sheet: Required forms are marked by a *
Name*: Joe Mediu
Gender*: Male
Appearance: About average height and weight. Has nicely groomed brown hair. Wears a navy blue business suit that he puts great effort into keeping as clean as possible.
Age: 23
Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 2
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Background*: Joe likes the idea of taking a persona of a business man. He fights for whatever side is paying the most, and he puts 100 percent into trying not to disappoint the side he is on
Traits: Sex Appeal, Bloody Mess
Tag Skills*: Speech, Gambling, Small Guns
Last edited by Riptide on Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby ParadoxalObserver » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:42 pm

Riptide, tag skills are the three things you put in front of skills! Also, if you're going for gambling, I really recommend pushing up luck. If you've ever played one of the old Fallout games (1&2) it pretty much teaches you (in a very brutal way) that going for initial skills that you don't have the attributes to back up is a /horrible/ idea.
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:43 am

Thanks Paradox, but if you look under important info you find that it explains what tag skills are. Ill be sending your In game sheets tonight.
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Stickasensi » Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:01 am

So interest check since ive been gone so long i want to know whos still up for this
No! forget the glass, just give me the pitcher, for I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death... which I hope is soon. Amen.
~ Archer
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby exalted » Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:34 am

Good to go
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Re: Fallout 2: New Reno Refugees (Not Finished)

Postby Riptide » Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:23 am

Okay, I fixed my character sheet. I should be good to go.
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:23 pm


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