OOC: The Road (Info Update 22/8)

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OOC: The Road (Info Update 22/8)

Postby exalted » Thu May 29, 2014 11:15 am

EDITS: New Location: The Titty Twister

“This you knows. The years travel fast. And time after time I've done the Tell. But this ain 't one body's Tell. It's the Tell of us all. And you got to listen it and 'member. 'Cause what you hears today, you got to tell the newborn tomorrow.

I's looking behind us now, into history back. I sees those of us that got the luck and started the haul for home. And I ‘members how it lead us here and we was heartful 'cause we seen what there once was. One look, and we knewed we'd got it straight. Those what had gone before had knowing and the doing of things beyond our reckoning, even beyond our dreaming.

Time counts and keeps counting. And we knows now, finding the trick of what's been and lost, ain't no easy ride. But that's our track. We got to travel it. And there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead. Still and all, every night we does the Tell so that we 'member who we was and where we came from.

But most of all we 'members the man who finded us, him that came the salvage. And we lights the city. Not just for him, but for all of them that are still out there. 'Cause we knows there'll come a night when they sees the distant light and they'll be coming home.”



Nobody remembers what caused the two great tribes to go to war and scar the earth into the wastes. Great walls grew out of the sands to separate the great cities from each over and the fettered waste that sprawled out from them. Generations of soldiers fought, lived and died out in the wastes, never knowing why they fought and what lay on the other side of the walls they defended.

Resources were scarce in the wastes, holding land had very little value, except for a few fertile holdouts. Instead, the war was fought across the old roads, twisted flesh and metal barrelling down the asphalt at a hundred miles per hour.

Over twenty years ago the war ended. Each side sending out its last great driver to do battle, to end it once and for all like the knights of old. Nobody remembers how that ended either, who won didn’t matter; only that someone had won, and that it had ended. As one the great armies turned and went back to their great walls, to rest, to lay peaceful on a warm green earth.

No laurels were forthcoming, no welcome home. Only cold stone walls and barred gates met them. Fearful, judgemental eyes leered down at them from the walls, seeing a violent rabble they no longer recognised, or cared for.

They were told to leave, to turn around and return to the wastes that they belonged to. Some did, others attacked the walls they had sworn to defend, trying to tear them down. Many died, the others fleeing back into the nightmare they had fought to escape.

The remnants of the great armies limped back to the crossroads where their champions had fought. None knew why they returned to place that had started the great hope, many felt they had no place else to go, and there they stayed. Lead by their great drivers, their champions they started to build and so formed a new great city, the Third Tribe.

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The Crazies: Not all accepted the new rule of the Third Tribe. Some were too scarred or too addicted to the adrenalin of screaming, tortured metal to give it up. When these men and women turned from the wall they fled to safe havens and caches they secured during the war, raiding and pillaging to stay alive.

The Bronze: The Bronze are the enforcers of the Third Tribe and law of the wastes. Each wears a Bronze badge on a black leather uniform, ordered to protect and serve, no matter the cost.

The Freaks: The weapons that scared the ground into the wastes also twisted the life it held and cradled. Freaks, Zeeks and Muties, these creatures claw out a short brutal life filled with violence.

Brown Coats/ Grey Shirts: The Great Tribes still keep representatives among the third tribe. They seek to spy on, divide and play off their competitors against the other, fearful what could happen if an alliance formed or the wastes united again.

The Guild: Money is the universal language. The two great tribes are still technically at war and can’t be seen to be trading with each other, yet they still must. The Guild setup in the Third Tribe to facilitate these business ventures. If anyone is making a buck in the waste then the Guild is probably getting a cut.

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Gangs are groups of people you will meet on the ground in the wastes. Some might represent part of a faction, such as MFP, while others might just be a loose collection looking to get by.

Main Force Patrol (MFP): The Main Force Patrol is the muscle the Bronze project into the wastes, patrolling the roads and highways. The MFP is the thin blue line that separates the meek and righteous from the filth of wastes. The MFP has long been criticized for their use of excessive force.

Civil Force Patrol (CFP): The CFP are the law inside the Third City. Some are corrupt, some are washouts from the MFP and some take the job because they want to make difference.

Free Land Settlers: The law abiding people of Free Town... which has no laws, so yeah, technically law abiding. An agreement stands between the MFP and the Freelanders, "Don't start none, wont be none". The MFP stays out and the Freelanders ply their trade away from the city.

Uptown Boys: Even the filth there are those better than you. The Uptown Boys are the wayward youth of the elite of the Third City. These boys have the money to buy whatever they want, and are addicted to the power that concept brings. While these boys are nothing in the grand power schemes of the city, the money they represent could pose a threat.

The New Order: The New Order are a bunch of psychopaths, ruling through fear, intimidation and sexual violence. They have sporadic territory in the slums of the Third City, rarely having a visible presence on the street. Instead they work from the shadows, savagely beating, raping or murdering anyone who gets in their way or refuses to pay for protection. The New Order has long been at odds with the Uptown Boys, but have been kept at bay due to their disorganization.


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You are a Freelancer. You most likely grew up in the waste after the war, eking out a living somehow until you got your own set of wheels. Then you became a somebody. Freelancers are the life blood of the wastes, running cargo, salvaging and helping patrol against Crazies and Freaks.

After running a few jobs in the fringe territories you saved up enough to move to the Cross Roads where you can score some big jobs and be in the majors.

Alternatively you may take an entry level job in one of the factions (note: Freaks are considered to be “shoot on sight”, so I’d recommend against this faction).

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Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them)

Strength: (Used in HtH and some driving test)
Dexterity: (Used to hit things, run and some driving tests)
Toughness: (Pain tolerance, how long you can last without supplies)
Willpower: (How mentally tough are you? Panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Perception: (Awareness, reading people, car repairs)
Charisma: (How well you can convince people, low score will help intimidating)

Skills/Perks: (3 player choices, roll bonuses to negotiated)


Inventory: 6 Slots (Consumables and bulky items only need to listed, not the lint in your pocket. Characters will be able to carry more once you RP starts. Weapon reloads stacked on weapon, food and water fill one spot).

Cash: (How much money you have $50 to start)

Salvage: (How much you have to sell, will be randomly generated at RP start. Vendors will give different prices for Salvage)

Car: (see Below)


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Your wheels are you life in the Wastes and the code of the road is king. You may either pick a generic vehicle below or negotiate stats for unique vehicle.

Driving tests will be based on either Strength or Dexterity. Strength tests will be to muscle your car into something (ramming, shunting etc) while Dex will be avoidance or control (dodging a ram, taking a corner fast etc).

If your car hits something it will loose structure points. Too much damage and you start taking penalties to driving tests.

Heavy Vehicle: (Pickups, 4WDs, SUVs etc)

Structure: 40
On Road: 0
Off Road: +4 to tests
Reliability: +4 to tests
Storage: 25 slots, can load large Salvage

Heavy Vehicles wont win you any races (assuming the over guy makes it over the finish line of course) but they are solid and reliable and can haul the most stuff.

Normal Vehicle: (Muscle Cars, Sedans etc)

Structure: 30
On Road: +2 to tests
Off Road: +2 to tests
Reliability: +2 to tests
Storage: 15 Slots

Normal Vehicles make up the majority of cars in the waste. A jack of all trades, they’ll out run Heavy Vehicles, and with the right upgrades, will challenge Finesse Vehicles.

Finesse Vehicle: (Sports Cars)

Structure: 20
On Road: +4 to tests
Off Road: 0
Reliability: 0
Storage: 10 Slots

Finesse Vehicles are built to dish it out, not take it. Sacrificing structure and storage for speed they can outrun anything in the wastes. Some factions use these vehicles as hunter killers, paired with a Heavy, they prey on the roads in packs, running down a victim for the Heavy to salvage.


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At the start you may pick 1 upgrade for your car to start with (takes 1 storage slot):

1) Vehicle Mounted LMG: You have a light machine gun mounted somewhere on your vehicle. It may be a fixed mount allowing the driver to fire it remotely or pintle mounted for a passenger. (Limited ammo to start)
2) Air Gun/Cannon: You have a air gun or cannon mounted somewhere on your vehicle. It may be a fixed mount allowing the driver to fire it remotely or pintle mounted for a passenger. (Allows you to recover arrows, slugs etc)
3) Armoured Body: Your vehicle has added protection from projectiles strapped to, or hidden within the body.
4) Armoured Windows: Your vehicle has added protection from projectiles fitted to the windows.
5) Ram: You take less and cause more damage when ramming over vehicles.
6) Plough or Dozer Blades: You may use Strength for all driving tests.
7) Sports Suspension: You may use Dexterity for all driving tests.
8) Lowered Suspension: +2 to On Road Test, -2 to Off Road Tests
9) Off Road Suspension: +2 to Off Road Test, -2 to On Road Test
10) Souped Engine: Your car is faster but is at -2 to Reliability.
11) Trunk Monkey: +2 to Reliability tests (prevents alien abductions, car thefts, chases down kids who egg your car, stop boys fooling around with your daughter but will get you arrested for bribing the cops ;) )
12) Stripped Out: +5 storage slots (does not take slot).

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Bikes are a popular vehicle for the loaners of the waste, the adrenalin junkies and some mercs and crazies. They are fastest thing in the wastes, but also the weakest in structure and carrying capacity.

Structure: 7
On Road: +3
Off Road: +3
Reliability: +2
Storage: 5

Side Car: -1 On road, -1 Off Road, +2 Structure, +5 Storage or 1 passenger.
Side Car Weapon Mount: Allows a heavy weapon to be mounted to the side car to be used by the passenger.
Kobby Tires: +2 Off Road, -2 On Road
Slicks: -2 Off Road, +2 On Road
Handle Bar Mount: Allows a rifle, SMG or shotgun to be mounted to the handle bars.
Body Mount: Allows a weapon system to be mounted to body of the bike.
Muffler: Bike is quieter than normal.

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In each post, you will state what you're doing and I will roll a d20 to determine the success. Your Stats will increase the roll while environmental/NPC factors will decrease it.

Result table:
1-3 Worst case failure with major consequence (Natural 1=always failure)
4-6 Failure with consequences
7-10 failure with minor consequence
11-13 Minor success with drawbacks
14-16 Success
17-20 Best case success with desired outcome (Natural 20=always succeed)

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Name: Plumb Crazy
Gender: Female


Bio: Plumb Crazy grew up as a crazy, roaming the wastes as bandit with her parents. Her young life took a sharp turn when parents fell into ambush set by the Bronze, the Main Force Patrol. Still a child, Plumb Crazy survived the attack and was adopted by patrol sergeant who lead the ambush.

Raised as his daughter, she followed in his footsteps to protect and serve, making a name for herself as driver in the MFP. Rumours persist that she slept her way through the ethics test.

Stats –

Strength: 0
Dexterity: +3
Toughness: +1
Willpower: -1
Perception: +1
Charisma: +2


I Just Drive Them: +2 to Driving Tests, -2 to Maintenance or repair rolls
Two Hands: Able to fire weapons from both hands without penalty
Silver Tongue: +2 to seduction rolls.

Personality: Short tempered and aggressive, Plumb Crazy sees what she wants and takes it any which way she can.

1) Service Automatic (3 reloads)
2) Service Automatic (3 reloads)
3) Rations (3 days)
4) Handcuffs
5) Tonfa
6) MFP badge.

Car: Hemi Roadrunner


Structure: 30
On Road: +2
Off Road: +2
Reliability: -2
Storage: 20 Slots

Hemi: Vehicle is faster in a straight line but less reliable and needs more maintenance.

Upgrades: Sports Suspension,

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Locations posted here will be common knowledge for players (you hear people talking or about them or see them in passing).

1) The Third City: The Third City is beacon of unity and enlightenment, or at least that's what the flier says... well not really a flier but a hasty scrawled message across a rusting junker... with a rotting corpse inside... Okay so lets be honest then, the Third City was built by rubbish, from rubbish, for rubbish, and we didn't do that bad to be honest. We have nice solid wall to keep the freaks and crazies out, our own fuel station, open air markets and sewers, not to mention our entertainment disctrict; you know, one my time my buddies and I... oh you don't want to hear that? Well suffice to say then that the Third City is where it is at, because there aint no other place to be.

2) Brutha Luv's Cum and Go Scrap and Brothel: Not all are welcome in the Third City and not all want to go. Brutha Luv caters to these individuals, offering a place to trade, fuel up and unwind before hitting the road again.

3) The Roundy Rounders: the RR is amateur racing track of the Third City, drivers come from all over to test themselves here first before earning their way into the big leagues.

4) Free Town: Free Town is a settlement several hours away from the the Third City, populated by people who think they represent that old independent spirit, but who really.... urk *stabbing sounds*.... stop, he stole my kidney!

5) Uptown: Uptown is a gated community, isolated from the decay everywhere else in the wastes. Many guild officials and members of the First and Second City consulates live here.

6) Heartache Strip: The Strip is the up market entertainment district of the Third City. Home of such clubs and The Flash and The Red Tea House brothel. The area used to be controlled by the Uptown Boys, however with the demise of their leadership the gang has pulled back completely into Uptown.

7)The Titty Twister: Free Towns local Bar and Grill. Run by a cat named Joe, the TT serves all comers and is main source of nutrition for much of the paying clientele of Free Town. The TT offers many fine entertainments and rents rooms for the night to wary travelers. The TT boasts a 5 star rating, but hasn't been reviewed for some time, due to the last inspector going missing.
Last edited by exalted on Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:10 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting)

Postby MelissaB » Thu May 29, 2014 11:36 am

Is this thunderdome?
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting)

Postby exalted » Thu May 29, 2014 11:43 am

Yes, it's based off the Mad Max/ Road Warrior series.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting)

Postby Sortaix » Thu May 29, 2014 2:21 pm

This is very interesting to me. I'll make a character sheet tomorrow morning, when I get back from work.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting)

Postby napsii » Fri May 30, 2014 12:45 am

I know I said I likely wouldn't join, but reading this raised a few curious questions.

Can you elaborate more on what "Skills/Perks" are so that it's known what functions they can serve and what their limitations are?

Assuming that having a negative stat subtracts from your roll, was starting everything at -4 intentional? You would have to spend 24 points just to break even; by most standards, that's pretty harsh when you already have a 50% chance of failure on every D20 roll. It also suggests that it's impossible to roll a natural 20 unless you're at least neutral in the stat required for the test you were rolling for.

Would it be possible to team up with another player and forgo having my own vehicle to partner with them?

What limitations are there on vehicles within the Heavy and Finesse categories? You vaguely define Finesse Vehicles as "sports cars", but this could include both a 20th century Mazda or a 21st century supercar; obviously, they wouldn't perform the same, so wouldn't that mean they'd have different stats? Similarly, are Heavy Vehicles limited to something like pick-up trucks or would things like a military transport truck or SWAT truck also count? The latter would have armour plating already, so would that substitute for the "Armoured Body" upgrade or have any effect on gameplay? Etc. (Mind you, such a vehicle would also have bulletproof windows.)

Heavy Vehicles have "+4 to tests" for Off-Road but Normal Vehicles don't share that same qualifier. What does it mean?

Can you elaborate more on how Inventory works? I understand you can have six items, but are these solely the items on your character's person or their possessions in general? If the latter, can you store things in your vehicle? Similarly, are you permanently limited to six Inventory slots? Is there anything you can't start with?

Lastly, something that almost went over my head: Cars need gas. Is fuel a game mechanic?

Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby exalted » Fri May 30, 2014 9:19 am

1) I've posted an example character which hopefully clarifies what I mean by Perks or Skills. Pretty much, they should be used to help flesh out your character and to make it so they aren't a cookie cutter. In the example, Plumb Crazy is driver who doesn't care about mechanics (she's at +7 to driving tests but -3 to repair her car).

2) Yeah, that's a typo, should be 30pts (originally I had 5 stats then decided to add a 6th but forgot to change the pts). Should be so you could either specialize in something or be a jack of all trades. Possibilities for characters to earn more points as the campaign progresses. Natural 20s and 1s aren't modified.

3) Yes, you could give up having your own ride to partner up. I'd negotiate maybe having another upgrade or two for that vehicle. Also vehicles would be able to earn and purchase more (and better) upgrades further on down the path.

4) The generic stats are there for people who didn't want to negotiate their own (from either not caring or not knowing about cars). If you want to a certain vehicle I'm willing to negotiate stats within reason. Characters are starting off at the bottom of the ladder and will be able to purchase, steal or build stronger vehicles as the RP progresses

5) "to tests" qualifier missing from the latter vehicles was me just being lazy (I'm a bit under the weather at the moment)

6) Inventory I consider to be "usable items", bulky items that will be consumed or used mechanic wise (loose change, lint, car keys etc wouldn't count, but weapons, explosives, tools and spare parts would). The 6 start is to represent the economic state of the characters. Spare equipment stored in vehicles as it becomes purchased, salvaged or stolen.

7) At the moment, no fuel mechanic. Characters are operating from the Third City so have easy access, as the campaign progress I might add on it. I don't want to add too many mechanics in at the start. Once the game is rolling smoothly we can look at making it more complicated.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby [Brand_Name] » Sat May 31, 2014 2:29 pm

Yeah, I'd be interested as well. Cs coming tomorrow
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:00 am

Name: Soras "Silent" Kayloras
Gender: Male
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Anime Male.jpg
Anime Male.jpg (22.78 KiB) Viewed 2459 times

Soras, or "Mr Silent" as he has been called, has been working with the Guild for the past few years of his young life. However, once he finally turned twenty one, the days of being a guard were finally over. In a recent attempt to steal from the guild, he acquired an old police cruiser from a would be thief. Soras had always been a bit of a protector type and decided that this was his big chance to finally leave the small town that he grew up in and head out into the Third City. The journey was not an easy one, and he used half of his ammunition taking down crazies on the way. However, he did finally make it to the Third City. Now, he fully intends to join the Bronze and see where things go from there.

Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them)

Strength: -1
Dexterity: +2
Toughness: 0
Willpower: +2
Perception: +2
Charisma: +1

Skills/Perks: (3 player choices, roll bonuses to negotiated)
Silent Talk: +1 to intimidation rolls -1 to charm rolls
Ranged expert: +2 to weapon rolls with ranged weapons -2 to Melee weapon rolls
Car knowledge: +1 to maintenance rolls

Personality: Strong, silent type. He needs money and helping people is a good way to get it without damaging ones conscience.

Inventory: 6 Slots
Revolver with 3 reloads
Semi-Automatic Shotgun with 3 reloads (2 slugs and 1 buck shot.)
Rations for 4 days


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Police Car.jpg
Police Car.jpg (36.43 KiB) Viewed 2458 times

Structure: 30
On Road: +2 to tests
Off Road: +2 to tests
Reliability: +2 to tests
Storage: 15 Slots

Last edited by Sortaix on Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby exalted » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:35 am

Okay, seems good mostly Sortaix . You can add a vehicle upgrade in if you want, also what sort of shotgun is it (pump, semi, double barrel etc) and what sort of shells (buck shot, slug etc)?

Once Brand_Name gets a character up we might get the ball rolling, and hopefully inspire some more people to join in.

Also I'll be updating the information of the first post as the RP goes along, adding in locations and groups as you meet them. If it's in the first post it will be assumed to be public knowledge for all PCs
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:50 am

I edited things. I meant a semi-auto shotgun. Also, who could ever pass up a trunk monkey?
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby exalted » Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:05 am

You know what, for getting the joke you can actually have a trunk monkey as a support PC if you want. :lol:

(If you don't know what we're talking about follow the link below to see what a trunk monkey is)
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:23 am

I know exactly what a trunk monkey is. They are the name of the baseball team, that the company I work for sponsors. I have seen all the videos. As for a support PC, well I wouldn't mind giving him a banana and having him guard the car with a tire iron in case someone tries to steal it. However, are their any bridges in the Third City for him to through the would-be thieves over?
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby exalted » Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:27 am

Bridges yes, soft watery landings probably not :twisted:
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:19 pm

I never asked for a soft, or watery landing. :)
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby [Brand_Name] » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:38 pm

Name: Sabrina Shakespeare- Grey Shirts/Brown Coats
Gender: F
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Bio: Sabrina was born into the wastes as an average girl with an average life. Of course, "average," for the wastes, was in reality quite awful. When she was only 16, during a routine scavenging journey she stumbled upon a junkyard, guarded by a wounded mom and her young pup. Normally, the mom would have attacked on sight, but she was in Sabrina something that she hadn't in other travelers. As she died, she allowed her offspring to go with Sabrina. In addition, in that same junkyard, she found her trusty Challenger, restored it, and souped it up. Now, 5 years later, as an emissary for one of the cities, Sabrina seeks to enhance her position in life and protect her companion, Dogmeat.

Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them)

Strength: 0
Dexterity: +1
Toughness: +1
Willpower: +3
Perception: +3
Charisma: -2

Roughin' it: no penalty for a lack of sleep, reduced penalty for hunger and thirst (will this help me?)
Gearhead: +2 for maintenence rolls, -2 for driving tests
Rifle-Ready: +2 with rifles (semi or auto), -2 for other weapons

Personality: Despite her name, Sabrina does not converse much, nor is she very poetic. In fact, she tends to avoid most contact with other people entirely, and stick with her dog and her car.

Inventory: 6 Slots (Consumables and bulky items only need to listed, not the lint in your pocket. Characters will be able to carry more once you RP starts. Weapon reloads stacked on weapon, food and water fill one spot).
1) AK-47 automatic assault rifle (4 reloads, 24 rounds per reload)
2) 10 feet of chains
3) Alcohol (beer and whiskey)
4) Rations (4 days)
5) Domeat (lil puppy)
6) Domeat's rations (4 days)

Cash: $50

Salvage: ?

Car: muscle/ challenger rt
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With an armored body
Last edited by [Brand_Name] on Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby Valtiel » Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:04 pm

I'd like to join the group, will start working on a character sheet. :) I hope this is good enough.

Name: Eva Clauss
Gender: Female
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Appearance of my character
Eva.jpg (89.27 KiB) Viewed 2409 times

Bio: Eva grew up in a tiny, secluded community. Her mother passed away as she was 15 years old, and since then she was taught how to make a living in the wastelands by her father. Up until her 21st year of age her father has kept her away from the big cities and encampments, only taken her to smaller known encampments to do trading and earn for the living. They both lived from trades and her father making runs with their car. The last months the times have been hard to support both, and finally Eva's father urged her to go explore the world herself and get supplies back. Finally decided Eva is going to the Third City to make a living of her own, and eventually bring supplies back to her father.

Stats –
Strength: +1
Dexterity: +2
Toughness: 0
Willpower: -2
Perception: +2
Charisma: +3

Car knowledge: +1 to maintenance rolls
Fast runner: +2 to rolls involving running
Trained in small arms: She has a +2 rolls to hit with pistols, but -1 with more powerful weapons such as shotguns.

Personality: A cheerful young woman, she is kind to her fellow people but naive to some dangers in the society, since her father shielded her from the outside world as well as possible.

Revolver with 3 reloads
Hunting rifle with 2 reloads
Hunting knife
Rations for 5 days
Spare parts

Cash: $50

Salvage: ?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Boss302prototype_700.jpg (79.24 KiB) Viewed 2409 times

Off Road Suspension: +2 to Off Road Test, -2 to On Road Test
Last edited by Valtiel on Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby BeeJay » Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:28 pm

I'd like to reserve a spot. Posting character sheet later tonight.
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby BeeJay » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:22 pm

And here she is. Unorthodox for sure, but I think I'm going to have fun.

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Name: Aria Sherhope
Gender: Female
Appearance: http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/58/6 ... al_art.jpg
Bio: Aria grew up a street urchin in Third City, living off of her wits, luck and quick feet. Orphaned all her life, she has never known what family means, and so has always looked out for numero uno, and fuck everyone else. Exceedingly intelligent and charismatic, Aria has usually been able to get by with avoiding trouble before it comes her way and escaping dangerous situations with words or agility. Of course, the luck of the streets can't always favor you, and speed can't get you out of every pinch. On her 16th birthday she was careless and got herself trapped in an alley by six burly thugs. She was much too petite to hope to fight back, so they tore off her ratty clothes and raped her senseless for hours. With a bellyfull of jizz and raw everything, she was left there on the dirty, cum-soaked concrete. She crawled out of the alley and recovered for several days, seething over her misfortune. She recognized what gang the thugs were from and began plotting revenge. After gathering information on the gang's members and locations, pulling favors from and providing favors to various informants, she formulated a plan. She proceeded, over several weeks of hopeless terror for the gang, to hunt down and murder every member of the gang, including every officer and the gang leader. She did so by carefully planned assassination, pushing her mind and body to the limits in order to perform each hit. After that, Aria was infamous for her killing spree and was never really bothered again by any gang. She became a much feared freelance assassin and recon specialist, favoring no one and keeping the fear of Aria well seeded in the ranks of the gangs of Third City. She finally made enough money from her work to afford some wheels. Her dream now is to extend her influence to the gangs of the wastes and become a shadowy legend.

Stats :

Strength: -4 (Used in HtH and some driving test)
Dexterity: 5 (Used to hit things, run and some driving tests)
Toughness: -4 (Pain tolerance, how long you can last without supplies)
Willpower: -3 (How mentally tough are you? Panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Perception: 6 (Awareness, reading people, car repairs)
Charisma: 6 (How well you can convince people, low score will help intimidating)

Skills/Perks (I'm not sure what kinds of decision checks your are going to have, so I'm just using D&D 4E as a base, as well as some you posted. A list of skills would be nice. Let me know if you aren't planning on using a DC I list and tell me what to change it to. (Also let me know if they are too strong or something)):
Mouth Over Matter: + 2 to Seduction and Diplomacy checks, -2 to Strength and Toughness checks
Cerebral: +3 to Perception checks outside of combat
Nightwalker: +3 to Stealth checks at night

Personality: Having grown up on the streets of a tough town, Aria trusts no one and takes no chances. She is cruel and cold to strangers and allies alike. She doesn't team up unless she has to, fearing betrayal beyond all else. She is prone to panic if her carefully laid plans fall through and she is forced to improvise, but often her sheer cunning will see her through. Very charismatic, she rarely does any fighting. She prefers to talk her way out or flee, as she has no physical capabilities to speak of apart from running speed. She will relentlessly seek vengeance for the smallest slight, often going on huge tangents in order to bring punishment. Due to her small frame, she fights from the shadows only, slitting throats or chloroforming depending on the situation, and stunning those who alert to her before she can strike. If caught or forced into a heads up fight, she is liable to talk her way free, try to escape, or just suck off her assailant instead of fight.

Reverse Edge Knife
Stun Gun (1 round mag) x5 extra magazines
Chloroform (Can I carry a rag without taking up a slot?)
100 feet of black nylon rope
Multitool (+1 to repair and maintenance rolls?)(Phillips head, needlenose pliers, small blade, mini-saw/file, glass breaker)
Rations (3 days)

Cash: $50

Salvage: (How much you have to sell, will be randomly generated at RP start. Vendors will give different prices for Salvage)

Car: Fire Skink (Finesse Vehicle, don't care about make/model)

Structure: 20
On Road: +4 to tests
Off Road: 0
Reliability: 0
Storage: 10 Slots

Sports Suspension
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby BeeJay » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:26 pm

After I composed this, I saw that you might be angling for a sort of "everyone head for third city and the surrounding wasteland" so if my start is disruptive, I can start in a different urban area (if there are any).
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Re: OOC: The Road (Recruiting, Mad Max/Road Warrior themed R

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:05 am

Brand_Name: All seems good, though you'll need to choose between the Brown Coats or Grey Shirts once the RP starts.

Valtiel: All good as well, and really digging the car choice :twisted: (I'm done some work on Boss 302 Mustangs)

BeeJay: Would prefer a 2 year age increase, but otherwise fine. I'll try to get a list of example skills up for when characters progress, but players will always be allowed to negotiate their own. If you want to branch off into the wastes that fine, you'll encounter stories and arcs from a different standpoint or perspective. As a point of reference/plot I'm going to say the Fire Skink is sand rail/ buggy type vehicle, you can swap the +4 to off road (if you want to spending more time out in the wastes the off road might help more.
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Now if everything is sorted I'd like to thank you all for supporting the RP, and I would ask you to keep track of your inventories, cash and salvage. Now let's kick this pig!
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