Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

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Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:12 pm

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The land of Luxoria has been at peace for the last 80 years, monsters have been forced back into the farthest wilds, evil spirits no longer haunt the graveyards, and the three kingdoms have a standing alliance preventing hostilities from breaking out between them. Trade flourishes in the larger cities, while the villagers on the outskirts get on with their daily lives, content in the knowledge that they looked after. This all came about after the demise of the Lord of Demons, a powerful sorcerer who pulled the evil things from their hiding holes and tried to rule everything with force. Life, to a lesser or greater extent, is good.

Three generations of people have been born and grown up knowing nothing but peace. Those born under the Hero's Star find themselves drawn to become leaders of men, just as much as they do becoming adventurers. While there are still may dark places out in the world, the promise of uncovering hoarded riches are few and far between. However, stories have started to circulate that the villages closest to known monster haunts are suffering from fallow fields, and something drawing off the natural mana of the land. It could just be fanciful tales to explain bad harvests, or it could be the rise of a new dark lord... or the return of an old one...

Hello everyone! I'm back with a new RP that sprung into mind after reading a couple of books. Also, time is good right now for me to start something new, so here it is. Although, before I launch into character sheets, personal storylines, and game mechanics, I would put a question to you all to think about after reading everything else:

How would you like this to go?

I know of several people who yearn for the monster RP, where they take their creation on a campaign to subvert the goodly peoples for various reasons (probably mostly sex). But also others prefer the other side of the coin, being a hero and striding out to strike down evil, perhaps with the chance of having unfortunate encounters along the way. With what I have in mind, I could probably go either way, or even try to mix the two together. Although I'm not looking for many players, as I know having too many people to write for has been the downfall of many of my past RP's.

=The Heroic Story=
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Something is amiss in the land. The three kingdoms are at peace, but word has spread to the smaller cities of a potential threat to the stability of life as it is known. Some of the furthest villages have reported bad crops, emaciated livestock, and something foul in the air. The grand armies of the three kingdoms are content to sit back and guard their more valuable towns and cities, and so it falls to those who seek fortune and adventure to investigate. Already there are taverns playing host to young heroes-in-making, eager to seek out the source of this evil, defeat it, and get rich in the process!

=The Monster Story=
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It has been 80 long years since the fall of the Lord of Demons, 80 years since the last bid to unite the lands under a single ruler. The descendants of his previous followers can only guess at his motives, and his methods are debated still for their effectiveness, or lack thereof. Not that it matters much, as the non-humans were hounded to the far corners of the realm following his defeat. But for the first time in an age, something is stirring. The magical energies that flow through the land are slowly getting diverted back to a central source. The Human lands are starting to feel the effects of restricted mana flow, and the elders tell of how this is how it started before. The Lord of Demons was indeed powerful, and perhaps he found a way to escape death. Or maybe someone else has taken up the mantle. Either way, the time is ripe to gather once again, the promise of plundering Human lands, and even the Humans themselves, fresh in the air.

=Character Creation=
It seems people want to be monsters more than heroes, so here is a creation system for both, just in case:

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True Name:
Corruption: 50

<Stats> - Each stat starts at 1, and you have 16 extra points to distribute for each stat set (16 for primary, 16 for secondary). 10 is the maximum. 5 freebie points can be distributed over everything, or used to purchase merits. Up to 5 points of flaws can also be purchased, which gives you extra points to spend.
Weapon Skill
Bow Skill
Mage Skill




<Gear> - 50 points to spend on gear - see the separate list


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Corruption: 0

<Stats> - Each stat starts at 2, and you have 16 extra points to distribute for each stat set (16 for primary, 16 for secondary). 10 is the maximum. 5 freebie points can be distributed over everything, or used to purchase merits. Up to 5 points of flaws can also be purchased, which gives you extra points to spend.
Weapon Skill
Bow Skill
Mage Skill




<Gear> - 25 gold to spend on gear - see the separate list

<Races / Species>
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If you want a specific race, do ask and I'm sure that I can do something for you. Otherwise, the races (and their stat changes) are as below. Any race / species can be heroic or monsterous, as Humans have been known to aid the dark forces, while some monsters have turned their backs on their old lives and "civilised" themselves

Human - +1 freebie point!

Elf - +2 BS, -1 Con

Dwarf - +1 WS, +1 Con, -1 Mg

Gnome - -1 WS, -1 BS, +3 Chr

Orc - +2 Str, -1 Int

Goblin - -1 Str, -1 Con, +2 BS, +1Mg

Gnoll - -2 Chr, +2 WS, +1 BS

Ogre - -2 Int, -2 Chr, +3 Str, +2 Con

Minotaur - -3 Int, +2 WS, +2 Str

Naga - +1 BS

Lizardman - +1 WS

Vampire - +2 Chr, -1 Ft

=Merits and Flaws=

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Most of these can be applied to both heroes and monsters, unless otherwise stated. Each has a cost associated with it - merits must be paid for, and flaws give extra points!


Born under the Hero's Star (Hero only) - 5
You were born when Hakesh, the Hero's Star, was in the ascendancy in the skies. As such, you have been blessed with greater skill than the common man, and can master almost any task far easier than most. However, you are expected to be the first line of defence against the monsters. +1 to all rolls. Corruption gains at half speed.

Blademaster - 2
In a land where magic is common place, you were born without the ability to tap into the mystical forces. As such, you have had to fortify your mind and focus even harder on your chosen task so as to not get left behind by everyone else. +2 WS (or BS), MS set to 0, unable to use FT to cast clerical spells. Special resistance to hostile magic equivalent to MS 5

Chaplain - 2
Extolling the faith has always been in your blood, but there are just only so many people in your homeland that you can convert, so you have taken to the road to spread the word. +2 Ft, +1 Chr

Master merchant - 2
When it comes to selling water to mermaids, you are one of the best. Of course, there is not always call for wandering merchants, so it pays to talk fast, flash a smile, and convince others that what you want is best for all. +2 Chr, 10 extra golds

Destined for greatness - 3
At some point in your future, you know that you are going to be the one that others look to in awe of your accomplishments. You don't know how, nor are you anywhere near that point now, but you are unshakable in your belief that at some point, everything will depend on your actions. Ft rating can be added to any roll, once per day.

Skilled - 2
You are more naturally skilled than others. +1 to primary stat rolls

Gifted - 2
You are blessed in your self, even if you are not any more skilled. +1 to secondary stat rolls

Succubi's Envy - 1
When it comes to the art of seduction, you rule the roost. Or bed, or nest, or whatever. +1 Chr, Corruption damage dealt through seduction is doubled.

Blessed by the Fallen Hero Star - 5 (fallen heroes / monsters only)
The dark side of Hakesh. When a hero born under Hakesh becomes corrupted, they are said to be living under the Fallen Hero's Star. The barriers against corruption have been broken down, and the former hero is more than willing to show others just how much fun it is to let inhibitions fall. +1 to all stat rolls, corruption set to 70 (if not already), double corruption damage.


Blind - 3
For whatever reason, you cannot see. Time is helping you to learn your way without eyes, but it is not easy. -2 to combat rolls

Weak - 1
-1 Str

Sickly - 1
-1 Con

Low inhibitions - 2
You just can't help yourself. No matter how hard you try, thoughts of a carnal nature are never far from your mind, making it easier for others to corrupt you. +50% damage taken from corruption

Soulbound - 5
At some point in your past, you gave your True Name to another, and now they have the ability to force you to serve them. While you have your own mind, your master's orders cannot be disobeyed. (You may choose your master, or have me do it)

Spectral - 4
You have died. You cannot recall when, as time passes differently for the dead, but somehow you have returned to a semblance of life. Unable to make physical contact, but +1 MS (or Ft) as you are closer to the flow of magic.

There are two types of action - combat and social. Combat and *some* social will use a D10 roll for opposed actions, like getting into a fight or trying to charm someone opposed to you. An unopposed action will automatically succeed, although I will roll in the background for actions that have a degree of success, just to see how you do. That would be something like finding information on a dungeon, or building defences over time. So, for example:

Moro attacks a Goblin sentry with her zweihander. She has a combat skill of 8, and rolls a 2. The Goblin has a combat skill of 4, and rolls a 4. Moro's combined score is greater than that of the Goblin, causing her blow to land. The zweihander has a damage output of 3, plus the 2 with which Moro's score beat that of the Goblin to represent the skill of her attack, resulting in 5, and slaying the 3hp Goblin!

PC's will always have initiative over NPC's This does not mean a PC will always win in a fight, or can just throw caution to the wind.

Monsters begin with 50 corruption, heroes with 0. Corruption will be gained through various events, for example forcing others into sex acts, getting convinced to do the bidding of a more corrupt being, etc. Worshiping specific gods can do it too, although that can lead to "blessings" being given that can mark out a character as blatantly corrupt, even if they try to hide it. Once a character is at 50 corruption, they are considered a "monster", as they are willingly working for the Demon Lord. Once at 100, they practically are the new Demon Lord, but the old one might have issues with their command being usurped. Corruption 0 characters are pure, and can cleanse corruption. A monster needs to drop to 30 corruption through cleansing before they are no longer considered a monster.

=The World=


The semi-comprehensive guide to Luxoria
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As penned by Sir Arthor Pennington-Cobb

The world is a dangerous place at the best of times, and as everyone is not a hardy adventurer, I have taken it upon myself to pen the most complete treatise on those inhabiting the land as far as you can see! It is my hope that, with this work, you will be better prepared to face the many hazards that can come from stepping outside your door. For each entry, I have included both the "common" name for the various species, but also their scientific name.

Intelligent Races
While I use the term "intelligent", this does not mean "of Human intellect", but rather a species with the capacity to reason and understand choice and consequence.

Hom / Human: What you and I are. Quite probably the most mutable species that exist, as while two difference species of Elf can breed together, Humans have the (perhaps unenviable) position of being able to breed with most other intelligent creatures, and produce "Halb-", or half-species. While there are also stories of Humans sporting animal appendages, these are likely just fanciful tales of bored farmers.

Aesmir / Sun Elf: While similar enough to pass as a Human from a distance, Sun Elves are more wild of habitat and nature, as evidences by their lithe builds and larger ears. Obviously, these point to being adapted to a hunter rather than gatherer lifestyle.

Desmir / Moon Elf: Physically similar to the Sun Elf (large ears, athletic frame, shorter than the average Human), they are of darker complexion and appear to prefer heavily wooded areas. Their society would appear to the casual viewer to be similar to that of the other Elves, but none have yet to integrate for any length of time for a definitive examination. They are known to breed with Sun Elves on occasion, the offspring this author has termed a "Dusk Elf"

Brok'kin / Stone Dwarf: The most commonly seen of the stout peoples, Dwarfkind live separately to all others for the most part (and especially Elves, it would seem), although there have been a resent growth of "City Dwarves" - Stone Dwarves that have entered Human society. As their name suggests, they are skilled stoneworkers and craftsmen

Urras'n / Iron Dwarf: Sometimes referred to as "Deep Dwarves", the average man will never encounter one while on a jolly jaunt through the fields. Conversations with Stone Dwarves about these people tend to quickly move on to other subjects, suggesting that there is not a good relation between the two. It is possible that the deeper dungeons of old were crafted with their help.

Gam'kin / Gnome: Wherever Dwarves go, Gnomes seem to pop up shortly after. This author has yet to find any evidence of a city of Gnomes, so it is theorised that they are a migrant species, settling in lands belonging to other races. Curiously, they always appear to be sharply dressed - perhaps they are more of a merchant caste of the other Dwarves? There is not enough evidence to tell for sure.

Uku / Orc: Wild humanoids of strong limb and mean demeanour, they live in simple tribal societies and subsist by hunting wildlife. Such encampments are sparse within the civilised lands, which has lead to stories of them being found living inside dungeons, both old and new.

Naku / Goblin: Similar to Orcs on the surface, they are smaller and slimmer, although subsist on the same diet which brings them into conflict with their larger cousins. It is telling of their society that they would fight with Orcs over owning all the spoils, rather than settle and share the bounty. On very rare occasions, they have been seen operating together, but only when under the guidance of someone (or something) more powerful than them both.

Histaen / Gnoll: Nomads by nature, these larger humanoids can be identified by the covering of fur over their bodies, and their dog-like appearance. Undoubtedly carnivorous, this author has not confirmed it directly as Gnolls have a distrust of anything not of their own, and are known to attack first, converse second. Although there is that Gnoll merchant in Somergard...

Kin / Ogre: Demi-giants of the hills, they are very close in appearance to Humans, although far larger and far less concerned with the proper application of apparel! They seem to favour simple toods and, while large, it is a simple matter to avoid them should you be unfortunate enough to encounter one - you will see them before they see you, as they have notoriously poor eyesight

Baruu / Minotaur: There is very little evidence that these half man / half bull monsters exist, as none have ever been seen above ground, and the only evidence of their existence comes from fanciful adventurer tales of agest past. From those stories (see Tales of Commeraderie, vol 3), if one should be found, then do not expect rational discourse, and keep a solid object nearby for it to charge at.

[I] While these are the more common examples of intelligent species known about, there are stories from the West about Nagakin and Lizardmen, which will be covered in a later volume.

N.B - for those of a more adventurous bent, be aware that there are unofficial sub-species of all the above, covering the resurrected remains. While you are very unlikely to encounter a necromancer of sufficient power to raise more than a single corpse, for the sake of completeness, they are given two pre-names to identify what they are. Simply, a "Nec-" is an animated corpe of something, so Nec-Kin, for example, while a "Nos-" would denote a spectral being, presumably a spirit summoned back to a body that no longer eixists.
Last edited by Gorbaz on Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby mrblah » Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:33 pm

oh boy, this sort of thing is right in my range of interests. i'm gonna keep an eye on this

edit; i feel the same as below. maybe do a mash of both and allow for the player to choose their side? it could be like a pvp thing.

edit edit; but wait, that might make this too similar to one of the other rps going on. maybe. also maybe that's not too bad of a thing.
Last edited by mrblah on Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:09 am

This seems very interesting. I would like to see a mix of both heroic and monster characters.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:52 pm

I'm back from work, where I made scribbled notes. I will transcribe shortly.

Opinions noted, thanks. I think I can manage a dual-morality thingamybob, with both heroes and monsters. However, how the monsters are done would depend on interest, as if one person wants to be monsterific, then BAM! New lord of demons! But if multiple people want to be, then I can't have everyone fill that role.

Expect OP update soooooooooooon!
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Lord Butts » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:09 pm

I have a lot of interest in this game. Getting to be an awesome monster? Yup, that's for me.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Firehead » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:57 am

I'm interested in this. Any chance there could be a cult of humans that worship monsters? Could probably go for being a priestess trying to convert maidens to join her in her worship.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:58 pm

This sounds cool. Once I have a bit more time to post I'll take part. I already have Ideas for human and monster characters.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:26 pm

I managed to write a few notes at work. I'll scribe them properly next week.

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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby mrblah » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:20 pm

still working on this? just wanted to make sure, since i'm really interested in this.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:27 am

Yes yes. I have just had a busier week than expected, what with work calling me in to do more hours.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:59 pm

Right, I have updated the character creation stuff. Not gotten the merits / flaws done yet, or the gear. If you all want to get something put together now, that is fine, and I will update again once I have those final bits up.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Littlemankitten » Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:26 pm

Hmmmm. I'm sorta thinking of making a unique monster race that is actually "good". A monster that actually wishes to help humans in their quest to obtain peace and perhaps even unite the monsters and humans together. This monster also has little to no physical attack or defense but has extreme mental aptitude and excels at manipulation and sedation, but can also reek havoc on a persons mind.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby mrblah » Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:46 am

it's looking like there's gonna be a lot more monsters than heroes, so i'm probably gonna go with my backup hero so as to make sure there's enough heroes to corrupt. is there anything important to note about witches, like the public disliking them or something like that? that's my backup, and her openness about her magical crafts rely on stuff like public opinion of witchery.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Lord Butts » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:28 am

I'm on board for making my character sheet, but I'd like to know the flaws before I do make one, so I know if I want to take them for points. (Likely yes) I'd also like to know if it's just the races you presented or if we can pitch our own?
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:10 pm

I have added a small list of merits and flaws to peruse. Either later this week, or before I go for my convention holiday weekend next week, I will put up magic stuff. Essentially, it will go like this: The higher your MS or FT, the more magic you can perform, and the stronger some spells will be. I intend to put in about 4 different colleges of magic, along with clerical blessings and curses.

Magic itself is commonplace, so witches and hedge wizards are accepted far easier than someone who has no magical skill at all.

The races I have put up are just what I could think of, and are the more common ones in the area. If you have an idea for a different race you would like, then by all means pitch it.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:54 pm

FYI - Magic! (I'll merge this up with the first post later)

Given that magic is quite common, most people will come to know a spell or two in their lives. Normally these take the form of good luck charms, or simple wards, but with training almost anyone can lean far more potent magics. There are also those who, rather than learn the arcane arts, can manifest blessing and curses through the power of their faith, although like the arcane, these can become far more powerful with tuition and meditation.

The way spells work is that they move down tracks depending on how powerful you are. This is more restrictive for arcane than for faith, just because of the number of schools available. The number of spells you can have of either type is determined by your Magic and Faith ratings, so a magic of 4 nets you 4 spells. However, if you then choose to not specialise in one school and instead take one from each, you will be limited to just the first spell from each school.. Monsters have similar structures, but have different ways of obtaining the spells, which I will not go into here because I am lazy :P

I will finish these off tomorrow. I promise!!


School of Elements

1. Bolt - A simple elemental bolt
2. Blast - a more powerful elemental blast
3. Golem - Create a simple, mindless golem of earth, fire, water, air, or flesh - nearby elements required
4. Entomb - Encase the target in an elemental prison
5. Elemental Gate - Open a gate to one of the elemental planes
6. Superior Golem - Create a stronger, but still unintelligent golem.
7. Draw Element - Draw all of a nearby element to yourself
8. Lance - A fierce, penetrating elemental shot
9. Master Golem - Create a masterwork golem, capable of limited independent thought
10. Elemental Form - Open a gate to an elemental plane within yourself and control what flows out

School of Illusion

1. Fairy Lights - Simple, floating orbs of light
2. Bind - Bind a limb to your control with invisible bonds
3. Silence - Trick the mind into believing the target cannot speak
4. Hallucinate - Dredge up vision in a target's mind, and make them seem real
5. Phantom Weapon - A blade that does not exist, but those cut by it believe it does
6. Blind - Seal the sight of a single target
7. Hold - Control a person's mind so that they cannot move under their own will
8. Phantom Soldier - Summon a spectral warrior to fight for you
9. Mass Hallucination - Manipulate the vision of a whole group, to see things that are not there
10. Phantom Army - Bring forth a full force of phantom soldiers to do your bidding

School of Summoning

1. Swarm - The mage is able to summon a small swarm of local insects to do his bidding. As they are insects, they are unable to communicate back to the mage.
2. Best - The mage is able to summon a nearby wild animal to attack their enemy. As it is wild, it would need to be domesticated before anything more can be done with it.
3. Steed - The mage is able to summon a local beast of burden, which is suitably under their thrall to be able to ride.
4. Minor Demon - Opening a gate to the demon realm, the mage is able to coax out a minor demon. Binding contracts are suggested.
5. Lesser Undead - The mage pulls at the underworld, causing a mindless undead to rise up.
6. Guardian - At this level, the mage can summon a sentient creature to do their bidding. As they are sentient, they may refuse to perform some actions.
7. Greater Demon - Opening a larger gate to the demon realm, the mage can call forth a greater demon. Binding contracts are recommended.
8. Greater Undead - Manipulating the spirit flow, the mage can draw an intelligent undead to him.
9. Hero / Monster - At this level, the mage can open a gate to pull through another Hero, or Monster to work alongside them
10. Demon Master - Opening the greatest of rifts, the mage can bring forth one of the lords of the demon realm. Binding contracts essential!

School of Necromancy

1. Vigour - All necromancy begins with control of the flesh, either to speed healing or move a dead limb
2. Soul Sight - The mage can pierce the veil, and see the land of the dead
3. Reanimate - A corpse can serve as well as the living in most manual labours
4. Paralyse - Exherting control over the physical form, the mage causes the target body to freeze up
5. Dead Voice - After concentration, the mage can commune directly with the dead - animated or otherwise
6. Bind Soul - Plucking a soul from the ether, it is infused to an object
7. Resurrect - Death and life are one. The mage returns the soul to its body, and closes the fatal wounds.
8. Little Death - The mage suspends the target's vital functions, causing them to collapse but still live
9. Suspend Soul - Seperating the physical and the spiritual, the mage pulls the soul from their target
10. Death Word - The mage speaks a single word, killing the listener



1. Minor Heal - a simple knitting of surface wounds
2. Protection - The summoning of a shell to shield from harm
3. Ward - Harmful magics are diverted away
4. Greater Heal - Serious wounds fold closed as if they never existed
5. Remove Curse - Curses lift from the afflicted
6. Banish - Non-mortal beings are returned whence they came
7. Resurrect - Returning the dead to life
8. Major Heal - Even mortal wounds reverse themselves
9. Greater Protection - The light of the divine shields from harm
10. Holy Radiance - Those of an evil bent flee from the power of the Gods!


1. Enfeeble - Sap the strength of a foe.
2. Harm - old wounds open up, and energy drains away
3. Sleep - A cursed and fitful sleep
4. Minor Control - Command over a part of the body
5. Command - Dominate a being to do your will.
6. Corruption - Strip away the veneer of heroism, and watch opponents wallow in self-gratification
7. Age - The flow of time speeds around a foe
8. Major Control - Command the body, but not the mind
9. Major Corruption - A more powerful domination, command almost anything
10. Domination - Their will Is enslaved to your own
Last edited by Gorbaz on Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:17 am

Interested in a Minotaur. Although, I have to ask if the cap of ten to a stat applies before or after merits. For instance, if I had 10 faith and took Chaplain, would I end up with 12 faith or would the benefit be lost?
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:21 pm

You know what? I was going to say nothing above 10, but I feel like merits and flaws should be able to get above that ceiling (but not race stats - they get applied before you divvy up your points).
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:54 pm

K I'll post my character:

Name: Henrietta Devult
Alias: The Crimson Blade, The Busty Blade
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/447410

Background: Even in times of peace there are those without a penny to their name. Henrietta was born to a drunkard of a mother with no father in sight. To get by, the young girl would steal what she could. Food, gold, clothing, Henrietta would take it. One day at the age of 18, she was caught trying to steal a diamond from a store front. To avoid imprisonment or worse, she used her body to appease the agitated shopkeeper.

Seeing the appeal of her voluptuous body, Henrietta turned from thievery to prostitution. Setting up around the Adventuring Guild, she would offer heroes a night of peace and pleasure. Some would even pay extra to have Henrietta accompany them on long journeys. On one such journey returning from the Border Fort, the heroes she was traveling with were ambushed and slaughtered by monsters. Not wanting to get captured, Henrietta grabbed a sword and began to swing wildly. With a little skill and a lot of luck, the busty tramp came out on top.

When Henrietta returned to the Adventuring Guild, she discovered the monsters she had slain had a noticeable bounty on them. Always one to cash in on an opportunity, Henrietta used the bounty to buy weapons, armor and supplies to start her new life as an adventurer, with a bit of prostitution on the side.

Corruption: 0

<Stats> - Each stat starts at 2, and you have 16 extra points to distribute for each stat set (16 for primary, 16 for secondary). 10 is the maximum. 5 freebie points can be distributed over everything, or used to purchase merits. Up to 5 points of flaws can also be purchased, which gives you extra points to spend.
Weapon Skill: 10
Bow Skill: 6
Mage Skill: 3
Faith: 5

Strength: 6
Constitution: 4
Charisma: 10

Destined for greatness - 3
At some point in your future, you know that you are going to be the one that others look to in awe of your accomplishments. You don't know how, nor are you anywhere near that point now, but you are unshakable in your belief that at some point, everything will depend on your actions. Ft rating can be added to any roll, once per day.

Succubi's Envy - 1
When it comes to the art of seduction, you rule the roost. Or bed, or nest, or whatever. +1 Chr, Corruption damage dealt through seduction is doubled.



School of Illusion

1. Fairy Lights - Simple, floating orbs of light
2. Bind - Bind a limb to your control with invisible bonds
3. Silence - Trick the mind into believing the target cannot speak


1. Enfeeble
2. Harm
3. Sleep
4. Minor Control
5. Command

Halberd / 10 / +1 damage
Robes/heavy clothes / 1 / -1 damage taken
Hunting Bow / 10 / Ranged, +1 damage vs light/no armour
Last edited by Mark3000 on Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord (OOC WIP)

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:11 am

let me get a character out placeholder
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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