Name: Janet Youngblood
Age: 23
Gender: female
Affiliation: Inner Sphere (Freelance Merc/on Retainer to house Steiner)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Perks: McGyver, Connections, Marksman, book worm,
Flaws: inexperienced Pilot, low self esteem,cheapskate
Gear: Flack vest, Neurohelmet knife Pistol
Mech: UM-R60 UrbanMech
dropped out from Nagelring Academy. Even thought she was doing poorly Academy this was not the reson she dropped out. She left when was given the news of her father death he was killed on field of duty fighting with Draconis combine. She wanted filled with rage and wanted to fight back but no on the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces willing to take her so ended joining Leonard mercenary group even though mech piloting skill were lacking she made up for that mechanical expertise and marksmanship.