İ will post it in here since many of you are interested. İ plan to use dnd 5e rules but in a simplified manner.
Strength: Primary stat for Warriors. Used to determine the strength of attacks. Also used for intimidate.
Constitution: Primary stat for Tanks. Used for fortitude save rolls.
Dexterity: Primary stat for any quick fighter class and ranged class. Also used for reflex save rolls.
Charisma: Your ability to influence others. Used for bluff, diplomacy and seduction. Also determines how much information you get when talking to NPC's. Also can inspire others.
Spellpower: Your ability to cast spells. Determines the base power of your spell. Primary stat for spellcasters.
Willpower: Your determination. Used for will save rolls. Determines your resistance to fear, seduction, mental control or mental magic. Highger stats may also grant you "I SHALL NOT FALL!" trait. Also can inspire others.
Every stat starts at 5 points. Firstly you add them your gender and mark modifiers. Then you have 12 points to distrubute among tem. The stats i use are similar to DnD ones but with small changes.
Firstly intimidate rolls are made by strength. Second intelligence is replaced by spellpower. Third willpower plays more important role now.
Main rolls would be 1d20.
Melee attacks: 1d20+1/4 of your strength+size modifier
Ranged 1d20+1/3 of your dexterity
Spell casting
1d20+1/3 of your spellpower
These are your basic attack rolls. There are fuckton of rolls in 5e and i want to simplfy it. So anyone who can help me at that would be also given brofists and free internets.
All suggestions and advices are welcome.