The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:00 pm

It's kinda funny how if you throw in a naked succubus the views jump a hundred in two days.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby Lynxy » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:30 pm

Funny and expected. We're totally all here for the stories. Xp
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:10 am

Woo, this is great! 4 pages! I didn't think my first RP would last, let alone go this strong in less than a month! You guys rock. Except you. Yeah you this Johnny guy I keep seenin' posting shit on here and you're not even playing you fuckin' tool. You are the worst.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:26 pm


Name: Fernando Quintana Oliveira de Porto

Monster Type: Encantado (Enchanted One)

Gender: Male


Human Form

Middle Form

Dolphin Form (It's a Dolphin...What did you expect?)!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg

6' 0'' in Human form
7' 6'' in Middle form
8' in Dolphin form (Nose to tail)

Age: 19

Class Set: Immersion

Year: Freshman


"Encantado is a word in Brazilian Portuguese that roughly translates as "enchanted one." The term is used for creatures who come from a paradiasical underwater realm called the Encante.

In human form they are pale-skinned and graceful, dressed usually in bright clothes in an old-fashioned style. Their transformation is never fully complete, however: an encantado will always have a bald spot on the top of its head where its dolphin blowhole remains. For this reason, the encantado always keeps his head covered, usually with a hat. The encantado is better at assuming its dolphin form, though strange Boto with flippers ending in human hands have been reported.

There are three elements that best characterize encantados: superior musical ability, their seductiveness and love of sex (often resulting in illegitimate children), and their attraction to parties. The encantado are curious about human society, and they are particularly fond of festivals and parties where they can enjoy music and dancing. It is not unheard-of for an enchanted one to dwell on land long-term, making a living as a musician. Kidnapping is also a common theme in such folklore. Encantados are said to be fond of abducting humans they fall in love with, children born of their illicit love affairs, or just anyone near the river who can keep them company, and taking them back to the Encante."

Fernando was born in Encante, like many others of his people were. And much like the other of his people, once he achieved the age of 18, he was allowed to go and visit the human world for the first time!

...Sadly, on his case, things didn't go so well for him. While it wasn't unheard of Encantados misbehaving and taking people with them back to Encante or having children with the humans, Fernando ended up pushing it a little bit too far. He went missing for an entire semester in the human world, which, understandably got the other denizens of Encante worried about him. Eventually a searching party was sent out looking for him, only to find that the Encantado had gone off to form a rock band in the human world alongside with a few other humans, going on tour around Brazil and all of them living in a big bus, where not only they practiced their music but also fucked a lot, Fernando's influence, no doubt.

Usually, that wouldn't be such a problem...Except until the part where Fernando began to actually form a harem with all the human gals and guys he took an interest in, his rock "star" career also getting him in trouble with the local police, for drunk driving, possession of illicit drugs, violence and assault, excessive public displays of affection, and general improper conduct around town, his distaste for wearing upper clothing except for his hat being one of them. Needless to say, he was kind of in huge trouble. As such, his friends and family from Encante pulled him off from the middle of the humans and pushed him to join the Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby Icaelus » Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:24 pm

This RP's rather interesting! Got any slots left? I'll probably write up a CS soon..
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:51 am

Absolutely. Also, as a public announcement, I'm sorry I haven't been able to post as frequently as I did, boss man's been giving me back to back to back doubles past week. Will try harder. NEW PLAYERS: Yes we have space. You need to pm about your character with not only the type of monster you want to do, but the version of said monster along with it. Fernando's head hole made my brain break for a whole day because I couldn't figure out how brain work in dolphin man. I'm good with it now, not trying to call nes out or anything shitty like that, it's just it oddly broke my mental state for the day. No joke. I don't know why that broke my mind but I don't want it to happen again so make sure you tell me about the quirks of your species. I don't want to make assumptions like I have with Natalie and Sera about what kind of racial traits they have. Please go into detail. Once we've gone over all that shit, then you can post your character sheet. You don't have to ask here if you play, just PM me. With that ALSO being said, PM me anyway. I'm lonely and sad. I could use the company/support/abuse. Not a sex thing the abuse part, just human interaction has gone down recently with the whole WORK ALL DAY thing. I'm mumbling now. END OF POST.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:22 am

Well, it works very much like a dolphin's blow hole, I'd assume.


It's basically like a second nose (At least when he's in human form) that goes around the front of his brain through a little tube.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:27 am

I'm not no. need bed
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:49 am

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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:25 pm

So wait in human form does he have a donut brain? Otherwise I worry either A) He may be limited in the mental processes he could achieve or B)He may have a very large head to accommodate the size. That'd be the part I was messed up about. OH wait no it could be shaped like a U around the hole if it isn't very large considering the brain is segmented into two different distinct halves anyway but connected by point. I think I just solved my own problem there. Thought the hole was as big as a dolphin's blowhole with how he had trouble getting rid of that particular part and all. Carry on Sir Dolphin man.
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Re: The Academy for the Supernaturally Inclined (OOC)

Postby johnnyarrow » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:18 am

Sorry all. Recently got tossed into school and work and art and... you get the point. Anyway, I'm unfortunately on hiatus. Not so much a Humbirdo hiatus as much as it's a "Holy shit life calm the fuck down" hiatus. Post all insults and or pleas and or don't in a PM.
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