Pathfinder RPG

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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:58 pm

Iiiiiinterestink. Zeeeeery iiiiiiinterestink. I will have to stuff my nose into Pathfinder to look up what sort of goodies it has!
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby BlueLight » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:09 pm

No i think he's getting some from all the other members. Can you think of all the ways he controls the government that way. Well the Japaneses have.
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby Demon » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:54 am

The Rune coalition covers the islands of Shikoku, Kyushu and many other southern isles.
It is ruled by a single council, composed of the leaders of the tribes and cities that integrate the alliance. A general leader is chosen each half-year to establish relative order in their actions.
It started in the larger islands due to the Empire's oppression.(Long story short. Much more complicated, actually)It is a young nation, it's origins dating only half a century ago.
The Empire had existed for centuries, reaching that point when the citizens do not remember any stories or legends of life before it.
It is ruled by only 1 person, thought never know by whom. Neither is know how is the ruler chosen, it is only known that they have done good and honored the traditions. The Empires work with extreme secrecy, not allowing their people to know anything from outside the borders or, sometimes, even outside the city walls.
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:08 am

God i'm already hating the empire.
WalLeak is the next big thing there.

Is it bad that we're making fun of demons well thought out RPG? sorry but banana started it.
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby Demon » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:20 am

Nope, not at all! What is an RPG without fun?
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:25 am

So just to get a understand of where we are at i'll ask this.

What needs to be done before we start this RP?
If we do it in real time like DnD normally what time going off of GMT is everyone interested willing to do this at?
If real time how will we communicate? skype? I think i have a old account.

I don't know if personally i want people to hear my voice. Just a oddity i have.
besides i don't think i have a mic that will work with out being annoying.
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby Demon » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:35 am

No real-time. It makes it too difficult.
Free-posting until a combat starts, just, gotta let the others post too! So it would be good if no one is going for lots of actions without any other players posting. A talk between PC's or PC's and NPC's is allowed to be as long as wanted, but not such actions as a travel, craft or other
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby banana » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:30 am

Inspiration hit me for a sociopathic half-chinese serpent-sorceress/geisha/assassin with sweet dragon/snake tattoos, who seduces her lord's enemies and kills them with a poisoned bite attack (the sexiest sorcerer bloodline power imo - though one might also flavour the aberrant bloodline power as a 10' long tongue :P ). She just wants a normal life, where she doesn't have to kill in service of a master. But who would love a woman who, beneath her beauty, is poison to the core?

So I could definitely get in on this. What level are we starting at?
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Re: Pathfinder RPG

Postby Demon » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:17 am

I'd like to start at lvl 3
(wow, been away quite a while)
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