Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:23 am

Okay so here's my plan.

We have enough interest to keep going, with 4 of 5 original players and 1 new interest. I've decided not to restart the story as we'd pretty much just be covering the same ground, instead my next post will time skip to when you have landed on the planet (anything else you wanted to do before so please PM me and I will work it in, but it looked like everyone has exhausted investigation options).

When you are on the planet you will have the chance to hire on new crew (the Voff + anyone else who wants to join) and Spriter's character will be written out (with the option of returning if they so choose to).

Is this acceptable to everyone?
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:26 am

Sounds good to me
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Dracoslicer » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:21 am

Fine by me, I see no problems with this.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Dracoslicer » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:21 am

Fine by me, I see no problems with this.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:22 pm

Name: Deck "One-Claw" Tian

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Working as a sniper and infiltrator for the alliance during the war Deck saw his fair share of the horrors that found place in the war. Horrors done to the soldiers of the Alliance and horrors done but them. During his last mission He was supposed to gather information behind enemy lines. He found some priority targets and the leaders of the operation deemed the risk of losing these targets to high and started a bombardment before Deck had made it out of the area. Deck survived the ordeal, but was left heavily damaged. His face and arm suffered the most damage. What was left of his jaw was encased in a metal frame and his left arm was completely replaeced with a robotic one leaving him with the nickname "One-Claw" and a not too charming metal voice. Having no love left for the Alliance he simply left the first change he got without bothering with any paperwork and started doing protaction work wherever he could find it. Mostly this took him to the Border planets, but finishing up his last job had left him on Persephone

Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them, entry stats cap at +4)

Strength: 1 (5)
Dexterity: 3 (7)
Toughness: 3 (7)
Willpower: 0 (4)
Perception: 2 (5)
Charisma: -2 (2)

total: (30)

Skills/Perks: (3 player choices, these are here to flesh out your character and help define what they do, what they're good/bad at. Each skill/ perk adds or deducts points to related test, bonuses to be negotiated.

Hawk-eye: His time as a sniper has given him a knack to spot ambushes and hidden enemies, but has left him somewhat paranoid.

Iron jaw: Whit a face like this, who has friends? More intimidating, but can not sweet talk anyone.

Million dollar man: His metal editions has left Deck more enduring and tough, but it is dependent on maintenance and available energy sources. There were also those annoying random malfunctions.

Personality: Hates the Alliance. Hard trusting, but loyal. His odd voice leaves him with the mentality that the fewer words the better.

Inventory: 6 Slots (This is your "planet side" inventory (i.e. the ships mechanic probably has a full tool chest back on board the ship but they wouldn't be able to carry the whole thing around with them everywhere, so does not need to be listed) consumables and bulky items only need to listed, not the lint in your pocket. Characters will be able to carry more once you RP starts. Weapon reloads stacked on weapon, food and water fill one spot).
- Personal modified rifle
- Handgun
- knife
- 2x power refill
- Ammo

Cash: $50

Salvage: (How much you have to sell, will be randomly generated at RP start. Vendors will give different prices for Salvage)
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:13 am

GM post is up, Voff I'll do your intro post once the crew decides where to land.

Voff, your character seems fine. I'll let you choose you stat boosts from your skills where you want, my rule of thumb is penalties apply to another stat equal to -2 of your bonus (i.e. up to +2 has no downside, but +3 has a -1 penalty somewhere for something). Alternatively I can through some plot central penalties your way every once in while instead.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:25 am

hmm... both ways work for me, but looking at the stats it might be a bit overpowered if I get to put more points in. For example if I distribute 2-3 more points in strength(+2) and toughness(+0-1) those will be almost maxed out... It does depend on how you balance it... Maybe having something like that activate-able and need to recharge after?

If you see anyway you feel is a good way to go, just go with that.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:54 pm

Quick question, are we supposed to wait for everyone to post before posting again, or do we double post if appropriate? I'm asking as whether or not I am "supposed" to approach Vhex at the moment, or wait for GM post.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Vhexo » Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:25 pm

I think double posts aren't a problem since it has been done earlier, so I don't think you have to wait
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:30 pm

oh Voff, I think I was the first one out of the ship, after Niamh, not Vhexo. I think.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:05 am

There is no problem with double posting with interactions between characters (if you're interacting with an NPC or the environment for an express purpose (picking locks etc) then wait for my post to resolve that)
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:22 pm

Seems I was a bit unclear in my first post :P thought I was talking to Vhex first time around, but it seemed to work out anyways :P
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:08 pm

Don't know if this counts as a double post. Was just wondering whether or not we are heading somewhere coordinately, or we are just wandering around the place? As in I should just wait for a reply/approval from the rest of the crew members, or just go about do something else wile we wait?
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:48 pm

For now we are just wandering, a few things are getting taken care of my the various members of our crew, but you could come back later after all of our errands are complete
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:12 am

Sure thing.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:09 am

Oh right for my post I'm lost cause I have no idea on the ship's funds at the moment
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:24 am

I'm pretty sure we have no money except for what we each have on hand and what we are about to get from Badger.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:03 am

On the funds, yes, you only have money in your pocket.

You have the job with Badger to complete and get paid on.

You also have nearly full hull of cargo you can sell.

As with character doings, I hoping for this to have a significant sand-box element. You guys decide what you want to do as a crew and individual, if you want to look for certain kind of jobs over others, that's what you'll probably get. There are some scripted events I have planned to happen
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Voff » Tue May 05, 2015 4:28 am

Sorry for being away. Have been quite busy. Unfortunately I don't think I can keep up with regular posts for a while, but if you want to keep me going on a slower pace exalted I'll post when I can, but I don't want to slow/ruin it for the rest...
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