by KaTsuO_O » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:43 am
First of all you need to give your movieclips instance names, it is the name that the program will use to communicate with the movieclips. It is not the same thing as the name you give it when you create it, if you click on a symbol and then open properties you'll see where you can enter an instance name. you can write what ever you want, but it is recommended to keep it simple so that you can remember it.
Let's say we start with the Helmet, give it the instance name helmet. If the helmet is inside a head symbol then you need to give the head an instance name as well, which should be head. Same if the head is inside a character movieclip.
Then for the different helmets, make keyframes inside the helmet movieclip, add one on each frame and put the "stop();" action on all of them.
The code for the button is basically:
on (release) {;
It means that when you release it will play the frames inside the helmet, however since you got stop(); on each it will stop on the next one and loop back to the first frame again.
but if the helmet is inside a head movieclip then you need to change it to:;
if the head is inside a character movieclip then you need to change it to:;
So it gives the path for the program to follow.
If it still doesn't work then that should be because the button is not in the root of the file. It would just be confusing to explain so I can just say, add _root. before; or how you chose to structure it.