I am not a good animator (i am programmer more
), but may be itwill help.
Try to make this:
1)Make some Movie Clip Symbol like this:
http://ownerofsuccuby.narod.ru/Testovie ... Symbol.pngBut make it like MovieClp not a button.
2)Animate it like character is going but stands on one point and just move her legs and etc.
(It helps if you select your leg and etc components press Q and move rotation point on where you need it too be (in joint forlegs and arms and etc.))
It have to be the same on each frame - if it do not it will be strange animation like lege start move from the joints.
I use standart animation - on time line press right button => standart animation - it let to make animation process faster. Always move the body part after it stops it movment to its initial position - if you start your next animation from initial position.
3)Move your MovieClip Object from one point to another o main time line. If you want she go all the time she is walk animated - the number of frames on main time line need to be = number of frames in your MovieClip animation.
4)For more detail movment in legs you can seporate each leg part on the its own layer and than your move will be more detailed. But i do not in example.