Stupid if-then-else statements. (this should be basic)
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:20 am
Okay, so i've always had a problem with If statements and i don't know why. Anyways I need to fix this before I can't get something important to work.
I've got this section of code.
Here's the problem, when ever my action listener fires (the thing above.) it will compare the values just fine, but, the else statement will also fire. I'm getting results like
from one click.
I've got this section of code.
- Code: Select All Code
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String state = event.getActionCommand();
Log.Logging(this.getClass().getName(), ""+state);
if(newGameString == state){Center.texyTextAdderCenter(state, false, true);}
if(saveGameString == state){Center.texyTextAdderCenter(state, false, true);}
if(loadGameString == state){Center.texyTextAdderCenter(state, false, true);}
if(optionsString == state){Center.texyTextAdderCenter(state, false, true);}
if(quitString == state){Center.texyTextAdderCenter(state, false, true);}
else {
Center.texyTextAdderCenter("What the F did you do? This is a bug and needs to be reported!... Like now.", false, true);
Center.texyTextAdderCenter("I need you to go to LoK forums or my blog and post this third line in a comment or something that I can read.", false, true);
Center.texyTextAdderCenter(event+"", false, true);
Center.texyTextAdderCenter("Again, how the hell did you do this? My if statement logic leaves no room for error so how the hell did you trigger the else statement?", false, true);
Here's the problem, when ever my action listener fires (the thing above.) it will compare the values just fine, but, the else statement will also fire. I'm getting results like
- Code: Select All Code
New Game
What the F did you do? This is a bug and needs to be reported!... Like now.
I need you to go to LoK forums or my blog and post this third line in a comment or something that I can read.
java.awt.event.ActionEvent[ACTION_PERFORMED,cmd=New Game,when=1334556942200,modifiers=Button1] on javax.swing.JMenuItem[,1,3,85x21,invalid,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalBorders$MenuItemBorder@360be0,flags=264,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,defaultIcon=,disabledIcon=,disabledSelectedIcon=,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=2,left=2,bottom=2,right=2],paintBorder=true,paintFocus=false,pressedIcon=,rolloverEnabled=false,rolloverIcon=,rolloverSelectedIcon=,selectedIcon=,text=New Game]
Again, how the hell did you do this? My if statement logic leaves no room for error so how the hell did you trigger the else statement?
from one click.