Tutorial Rules

A place for tutorials on how to get the most out of Flash

Tutorial Rules

Postby Renara » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:14 pm

Just a few helpful rules to keep the tutorials forum running as smoothly as possible! These are of course in addition to the global forum rules.

  • Please do not post to tutorial threads to bump them, or simply say "good tutorial"; posts should be about any specific issues with the tutorial, points to re-work/expand, or questions related to the topic.

Posting Tutorials
  • If posting a tutorial, then please include pictures where possible, preferably ones attached to the topic itself (you can insert attached images into your posts with the buttons in the Upload Attachment tab), linking to off-site images is not recommended as they cease to be available.
  • Tutorials may add polls to show how useful they are. The question should read something like "Did this tutorial answer your question?" with options including "Yes (completely)", "Yes (partially)", and "No".
Renara (team twitter | newgrounds)
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