Flash as3 and 3d => stage 3d (Molehill)- question ... .

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Flash as3 and 3d => stage 3d (Molehill)- question ... .

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:11 pm

Interesting but not new thing - as i understand - what do you think about it. Start to read documintation and books about it too. And what did i found - it use *.OBJ file and texture file like *.JPG - if i am not wrong.

How do you think :lol: will it be possible to use this models for this purpose:
http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/ ... adventures

How to animate this models then ? :shock: :? :mrgreen: Sorry that i am so active - but just find some books and start to read them so have a lot of questions :roll: :lol:

If i will get any information i will post it there ;) If you know anything that can help - write please ;)

Find very cool book - but no word obout how aniumate models in it - the example of 3d work model from that book (remade) - to show how 3d works like =)

The bad thing is that big models do not render =( So cool good made krystal model do not work :roll: But small 3d models work perfect.
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Flash as3 and 3d => stage 3d (Molehill)- question ... .

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:35 pm

Hello my friends !!! I finnaly made it. I execute Away3d's scripts - i understand how avaid a lot of bugs and make animation in blender for it :mrgreen:

When i start i get some thing like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvmNrRm ... e=youtu.be

How to make it = first you will need to download away3d libruary and source code (the last gold pack). (away3d.com)

Then download Away Builder - from there site.

Download io_export_md5-263 - libruary for Blender - and download Blender :twisted:

Then - to execute there io_export_md5-263 in Blender you need to - delete all cameras and lamps from stage - select Your Mesh and bones - then select your animation time line and pres export - else you program will fail the export :twisted: :roll:

If you get some thing like i do in my video - then you need:

1)Rotate all by matrix at X - then rerotate back only your mech using tools in Edit Mode.
2) Put all starting bones into zero point - and put zero point of the mech to the zero point of the stage (and all zero point put to zero point of the crean ! :twisted: :roll: )

I will soon post some good example of what is possible to maid and what i can already make :oops: :roll: - if to say trully just a little edit one of there source files :D

But i hope that you will like the idea - and may be one day there will be more flash 3d games about Krystal fox ;)
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

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