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Test cumshot.swf [ 10.17 KiB | Viewed 3628 times ]
This is a cumshot i made to see if i even can make cumshots, it is not good enough so i cant make a tutorial just yet but i still have some tips that may help you.
1. Make at least two shots, something like in the swf.
2. Dont use tweens for the cum, frame-by-frame only.
3. Add some movment/size change for the cock when coming.
4. Dont make the cum transparent, or at least not more than 20%.
5. Add shanding to the cum (shadows and lightspots).
6. Use layers for the cum, like cum on dick, cum in air, cum on object and dripping cum.
7. Think about gravity.
And here is the flash file if anyone is interested:
- Untitled 1058.png (1.07 KiB) Viewed 3628 times