Easy tutorial button actionscript 2.0

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Easy tutorial button actionscript 2.0

Postby El Cadrius » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:47 pm

button actionscript 2.0
Welcome Today I Show You How Make A Button ActionScript 2.0 In 5 Step

1- Choose Your button

2- Go In Propreties And Choose Button And Track As Button

3- Click On Your Button And Go In Action
Image - Image

4- Adding The Next Code
Code: Select All Code
on (release) {

in the code, "addscenename" is your scene of your anime

5- And Click On The Image For The Script Are Saved

-0-You Have Finished-0-
[[url]Click Here For Test The Button[/url]][Warning Hentai Anim With Sound]-[Please Read Important Note][Url UnAvaible For Now]

[Read Important Note]
[Note : Please Look for You Adobe Flash CS5.5 or CS4 Are In Mode Animator]
Last edited by El Cadrius on Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Requested tutorial button actionscript 2.0

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:44 pm

You may want to add how to make a button as well, but i cant complain since the name only sais button actionscript.

I dont know about you but i think tutorials should be for everyone so here is some questions:
How do i choose the button?,
If i cant see properties where do i find it?,
If i cant see actions where do i find it?,
Should i remove the quotes between the () or not?,
What should i add there instead?,
What is/what do you mean with "anime"?,
The code works without "saving", why do i save?
And where can i check if flash is in "Mode Animator"

Now there is things that is unnecessary and there is things that is false in this tutorial:
You dont have to change to track as button and the "save" thing doesnt save, It is checking for errors in the code.

This tutorial needs work.
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Re: Requested tutorial button actionscript 2.0

Postby El Cadrius » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:07 pm

How do i choose the button?, / You Click On
If i cant see properties where do i find it?, / The Properties Spawn At The Right
If i cant see actions where do i find it?, / No Reponse
Should i remove the quotes between the () or not?, / You Don't Need Touch the () [Me I Say Don't Touch The () ]
What should i add there instead?, / No Reponse
What is/what do you mean with "anime"?, / The Animation You Make
The code works without "saving", why do i save? / you save the code if you don't save the code the code are removed.
And where can i check if flash is in "Mode Animator" / For View Where Is For Change The Mode For Animator Click Here
Last edited by El Cadrius on Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Requested tutorial button actionscript 2.0

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:29 pm

Ya so um... ya i wouldn't be slapping your self on the back.
I knew at one time how to do this is action script 3 and while coding wise they are different i do believe you have to give you button a name and link it up to a action listener.
Also my way of doing this is much more code kinky in java. :P
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Re: Requested tutorial button actionscript 2.0

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:45 pm


Ok, i am now going to answer those questions myself since there is still no clue how anything works.
How do i choose the button?, / "You Click On" It is a good answer but i use to say you left-click on it but just click on it works.

If i cant see properties where do i find it?, / i thought properties was something you have to bring up but properties is actualy on screen from start so this question is not needed.

If i cant see actions where do i find it?, / But actions is something im almost sure of that it isnt on screen from start so what you need to bring it up is to press F9.

Should i remove the quotes between the () or not?, / "You Don't Need Touch the () [Me I Say Don't Touch The () ]" I dont talk about the brackets ( () ), i talk about the quotes on each side of "addscenename". What you want to do is to keep the quotes and then write your frame label in between, not scene name.

What should i add there instead?, / You can add the frame label with quotes inside of the () but you you can also add a frame number without quotes in there as well.

What is/what do you mean with "anime"?, / "The Animation You Make" Where can i find the scene name of my animation? / You can find your scene name if you press Ctrl+F2 and there you will see that your scene name is: "Scene 1" but in this case we need the frame label and where can i find it? / You cant find it anywhere at all unless you have added one.

The code works without "saving", why do i save? / As said "the "save" thing doesnt save, It is checking for errors in the code." So you dont have to do anything at all after adding the code.

And where can i check if flash is in "Mode Animator" / "For View Where Is For Change The Mode For Animator Click Here" That is good answer but why the hell do i have to make sure i have that workspace? / You dont have to, I suggest you make a new workspace by clicking on that button in the image from El Cadricus (http://i.imgur.com/A6J7A.png) and "New workspace..." and then put everything how you want it and add what you need.

This still dont tell good enough how work with a button in as2 so here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1457

"you save the code if you don't save the code the code are removed." I wonder where you got that from, I have been using flash for 7 years now, from Macromedia Flash 2004 to Adobe Flash CS5, so I know for sure thats not true.
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