Isometric rpg or traditional rpg what better

Hello everyone
Since in august i got my hands on information about new rpg maker i suspended work on my project, and decided to try my hands on rpg made with flash (many ask why the reason is simple vector art which is better for details that i want my characters to have), so i spend entire day on searching information and what i get is basically idea how to make maps without overworking myself (using tiled and importing them to flash - both simple and effective since we get tilemap), but the problem lies with what approach use to game, create an isometric view or traditional view.
the pros for isometric is that we basically only create sprite in two direction other two are mirror of first two, the problem is 4d moving will look weird on game, better suited for isometric games are 8d, also there aren't many artworks that can be used in game.
for more traditional view pros are that 4d moving will look natural, also more artwork that i can use in game.
Although to be truthful since i'm planning on tiles being at least 64x64 so most artwork for first demo will be only zoomed, in future i plan to make tilesets specifically for game.
So i need your opinion which view is better.
Since in august i got my hands on information about new rpg maker i suspended work on my project, and decided to try my hands on rpg made with flash (many ask why the reason is simple vector art which is better for details that i want my characters to have), so i spend entire day on searching information and what i get is basically idea how to make maps without overworking myself (using tiled and importing them to flash - both simple and effective since we get tilemap), but the problem lies with what approach use to game, create an isometric view or traditional view.
the pros for isometric is that we basically only create sprite in two direction other two are mirror of first two, the problem is 4d moving will look weird on game, better suited for isometric games are 8d, also there aren't many artworks that can be used in game.
for more traditional view pros are that 4d moving will look natural, also more artwork that i can use in game.
Although to be truthful since i'm planning on tiles being at least 64x64 so most artwork for first demo will be only zoomed, in future i plan to make tilesets specifically for game.
So i need your opinion which view is better.