Hello dears!
I'm new to this forum, so hope for Your understanding).
So: I'm a self-taught programmer from Mother Russia and I want to make nsfw games! The main problem I faced is that there are no animators (who can do 2D animation) and modelers-animators (who create 3D models and animate 3D).
There are a lot of ideas for 2D games, but if you are an animator and want (not the most difficult) game on your plot with your arts, write, discuss.
For a start, I conceived a 3D game about anthropomorphic animals. The idea of the game is not particularly difficult, but some surveys have shown that people may like it. For it I need modelers and animators (3D). In General, if you are willing to help or suggest where to look for help write. I will be glad to read the answers and answer the questions.
Sorry for my bad English.