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[Unity][Patreon] HNabi creating new H-Adventure Game

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:30 am
by HNabi2
Greetings, fellow lewd Gamers! o/

I have started a development of a new 2D H-adventure game.
Here is my patreon page:
There you will find a quick Overview video of a game.
A public version of a game will come in near future (aproximately 1 month).

Please consider supporting, it would mean a world to me :)

Re: [Unity][Patreon] HNabi creating new H-Adventure Game

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:20 am
by TheDoubleDeuce
That's already a beautiful start to what I know will be a great game. Good on you for giving us a month's notice. If I may make one criticism, you should improve your rewards. Maybe make a 5 dollar tier or promise t-shirts or something like that. Right now I am not really incentivised to support you. ;) But on your dev side, I'm kinda excited to see this game get finished. Is that the corgi engine, you're using?

Re: [Unity][Patreon] HNabi creating new H-Adventure Game

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:00 pm
by Darkwood
I wonder if there's anything to show after... a couple more then one month?
I might be not a best person to give advise, but it might be a little bit too hard for you to find patrons if you don't share your game to public