Sooooo.... I'm thinking about creating a game (most likely in Unity), and I would like to share the reasonning behind some of the design choices I made for a (maybe not so) simple RPG, and like to receive constructive feedback, criticism, etc.
Sorry for the wall of text, but consider this an early version of my game design document.
Also, if I DO make it in a game, I'll update this thread instead of creating a new one.
First thing first, the big aesthetics I want to focus on are narrative and discovery, in the broad sense (because finding new way to interact with stuff is also discovery!). Oh, and maybe fantasy too... (
-I plan on putting choices. And lots of them.
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Maybe "choices" is not the right term. "Liberties" might be more suited. I want to tell stories that can only be told through games, and that is putting the player at the command. I want the player to be able to do what he wants and also to be proactive in his quest. Not always reacting to what's happening, but to be the driving force of the story. A game where every items has potentially multiple functions and (often) limited number of uses. And for the world to be coherent with the player's actions, it means a lot of possibilities has to be considered. To keep this maneageable, though, I need to think small. Small worlds that may change through the player's actions filled with things to do, and few NPCs (if they are to be reactive to your actions, each NPC will need a whole lot of scripting...).
-No battle system...
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but there will be battles. I plan on making every encounter, every fight, hand-crafted and played through the same system used while interacting with everything else. I do feel that adding a combat system would allow me to lenghten the game quite a bit without having to put too much effort and that the battles would also surely be deeper than what I plan to make. When looking at battles as problems, a battle system allows for a near infinity of solutions, and I find that great. But the thing a battle system would take away is the feeling of uniqueness of a battle: every fight follows the same rules as the previous, and if the system is not really fun, battles can become a chore quickly (and the same could be said of every system). I think about three different system the game would use;
1 - an Action one, where you drag and drop the Items or the Skill you want to use on the "target".
2 - a Choice one, during situations where multiple options are availables (depending on your character) and you must decide on one.
3 - a Character progression one, where you choose how your character grow after an Action or a Choice, giving you a choice of multiple upgrade depending on the Action or the Choice.
(On a side note, I would probably like doing a more "systemic" game too, where all aspect would be ruled by its own system (battle, exploration, conversation, trade, etc...) but having some tailor-made events in each of them too to keep thing unexpected from time to time.)
-Multiple Ressources.
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You would have to manage your Health, Stamina and your Will. Loose all of one of them, and it's game over! Health is self-descriptive, and Stamina drains when you do a physical effort. Will, on the other hand, drains when you do mental tasks or something far from your character normal behaviour (Ex: it would cost more Will for a selfish character to give away one of his potions to help someone while it would cost more Will for a virtuous one to keep his last one in the same situation, these character's traits could be added at character generation). Both Will and Stamina are used during Actions and Choices. This would make Actions and Choices more relevant and meaningful, since it would be based on finite ressources.
(Depending on the setting and the underlying story, I might be tempted to add Hunger or a Time "stat". And if I do add Time, maybe there would be time-dependent events.)
-Character Generation.
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Even though all playable characters would look the same, you would still be able to generate your own by choosing his (or her...) background. Maybe mix and matching between multiple character traits and past occupations that would give stats modifiers and/or starting items. This would allow for a bit more replayability, and maybe even optional difficulty (as some traits could be more penalizing or beneficial than others).
-No RNG.
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Though I plan on making skill checks or something similar, it will always be checked against a constant. Every playthrough will end at the same point if you take the same actions. I wish for people to play until the end even through decisions that yielded bad results, so I plan on making a "hardcore" mode with no save data, and having RNG in it would kind of kill this in my opinion.
-A topic based conversations.
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It would be an Action based conversation: you would have one generic Talk skill, and multiple Topics that would get unlocked after getting to know them (by reading about them, having heard of them in a previous conversation,etc.). Some conversations would then continue in a Decision based manner, where multiple choice would be available (something more traditionnal). This would help emphasize proaction, since the player would make the choice to ask a specific topic instead of having it displayed as a choice in a conversation. And since bringing up a topic might spark a conflict with the NPC you're talking to, and gaining information might drain a bit of your Will, it will add to the choices pool you have during a game.
-(Maybe) Graphical Adventure Game interface.
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I'm thinking of using a point'n'click style interface, where each location would be represented by a still image and interactible objects would be kind of highlighted. To keep it simple, there would be no animation of the character walking through the environment too (this would also allow for more interesting point of view between locations). A written description or narration would also be displayed. I think this is the easiest and most ergonomic way to let people try different interactions.
-No player skills involved.
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For example, I don't want to rely on pixel hunting. If something is hidden, the character will have to be able to detect it, not the player to find it. Same thing in conversations, it's not your intellect or charisma that must be tested, but the character's.
-(Another maybe...) Achievements
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Because it's always a good incentive to keep playing (and I like me some achievements...).
-And since we're here...
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I would like to add porn, because it's always better to have porn! I may add some erotic Actions or Items that may refill your Will or help persuade an NPC, and try to weave some in the events or the endings.
An example of a situation that could be in there:
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You stumble upon a large, locked, metallic door. A small display is built-in on a pedestal on the right side of it.
You would receive a [New Topic: Locked door]
From there, you could (note that this would not be a Choice, but rather possible Actions);
Examine the door or the display (this could be the default action when you click on objects);
try to hack the input (you would drag and drop a skill if you had it);
Ask the guy back two romm from here, he would then proceed to tell you that he had the password noted down in a book that got stolen by a thief, and point you toward his possible den [Topic updated: Locked door];
Use a [Memory Revival Gadget] to get the password from the guy instead of helping him retrieve his book;
Who needs a ****ing password?!?! Blow the **** off of that door with an explosive you found earlier! (if you have some explosive know-how, you might not waste it by trying to place it somewhere effective...);
Because you have time to waste (your character's, mind you) you might try to brute-force search for the password. (This might cost you a LITTLE bit of will, though... Or, if your character has enough luck (maybe a stat, maybe a ressource... or may be no luck at all), he may find it pretty soon);
I don't want to go there... You pass your way.
tl;dr; So, all in all, it would be a (most certainly very) short CYOA RPG sort of point'n'click where puzzles would be swapped out by choices instead? Something like that anyway...
I still do not have a definitive idea for the setting, themes and underlying story, and everything is still conceivable at this point.
So, what do you think? Makes you want to play or not? Feel free to debate on what you think a good RPG should be, but I'd like to hear the reasonning behind your choices as well. If you think a linear story is the best because it allows it to be so much more gripping, or that combat should be a bigger focus because [Reason], please comment!