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H-Scenes Generator?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:54 pm
by impound258
Hey guys,

I got a few projects on the go and they keep piling up on me a bit as I get stuck up on various things before I can continue.

One thing I've noticed is a lot of games here seem to have generated characters. I think there was a link to it before. But the ones where the NPCs are blued/pinked out and the main character is viewable. Was there not a program that helped with that?

I'm aiming at banging out 3 releases by the end of July of smaller games to test some programming (and make sure people can play them without a hitch). But if the generator or program or whatever it was is any good, I may be able to start working on H-scenes instead of plain text with some screen effects. XD I mean don't get me wrong. I enjoy writing the text out, but I feel not everyone cares much for plain text these days.

Anyhow, I'm going back to being quiet for a bit, but I'll keep an eye on this. Not wanting to hype up my games too much yet. They're still too early in progress to really give a good flushed out look at it.

Re: H-Scenes Generator?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:23 pm
by AcetheSuperVillain
Are you talking about the Tech Arts 3D stuff? Or maybe one of Illusion's products.

Re: H-Scenes Generator?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:06 pm
by kvier
Maybe you're thinking of 3d custom girl?