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About few question creating art in vector art

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:06 pm
by dullman
Hello some of you might know me from the topic i created about developing game (sim red light town), while the game itself has many changes of engines, until i settled that for anime based characters it's only 2d vector art (although i plan make also 3d game but since there isn't any anime 3d models that resemble anime characters so it would be realistic 3d models). So my question is one thing is there a possibility to get lighter color in shape?? I mean if i want darker colors i just need to apply black color with opacity to get a shadow effect, it's a trick that i saw in flash in one of game here. And one thing i don't need to know trick that will work only in flash (since although it's the main culprit behind vector art in games i prefer to make highly moddable game which with flash is slightly hard) since even though there is exists engine besides flash for vector games but truthfully i wouldn't be using it now (since there is a problem with framerate when we trying to display more than one character(movie clip) made in adobe flash) and trying a 3rd party assets to work with svg files for unity.

Also there is one thing i want to ask is there any vector/raster(image) work that display a nude male in one of four direction or in all which looks good and similar to male characters in anime?? I need it as reference to work since i'm not very creative person myself and my art if not "created" basing on something sucks(by creating i mean i redraw art from scratch trying to keep similar propotions), also it can be also screen from game or any other art (like black and white image). One thing i know there seems to be games that has male characters here but truthfully not one of this can say that has good male models (by that i tried is both sim brothels in flash, and i believe there isn't any male characters in breeding season but if there is another game which had a nude male you can write me about it).