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Call of Snu Snu: Advanced techniques

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:49 pm
by Jumbo70
So I just happened to think of this idea while driving home from school.
Anyone pick up on it if you wish, might myself pick up on it someday.

So a simple fps style or sidescroller call of dutysqee game with a twist, instead of shooting the usual commies, Al Qaeda and Russians and whatnot oppressing the American eagle of liberty and freedom. You'd be a female special forces agent killing the enemies by using the tactics of snu snu...
Ofc not forgetting the Michael Bay explosions and all that jam.
final phase would not be a knife jammed in your chest, but instead a dildo jammed in your vageena, that you try to desperately pull out and then finally throwing it at the evil enemy and then proceeding to do a final battle of snu snu to the death or something similar.
Stylish much, very wow. Much 'murica.