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Humbird0 RPG Maker

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:55 am
by Just that guy
I just downloaded Humbird0's program and while i have free time i don't know how to use it if Humbird0 or anyone using the program can give me some beginners tips that would be great

Re: Humbird0 RPG Maker

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:52 am
by zirpcev
To get started, have a look at how other games work. Tinker with them and see what small changes you can make. The best way to learn is to break things. Once you understand the basics, start with small projects like self-playing stories with no user interaction.
And unless you're good at editing sprites, familiarize yourself with the default resources. It's a pain to almost finish a project then hit a brick wall because you're missing one simple animation.

Also, check out these tutorials created by BobbyGecko. He created a small game that demonstrates flags and other useful features of the editor.
Setting it up may be tricky since you're not familiar with the engine, so follow these steps.
  1. Make a fresh copy of the editor.
  2. Download the tutorial from the second link in the post linked above.
  3. Extract and open the tuto.rar file and copy them into the editor folder so they overwrite the existing folders.
  4. Download the updated level file from his post here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3471&start=120#p245359
  5. Extract the turo.lvl file into the /levels folder.
  6. Launch the game through either the .exe, .swf, or .html
Also, there is official documentation in HTML format found the the /help folder.

Have fun!

Re: Humbird0 RPG Maker

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 5:03 am
by Just that guy
oh thank you i was gonna delete the thread but i thank you for the advice

Re: Humbird0 RPG Maker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:59 am
by Dark_Onix
The Best way to learn how Humbird0 program works is to use it. Personally for the first year of using his program, I had copies of some of his games in a folder. Whenever I had a question about how something worked I would just look at his games to see how he did it something similar. Also trial and error is important. When I try something new, it normally does not work correctly the first time. Sometimes is still does not work correctly on the tenth try. What I do to solve this problem is to add Sound effects, or text Messages to the game to locate the problem.

Some quick tips:
1) You can copy and paste objects, or just lines of code from an object. This saves lots of time.
2) The "Delete SWF" line of code, normally found on Doors to remove them after they open; is created be adding a SWF and leaving the "Movie clip / File" line blank.
3) Be carful with variable naming. If you forget to Capitalize a letter in the variable name it will not work correctly.
4) Also whenever you add a new variable to the Ram, All old saved game will not have the new variable. This does trip up some people.

Re: Humbird0 RPG Maker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:28 pm
by Just that guy
thank you dark onyx, also if Humbird0 does not get his site up at the time of this post i may have to reupload it here just in case