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Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:50 am
by StarkePT

Hentai RPG Heaven is proud to finally present to the community our first of 5 games that we are creating at the moment, Ayame's Hentai Adventure.

In the past we have created dozens of programs, an extractor for RPG Maker, cracked DRM's, improved games, fixed bugs, created translations, and in the end, we shared it all with you, the community. Through all that we've learned the program in depth and we have decided It's time to stop working in other people's games, we believe we can now create our own game with all the experience we acquired over these last five years.

We are also talented, Hentai is not a Japanese thing anymore, English authors have proven that we can create content as good as the Eastern world, and we are here to try and take it to the next level, hopefully pave a path along with some other users like YummyTiger to many more English RPG Maker Hentai games and beyond.

Our project right now is to create a "open world" where initially, five games will take place. Instead of creating a average map for every game, we decided we'd create a map huge and amazing that you can get acquainted with and facilitate the navigation from game to game, this also opens room for cameos!

The games will happen as if simultaneously, playing one game will not ruin the experience of the others (since you won't have access to all areas from the inside in all games, obviously) but it will make the experience richer, we want to go massive with as much as 50+ areas that you can visit, not to mention the inside of those areas.

Meet Heaven City:


Spoiler (click to show/hide):



And that's just for starters, you are going to visit areas such as Japan, Greece, Egypt, all of them deeply themed. The architectural differences from Heaven City to the Neighboring town are going to be massive, flying from the "USA" to "Japan" will be like changing from Grand Theft Auto to Persona, the maps, cultural differences, soundtrack, everything, we want to make the experience as immersive as possible.

Since we're still in the process of releasing a Tech Demo because creating a map for five games is not easy task and rushing a demo now would only slow down the progress of all five games in the long run, we'll leave at this for now, as a presentation, but I will be willing to answer any questions you might have.

Anything else, you can check us out and support us on:

Thanks for read, looking forward for your feedback.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:57 pm
by rakgi
Sounds nice but, you talk about maps and areas. What I want to know is what kind of content can we expect to see? CG or Sprite? What is the ultimate goal in the game? I like Heaven Studios and what you guys do and have no objections to adding support for a game created by your studio but until I know more it sounds atm that you guys are just making custom maps ;o.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:02 pm
by StarkePT
CG at the moment, this is our heroine for the first game:

SPOILER ALERT, boobs included.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:31 pm
by UnLimiTeD
Did I just read a sales pitch?
Well, ok then, I'll see where this goes eventually.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:28 pm
by StarkePT
UnLimiTeD Wrote:....
Did I just read a sales pitch?
Well, ok then, I'll see where this goes eventually.

Not at all, we have a reputation to keep and we're not asking people to pay us millions upfront and make a run with the money. Our patrons see our work, we're transparent, and with Patreon it's easy, don't like it? Stop supporting that day.

It's our job to make sure that doesn't happen, but I guess only Patrons know, you can always Pledge 1$, check our activity in that month and then if you're happy with the results, remove your support or upgrade to a higher tier.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:44 pm
by durandal8
Out of curiosity how big of a group is working on this atm is it just you or do you have a group of friends or co-worker's helping and do they have a background in this as well

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:26 pm
by StarkePT
Directly: Me and a CG artist.

Indirectly: Too many people to count, there's a lot of people decided to make this project work.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:09 am
by Zeus Kabob
Because this is a project without a playable demo, it belongs in Creative Discussion.

Keep in mind that if you allow purchase of the game through Patreon but you fail to provide a playable demo to the forum, you will be banned from the forum.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:24 am
by StarkePT
Due to the way our project is built, we don't have a demo yet because the base for the first game (world map) is the same as future games, in that sense any content we created NOW for the first game would be wasted for future games (since it wouldn't be used) so we want to get the world map done first, and then we will release the demo.

We won't release our tech demo (no gameplay, just having the ability to check the maps and the menus) here, but we will release our first playable demo for every game we release here as soon as it comes out.

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:25 pm
by Seraphic
So, anything new on this game or not? :/

Re: Ayame's Netorare Adventure - English RPG Maker H-Game

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 10:42 pm
by nad destroyer
Well I'm glad I found that map. Anway this should be updated since this game now has a playable demo.

StarkePt. Is that basic map up above still accurate? Cause in the demo I kept getting lost lol.