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Making a text based flash game like corruption of champions

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:44 am
by AhzeckAhriman
For awhile i've been writing text based flash economic female slavery game, no real combat just simulated. And i've been looking around until I realized how crap I was about looking up information I need, so now I ask what do I use to make a text based flash game? I've been looking at actionscript 3.0 or should I get adobe flash. Don't know too much about this stuff, so if you're willing to help ill try and tell you as much as what i'm trying to do as possible.

Re: Making a text based flash game like corruption of champi

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:33 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
I think flash is not a bad solution for making simple not 3d games.

How do you like your game look like ? May be there are even more simple solutions of your idea with out flash. (For example html + java script) or some thing like that.

I like flash for examples - but i do not made big complicated projects on it - have nos so much motivation and complex idea of what to do and how it have to look like.

Action script is language that can let you operate with frames - it is simple - for example you can use some algoritms and go to different frames (pages) with different names (or numbers that is not good solution some times). You can put different text scenario or animations on them and buttons. When you click on buttons you will go to some frame with for example some names.

As i think it is very simple for creation simple text game - if i understand your idea.

Can you please say more about your game ?

Re: Making a text based flash game like corruption of champi

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:47 pm
by splendidostrich
When it comes to deciding what to write a game in, there's a lot of things to consider. CoC is a fairly large and complex game, at least by the standards of a one-person project. Writing & programming something on that scale can reasonably be expected to take many thousands of hours of work. As such, it's worth taking a bit of time to weigh up the options before starting so you choose one that works for you. That isn't something I did myself - I just went for Java & Swing because it was something I was familiar with. Now, I think that while Java is fine, starting with a different UI instead of Swing would have had a lot of advantages.

One important thing with Flash is that using it lets you put your game on the various flash game sites, and that way it can have a lot of hits. As a non-flash game creator whose game needs to be downloaded to be played, I find it much harder to get it out to large numbers of people and I think that I'll look into a browser-based UI if I make another game afterwards. For me that'll probably be HTML5, because I can use my Java skills there without learning flash, but as far as I can tell there's some sites that are flash-only, so if you'll be learning a new language from scratch then it looks like a strong choice.

Re: Making a text based flash game like corruption of champi

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:03 pm
by AhzeckAhriman
splendidostrich Wrote:When it comes to deciding what to write a game in, there's a lot of things to consider. CoC is a fairly large and complex game, at least by the standards of a one-person project. Writing & programming something on that scale can reasonably be expected to take many thousands of hours of work. As such, it's worth taking a bit of time to weigh up the options before starting so you choose one that works for you. That isn't something I did myself - I just went for Java & Swing because it was something I was familiar with. Now, I think that while Java is fine, starting with a different UI instead of Swing would have had a lot of advantages.

One important thing with Flash is that using it lets you put your game on the various flash game sites, and that way it can have a lot of hits. As a non-flash game creator whose game needs to be downloaded to be played, I find it much harder to get it out to large numbers of people and I think that I'll look into a browser-based UI if I make another game afterwards. For me that'll probably be HTML5, because I can use my Java skills there without learning flash, but as far as I can tell there's some sites that are flash-only, so if you'll be learning a new language from scratch then it looks like a strong choice.

Thank you for the input! I'm trying to figure out where to even find my flash player so I can get started seeing what I need to do XD. And now that I think about it, I did read a post saying the reason why fenoxo stopped supporting CoC was because it was his trial run therefore it was un-needfully complex, I guess i\I should of said TiTs.

Re: Making a text based flash game like corruption of champi

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:36 am
by AhzeckAhriman
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:I think flash is not a bad solution for making simple not 3d games.

How do you like your game look like ? May be there are even more simple solutions of your idea with out flash. (For example html + java script) or some thing like that.

I like flash for examples - but i do not made big complicated projects on it - have nos so much motivation and complex idea of what to do and how it have to look like.

Action script is language that can let you operate with frames - it is simple - for example you can use some algoritms and go to different frames (pages) with different names (or numbers that is not good solution some times). You can put different text scenario or animations on them and buttons. When you click on buttons you will go to some frame with for example some names.

As i think it is very simple for creation simple text game - if i understand your idea.

Can you please say more about your game ?

Well I did plan on making a more economic after so many hours of akabur's princess trainer/slavemaker/Corruption of Champions/Breeding Season, I planned on making a slavery game based around sex slavery economics like:
Buying/selling/trade/whoring slaves. Going from small hut scraping by doing whatever to you feel is right to break your slaves either by making them willing obey you by being a good caring owner, or breaking them by making them fear you of being raped/breed or beaten to a villa of hundreds of slaves you've captured or bought and training a few to be in your special circle of slaves
Buying and upgrading your house and keeping yourself in good standing with the locals. Im still in the early stages of creating the story and this already sounds like a lot, but then for now Im going to have a lot of time on my hands so.