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SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:15 pm
by Mattis
Hi everyone!

I'm currently developping a big evolutive hentai rpg mmo flash game (all that?? Well, "technically", yes), since more than a year, with amazing results so far!
I'm not perfect, far from it, but if you don't know my games, even just KoPC, you're in for VERY nice surprises, lol!

The universe is an exotic scifi landscape, where your character, as a newcomer, will learn to master strange and newborn sexual powers.
Gather color ressources, learn your ways through the locals, build your clan and challenge other 'offworlders' around!

Game pros so far :
1 - a revolutionnary gender engine : your bodytype (male or female), your genitals (male or female), your role (fucker, fuckee, random), partners you prefer (male, female, both, dickgirl, pussyboy) : all that are separated custom options. But wait : all stories adapt to what you choose! NPCs, dialogs, it all follows, making Sexforge an amazing experience as an hetero male as is, but one of the only and most massive experience (at the same time) for 100% gay or 100% lesbian or 100% futa or bi adventure or whatever other combination you like! (AND you can change it at will if not satisfied!)
2 - fucking multiplayer! With tournament module implemented and working, as far as I know, it's the only flash game where you design the character you want, and can go fuck dozens of other players' characters!
3 - a massive customisation system, full of options! (again : if you played KoPC, you'll know I'm not joking on those stuff!)
4 - an open engine, story-wise, that unfolds a big tree-branched universe and can go into various and massive campaigns!
5 - sex animations built as some pokemon system : you gather them in your catalog, and pick the ones you want to play with, nothing is forced! Which will allow me to represent a huge array of fetish without displeasing anyone! Oh, did I mention they also adapt to your gender/role/orientation options, each animations having all alternative versions needed for everyone's pleasure?
5 - well, harems, with farm-fucking & breeding to come!

Game cons so far :
1 - It's still an alpha, loads of modules will take patience to come up! Every problem can be link to that.
2 - gameplay is almost absent, for now, for example. Well, you click around gathering loads of ressources in a lot of various fuck stage types, but there's no skill tree as is or inventory or things like that.
3 - it's reserved for patreon supporters, for the moment. Alone and with so much to do and regular bugs to fix, I can't "open" the game for now, it would just bring thousands of people breaking the whole thing before I could even say a word, and I already have to spend a truckload of hours to administrate/moderate/answer to supporters, I wouldn't be able to develop the game anymore if I had to handle whole communities, alas. But if you want in (search the patreon on google), you're welcome, because it's what make the game possible, in the end! (support for arts, server, and the thousands of hours invested in developing it!)

Now for a teaser showing some current very early development.
I will try to upload development screenshots as we go, though.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

teaser_5.swf [ 383.82 KiB | Viewed 24288 times ]

[MOD EDIT] Removed Patreon link, moved to Creative Discussion because this is advertising.

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:44 pm
by Biles

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:49 pm
by VintageBass
Hmmm, well, I will be happy to work on this for you, get all of the errors out of the way, and maybe make some sweet content for you, too!

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:13 pm
by Biles
You know, it might be me but I think the head may seem a tad too small, especially when it comes to taken into account different body types.

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:44 am
by Terrantor!!!
We have just witnessed a good thing. I like your models, lol.

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:42 am
by Mattis
Thx !
VintageBass : and I'll be happy to have you around, of course ;)

For the heads (like for hands, too) : yes, not every parts looks good on everything (and they will surely even less on every pose), we got a hard time finding a compromise between volumetric stylish look, ragdoll handling, and demultiplication of body parts.
We wouldn't like having to work for weeks to add a single new head because the system got exponential, in the future.
So... work in progress! :D

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:24 am
by Biles
Mattis Wrote:Thx !
VintageBass : and I'll be happy to have you around, of course ;)

For the heads (like for hands, too) : yes, not every parts looks good on everything (and they will surely even less on every pose), we got a hard time finding a compromise between volumetric stylish look, ragdoll handling, and demultiplication of body parts.
We wouldn't like having to work for weeks to add a single new head because the system got exponential, in the future.
So... work in progress! :D

Couldn't you write a piece of code that would change the size of the body parts MC to accommodate whenever a user selects a certain specific body type?

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:03 am
by koraland
really looking forward to more of this!

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:10 am
by Bad Idea
Hey, nice! I was hoping we'd see more models drawn from the 3/4 perspective! :D

I'm looking forward to this one. Cookie-clicker is an oddly appropriate genre for this sort of game. It's like, why didn't I think of that? :P

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:15 am
by VintageBass
Bad Idea Wrote:Hey, nice! I was hoping we'd see more models drawn from the 3/4 perspective! :D

I'm looking forward to this one. Cookie-clicker is an oddly appropriate genre for this sort of game. It's like, why didn't I think of that? :P

Well there was plans for a futanari version of the game, but seeing that I do have some ties to this game... I know this is going to be more RPG. Then again, I don't know much about things, other than I just write things. So I got a universe to build.

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:07 am
by Mattis
Futa, not futa, gay, straight : it's all a question of choice of customs, in this engine, and is already working. ;)
Being dominant or dominee will be trickier.

Will be RPG and Clicker, both. And MMO, too. And much more, all those things don't contradict each other.
(it's usually more the players, that refuse this or that stuff around, and that will make me have to create shortcuts of all kinds, lol)

Biles : seems you really are into big heads, on you own work, lol!
But that could be a nice addition.
About making a small piece of code : yeah, would be easy as hell, but the problem is it's not a small game, nor a closed one.
Those who follow my KoPC development know it : you got to structure things for maybe years of additions of all kind, and you can very very easily, down the road, be stuck by ultra-heavy engines because they weren't prepared for all the stuff you added and tweaked.
(when we will reach 70 sex poses and hundreds of scenarios, quests, fetishs, customs, little options and all, like in KoPC, all that I say now will make much more sense, lol)

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:05 pm
by supersatanson
heey, Mattis! I'm also eager to see more of the game, even if I work on it too! Your animations are always really good and fluid, I love that.
I know this project can be awesome, so let's do our best! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:26 am
by Mattis
Indeed !

Sorry for not giving tons of news on that project (even if I post new stuff & infos every 2 days on the patreon page), but I'm working my ass off on it.
I figure it would speaks volume to just sprint towards the first alpha version, to give everyone something to play and get their teeths on, and THEN build everything else from that, than just "talking in abstracts" for now. (moreover when the structure, universe and all are still under development)

Anyway, progressing greatly on lots of aspects, those days!
Still way to go, it's a big ass project, but it will come around!

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:53 pm
by supersatanson
Better to have a good structure, so you can go faster in the future. If the first stages of development are rushed, unexpected things will pop up and slow down the process down the road.
Good luck and keep up the great job! :D

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:55 am
by WC Gordan
Well, Subscribing on Patreon really worth it. Well right now it is far from finished, but it has some interesting stuff already... It has nice graphics, dialogues are proofread (by yours truly), for now not much of a game ready, but most of the basic stuff is up and running, Character creations, some NPCs, few sex scenes... Better than nothing, and Mattis is really hardworking and tries to have something to show ready often. =)

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:24 pm
by Mattis
Indeed. Update released just one hour ago, with new features. SSS is finishing too new NPCs couple, a secret lad and I are working on more poses too, and I got new quests boiling-up in the back.
New stuff are always coming ^^

(WC gordan : get ready for my atrocious orthograph, more is coming! :p)

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:59 pm
by Mattis
It's been sometimes now, and I got a whooole lot of stuff to do!
But I try to keep everyone updated now that the game start to have much more significant elements!
Shop, slot-machine, much more customs options, mechanics, fixes, quests, NPCs, locations, features, everything!
I joined a bunch of new screens from page (sorry for the blur! It's merely an echo of their confuse NSFW policy!) to show where we're at, those days!
Have fun!

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:32 pm
by ElPresidente
Looks good, but proportions still need work.

Simply giving a man boobs isn't enough to make convincing women. Broad shoulders look off.

Also, no-balls futa should be an option.

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:37 am
by thetruemog
I would support but I don't put money online (personal policy)

Re: SexForge, hentai clicker rpg !

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:37 am
by Mattis
the truemog : I can understand that, yep, that's why I take time to bring all those infos here and there from time to time, instead of just saying "yeah, go to the p-page". Sexforge ought to be access-free at some point, anyway, it's just that for now, we both need ressources for development and limited number of players, to avoid some massive server rush & crash while not even having finish the engine and secure it properly, lol :)

Elpresidente : for proportions, everyone got their tastes, so far the community loved this style, since several games.
That said, it's more a problem of having a very versatile engine. You can't have everything at the same time : an awesome 2D static style and sexy feeling, and an ultra customizable and adaptative character engine. (unless you do 3D, mo-cap and all. But it's not the same scale of project, to say the least, lol!)
We just do our best, and we're only a tiny tiny team of flawed humans ;)

I've programmed the no-balls option, though (futa or not), it was a nice catch.

Also : first draft for multiplayer 'interaction', yeah! xD