Hentai Hero X: Monstergirl RPG
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:28 pm
Welcome to Hentai Hero X, a new Hentai flash game currently being developed by myself and two other professional associates. In Hentai Hero X you play a male/female human from the normal world who unexpectedly gets pulled through a portal, landing in a world filled with monsters, beasts and demons. Explore a fantasy universe inspired by the classic "Corruption of Champions" text game, but with its own unique flavor and stunning visual designs.
Were always looking for new talent for the project, if your interested in the project please contact me at my email [email protected] Currently I'm seeking out more script writers, additional artists & programmers with AS3 experience.
New art is being commissioned every week, be sure to check out the games development at my blogspot http://hentaiherox.blogspot.com/
Our current goal is to have a free playable demo ready for you by the end of January 2015!
You can view and support the newest content by donating $1 per each monstergirl artwork submitted at my Patreon page. http://www.patreon.com/HentaiHeroX