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Any finished projects?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:33 am
by thetruemog
I hope this is a good place to post this. I was wondering if someone could tell me of some finished or semi finished games here since the finished games thread is never updated.I ask as I am looking for more then just sexy animations I want at least some gameplay.

Re: Any finished projects?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:46 am
by Terrantor!!!
Welcome to the community!!! This is indeed a valid discussion topic, however it doesn't really leave a lot to discuss about. The question is too open ended. Try bringing some research in or telling us what your interests are and I'm sure we can find a good game out there for you. Have you tried a decent paysite? sells individual games that are geared towards adults. They are not too well produced so the most you'll get are some nice CGI and animations w/ very limited gameplay. But what more could you want, lol?

I know a guy named Anon_42. Really cool and is currently building a great piece of work on Patreon. The nature of the game is right up your alley. If you fund his project, you have exclusive access to his build. I think you only need $1 per update for access.

Re: Any finished projects?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:13 pm
by Mattis
Well... I've made a dozen complete flash games for now, with very diverse gameplays/minigames, if you want to check them. (see my signature)
Also, most "LoK" games released so far can be found searching the topics, or spreaded all over the web. (I find mine on or, since some years)

But as Terrantor!!! said, that depends a lot on what you search exactly, and if you search specifically for the projects developped by people here, or for anything hentai. Google is your friend anyway ^^

Re: Any finished projects?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:55 am
by thetruemog
Terrantor!!! Wrote:Welcome to the community!!! This is indeed a valid discussion topic, however it doesn't really leave a lot to discuss about. The question is too open ended. Try bringing some research in or telling us what your interests are and I'm sure we can find a good game out there for you. Have you tried a decent paysite? sells individual games that are geared towards adults. They are not too well produced so the most you'll get are some nice CGI and animations w/ very limited gameplay. But what more could you want, lol?

I know a guy named Anon_42. Really cool and is currently building a great piece of work on Patreon. The nature of the game is right up your alley. If you fund his project, you have exclusive access to his build. I think you only need $1 per update for access.

well I mainly am looking for something that has story as well as the adult scenes such as rpgs harem collector is one I found and enjoyed I did enjoy lok vg I just don't like when its pure sex scenes i mean story and gameplay are what I look for especially when it has alternate choices and paths in them its just awesome that way alot of the topics I do find seem to be abandoned games here sadly so yeah I also love mechanic where you can cusyomize the character these are just some of the things I hope to find especially the story I made this topic because its hard to find the finished ones also if anyone is in progress of a game making I'd love to help with ideas

Re: Any finished projects?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:45 am
by Off Topic
Hi there! I'm in progress with a game and struggling to add it some non-linear features. I'm about to build an alpha to test out it's gameplay and see if it's funny enough, then I'm looking forward to hear opinions and see how far I can push it. So consider to stick around :D

Anyway, as Terrantor and Mattis said, you can find a lot of good stuff on this forum if you look carefully into other creative areas or people's signature; it's true that some of the games are on hiatus or delayed, but that's just because making them it's a hard work that requires time, help the authors by showing them your support! :D