Run-or-Rape games are the norm here and in Japan~
For a detailed explanation:
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A common trait amongst men is a need to be 'dominant' to a subordinate, partner, or loved one; an instinct forged by the need to protect them and to enforce your way of thinking as 'right'.
Now, subset meanings aside, the dominant aspect of a male's mind translates to various physical ideals as well as mental. That being said, it can be assumed (and is most commonly proven) that men approve of the sight of one being subservient, obedient, and willing and able (sometimes eager) to please those of 'greater power' per say. This releases endorphins through the pleasure center of the brain, not causing pleasure itself, but enabling the ability to. The ability to see (or in our cases, command) one of a lower status to do (to point and far) what is 'expected of them' leads to plenty of this happening.
Dominance aside, there's also the universal power-fantasy
"But Myuu," you interject, "our character isn't weak! We literally have the power to wipe out or dodge every enemy in the game! Where's the 'dominance' factor in that?"
To which I answer, "Harumph!" and beat you with my hickory cane! But before that happened, I laid out some mad theories and facts on you, son!
The idea of gaining power is a universal thought that passes through everyone's mind more commonly than, "Where should I eat?" I've had my fair share of power fantasies. I can't recount the various ways I'd love to run Cambodia, but I can tell you for a fact that I have one!
But as alluring gaining power is in the common mind, the thought of losing power is a more interesting one. In the course of erotic games however, it's an almost appealing one. Allow me a minute!
Although women and men watch porn in equal measure, men have a statistical 5x bonus to activity. Match that up with any porn website featuring videos (or in our case, games) and you have your obvious marketed demographic. Now that we know who we're marketing towards, take their thoughts, laden instincts, and highest kinks into consideration. Now factor in the dominance aspect. Men enjoy being dominant. But how can they? On LOK games, they're the women.
So you experiment. You're a powerful female character, able to kill just about anything. Cool huh? But wait, if they get too close, what's this? You're restrained. Helpless. Bound to whatever mercies your opponent sets for you. Which would just so happen come in the form of a large, erected penis before you.
Thus the mentality changes. Power shifts to helplessness. Mighty to subservient. Were this a male character, you'd want revenge. But, more often than not, you find yourself intrigued. Moreso because she's a female character. A strong one, who has been captured by a boss, a grunt, a pest, or something even lower. She wasn't you, so you have no legitimate attachment to her. So maybe, now that she's had her fun and power, she's been 'put in her place,' so to speak?
This goes back to the dominance factor. YOU want to be powerful. YOU want to be the big man. YOU want to hold all the cards (speaking of the average male, so it doesn't apply all-around). So match that powerful someone who can't truly be you (because of the mental gender gap) who has just been forced to submit to a male character (whom you feel you can relate to in a way) and now has to submit to any treatment by him (and possibly others) and you have a mental play on the male mind that subconsciously MAKES you want to be helpless, MAKES you want to run half-naked, and MAKES you want to be caught, all for the sake of the rise of endorphins to the pleasure center of your brain.
That's why it's so popular.
Not that it would apply to you. This comes from the 'average male' statement. There are those who hate it, ignore it, or just don't react to it the same way. A person's upbringing really affects instincts, so there's bound to be those special strays~
...that being said, what of female players? Surely there's been one or some?
Well... I kinda have a sub kink thing going, so... meh.
That being explained, it's obvious you'll need to aim at your core audience! If you're asking the LOK site for advice, expect LOK-game suggestions, such as, but not limited to~
- Monster Rape
- A plot that's there, but not really
- A LOT of dicks
Now, what would I like?
- Maybe progressive clothing loss as I take damage (only at certain thresholds, though. A layer and amount of health depending on what you're wearing, so it should be three bars (armor, clothes, underwear)
- Animated Sex after a loss. Two per enemy would be great. One is alright, but three? Three gets you a fan, as well as people who'll lose a lot :/
- Other things, but first, maybe answer some questions.
Besides Mister "The" D's questions, I'd like to know: You said "I had an idea of maybe if you die to orcs you maybe end up as a slave for them." Now, would you CONTINUE as their slave, or would that be a game over? As for 'Prostitution', you could always integrate that as a way to make money