hey all you coders and creators

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hey all you coders and creators

Postby graceflower » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:11 am

hey everyone ive just been looking at the creative corner and wow, all those games and creations are amazing and we'll * blush * rather exciting, but i hadn't seen and 2 player or multiplayer flash games, and i was wondering is it possible and is anyone interested in making one ?
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby BlueLight » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:49 pm

possible yes but we'd be forced to up are game with design. In java i've been thinking of doing a few multi computer things but as game is right now out of the questions.

The problem is that you basically have to make a hand shake system.
You'll be forced to make a server program.
nobody knows what they're doing.

You have to have have a good idea what you're doing.

Again, in theory somebody here could in java or java. RPG maker i believe is a no no, and same with rags.
Last edited by BlueLight on Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby graceflower » Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:28 pm

Ahh ok =] well it was just a thought =P maybe one day someone will be able too =D
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby GoRepeat » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:09 pm

two players on the same computer would be easy, but the problem with multiplayer flash games is that you need server space somewhere to centrally store the data. The flash game can act as a front end client and share the data between users, but the external data still has to end up somewhere. There is also a difference between live multiplayer (instant communication) and shared multiplayer (elements from anther player loaded). The second is a lot easier that the first.... like the difference between double dragon type game and a pokemon battle type game. The one needs info constantly updated, the other just needs to load a characters variables and "play" them against the current user.

It is interesting, but pretty intensive to work out correctly.
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby BlueLight » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:36 pm

Gorepete Wrote:two players on the same computer would be easy, but the problem with multiplayer flash games is that you need server space somewhere to centrally store the data. The flash game can act as a front end client and share the data between users, but the external data still has to end up somewhere. There is also a difference between live multiplayer (instant communication) and shared multiplayer (elements from anther player loaded). The second is a lot easier that the first.... like the difference between double dragon type game and a pokemon battle type game. The one needs info constantly updated, the other just needs to load a characters variables and "play" them against the current user.

It is interesting, but pretty intensive to work out correctly.

Well couldn't you have the client of one computer also act like the server? yes we're practically trusting them not to cheat,
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:52 pm

As a flash user i can say - that yes 1 to 1 and 1 to many players game is possible to make on flash. I see some games like this in social webs.

I do not make such a games but i make a simple chats on flash - the idea is the same:

You need to create a server (for example PHP) - and client flash.
How it works:

Server send messages to both flash and they send massages to it. After flash Read and calculate some action on its side it send massage to server and etc.

It is just a theory - in realization part it is not such simple ;)

Just lets try take a simple game like chess without any optimizations.

We have 2 players. One make a move - it sends to server for example: we2e3 - the another flash reads it - and moves white object in e2 to 3 e and etc.

But for example - where is it possible to use in porn game ? I do not think that people will be interested to choose how there cherecters will fuck or etc :lol:
Yes my dear - i want to use Pose nubmer 5 - oh no i do not want it - only Pose 4/6/7 - ok let it be 7 and they se ies animation - new sex online game :lol: Just a joke :lol:

In action games too - it is not so simple - yo have to send message as soon as you want your game be dinamical. Any changes = message. Any move = message.
For free servers i do not think that they let you to do it. 2 much use of there CPU. For example to make it on private server - but then you will need to not to shut down you PC :mrgreen:

It is another solution for 2 player games to for example - peer to peer communications. You connect 2 players and they play like 2 player game on old schoool gaming platforms for example. The same like with server - but with out it :roll: - so if you wil not need to pay for server - but you will notneed with server too if only 2 players in game ether.


The same game will work on smartfons and PC - anywhere whee flash does.May be it will even work if turn it too apc for smartphone. But i did not test it like that. But the main idea is - that it is hard to make as you already understand.

You need to use more then just a flash - so it takes time.
Then you need to make good content for game in flash - it takes time like to create just a same game on flash but 1.5-2 times more - for optimize it work with server.
And then the hell starts - you will need too optimize and test it. Remove mistakes - mistakes with "if one player have bad traffic" / "to much gamers" and etc.

So it will take i think 3-5 times more time then just make a ordinary game on flash.

Lets showon simple example for example chess:
To make a simple game like chess where 2 players play from one keyboard and PC - will take less then a week.
To make it play on the internet - 2-3 weeks. If the same 2 players will play it and only they.
To make more players - 1 -3 weeks more. And in future some time to fix possible bugs and work with server lugs politics and etc - if it become more players.

It is like not real number but i think it is near a real - may be real wil even take more time. And it is just for a simple game like chess.

For example some arcade games was made by i think near year time. And some of them were made more then one human. So it will take a lot of time.
And if make some thing like that it is good to make big content - it will take very many time.
Or just make it simple - with simple idea like chess and etc - or note to hard game algoritms where there are some step by step game play - for example like Heroes of Might and Magic and etc.

So for some thing like this it have to be some global idea and a lot of people who will do it. And as i understand people there do not like global ideas :mrgreen: - thats why i think some projects there fail. Lets name this communication problems :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby IrrelevantComment » Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:54 am

So long as you are creating asynchronous multiplayer (meaning the communication isn't instantaneous), it isn't all that difficult, you just need to use the right software. For Flash, http://playerio.com/ is pretty good. They host the servers and provide most of the code you need, for free.
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby IrrelevantComment » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:01 am

Fuck it, challenge accepted.
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby BlueLight » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:18 am

LOK in AS3 with one person playing the lizard and one as krystal?
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:36 pm


I see some where a fan comics where Samus and Renamon went to save Krystal ;)
But i really can not see idea for multiplayer there :roll: Thousand of krystals are getting rape on a tiny island :lol: :mrgreen:
But for example some kind of players ingame chat may be can be interesting - to let al players who play this game chat.
May be multiplayer can be possible to but just can not get idea for that :lol: - when i remember AS2 LoK version - it is one player game - i do not even know how to add anybody there by its strory.


It is good ;) Can you then teach us please ;) :mrgreen:
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Re: hey all you coders and creators

Postby Thaedael » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:01 am

Gorepete Wrote:two players on the same computer would be easy, but the problem with multiplayer flash games is that you need server space somewhere to centrally store the data. The flash game can act as a front end client and share the data between users, but the external data still has to end up somewhere. There is also a difference between live multiplayer (instant communication) and shared multiplayer (elements from anther player loaded). The second is a lot easier that the first.... like the difference between double dragon type game and a pokemon battle type game. The one needs info constantly updated, the other just needs to load a characters variables and "play" them against the current user.

It is interesting, but pretty intensive to work out correctly.

We did this way back in the day with an advance wars clone with java. If your game ever grows faster than the income you use to host the server, it's a world of hurt.

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